It's dangerous being a Christian.

Hmmmm, desire to wage war? I struggle with this. You could very well be right, but I really don't know for sure. I think we get stubborn in our beliefs, whether it's belief in an Almighty or belief in genetic superiority. The desire is to defend our beliefs and unfortunately that sometimes outweighs the importance of human life.As for lust for land, wealth, and power.... we'll always give ourselves excuses before admitting to that.
yes. desire to wage war. there are, have been and always will be those who are more than willing to take by force that which will not be given to them willingly. i believe and will stand by what i said.
ohhh man what a thing! lol @ pro tip...those weren't Christians, I couldn't even bother to read back to see if that is what was claimed............' PLEASE...... I agree with ya on that one Buck. The unbearable

from wiki:

"In addition to Jews, the targeted groups included Poles (of whom 2.5 million gentile Poles were killed) and some other Slavic peoples; Soviets (particularly prisoners of war); Romanies (also known as Gypsies) and others who did not belong to the "Aryan race"; the mentally ill, the deaf, the physically disabled and mentally retarded; homosexual and transsexual people; political opponents such as social democrats and socialists; and religious dissidents, i.e. members of Jehovah's Witnesses.[2][3] Taking into account all of the victims of Nazi persecution, they systematically killed an estimated six million Jews and mass murdered an additional eleven million people during the war. Donald Niewyk suggests that the broadest definition, including Soviet civilian deaths would produce a death toll of 17 million.[4]"
from wiki:

"In addition to Jews, the targeted groups included Poles (of whom 2.5 million gentile Poles were killed) and some other Slavic peoples; Soviets (particularly prisoners of war); Romanies (also known as Gypsies) and others who did not belong to the "Aryan race"; the mentally ill, the deaf, the physically disabled and mentally retarded; homosexual and transsexual people; political opponents such as social democrats and socialists; and religious dissidents, i.e. members of Jehovah's Witnesses.[2][3] Taking into account all of the victims of Nazi persecution, they systematically killed an estimated six million Jews and mass murdered an additional eleven million people during the war. Donald Niewyk suggests that the broadest definition, including Soviet civilian deaths would produce a death toll of 17 million.[4]"

So? they weren't all Christians tho were they ??? oh news flash aswell!!! HITLER was a Catholic OK???? Pope Pious the 2nd is still under investigation for neglecting his duties to save the Jewish people.....(even tho hes dead ffs) That's why you get a nice reply from uncle buck, Wikipedia? lolol that can be changed by anyone, look, ill put in it in a mo that Hitler is infact still alive and works down my local chip shop......Pleeeeeeaaaaassssseeeeeeeeeeeee..........yaaaaawn
So? they weren't all Christians tho were they ??? oh news flash aswell!!! HITLER was a Catholic OK???? Pope Pious the 2nd is still under investigation for neglecting his duties to save the Jewish people.....(even tho hes dead ffs) That's why you get a nice reply from uncle buck, Wikipedia? lolol that can be changed by anyone, look, ill put in it in a mo that Hitler is infact still alive and works down my local chip shop......Pleeeeeeaaaaassssseeeeeeeeeeeee..........yaaaaawn the red - that's the part right there where I think to myself "should've had a V8".
If your on about the V2 Rocket....yeah and they worked didn't they? lolololol my granddad used to tell me storys about the POWs used to piss on the Gyros of the V2's that's why they fucked up lol, when it was time to launch the urine had corroded all the parts inside the Gyros' lololol hats of to them, unheard Heroes.
yes. desire to wage war. there are, have been and always will be those who are more than willing to take by force that which will not be given to them willingly. i believe and will stand by what i said.

Fair enough. See and to me I don't see it as a flat out "desire to wage war". War is just a tool to fulfill other desires ie "something that will not be given to them willingly". War is the result of desire, desire breeds war.
The yearning for chaos and destruction, even if sometimes unnoticeable... it is in us all.

Even picking a flower to give to someone you love...

Think about it...
The yearning for chaos and destruction, even if sometimes unnoticeable... it is in us all.

Even picking a flower to give to someone you love...

Think about it...

See, i'm still not convinced. When I pick a flower for a loved one I don't do it out of a yearning for chaos and destruction, I do it out of a yearning to do a nice thing and make that loved one feel good. I am so focussed or "narrow-minded" on the desire to please said loved one that I'm ignorant to the fact that it is actually killing the flower. The death of the flower is insignificant compared to the approval of the loved one.

I don't yearn or have desire for war, chaos, and destruction. Those things are found in the wake of my pursuit for land, power, and wealth. No?

See, i'm still not convinced. When I pick a flower for a loved one I don't do it out of a yearning for chaos and destruction, I do it out of a yearning to do a nice thing and make that loved one feel good. I am so focussed or "narrow-minded" on the desire to please said loved one that I'm ignorant to the fact that it is actually killing the flower. The death of the flower is insignificant compared to the approval of the loved one.

I don't yearn or have desire for war, chaos, and destruction. Those things are found in the wake of my pursuit for land, power, and wealth. No?

I was just making the point that sometimes we cause chaos, destruction or suffering without noticing it, without even thinking about it.

Do you like boxing, or football, or any violent movies or television shows? War movies, karate movies, animal documentaries, marvel movies, comic books, science fiction novels, zombie movies? Why do we watch them... why do we read them? Why do we choose to willfully subject ourselves to such violence? Why are we so entertained by this chaos and destruction? Yes, we can understand that most of it's all...fake, or made up, or acted out, but can we achieve the understanding of WHY we like to observe and watch these things?

Because it's in all of us.

Nobody wants to admit it... but we all know it.

It reminds me of any type of applied philosophy or theology;

"We all know that we don't know what the fuck is going on right now, if all of this reality is either a dream, a hell, a heaven, purgatory, a simulation, the beginning, the end... but nobody wants to admit that they don't know."

Knowing can sometimes be a scary thing, but i think not knowing... can be infinitely more terrifying.
Of the 11 million people killed during the Holocaust, six million were Polish citizens. Three million were Polish Jews and another three million were Polish Christians and Catholics. Most of the remaining mortal victims were from other countries including Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Russia, Holland, France and even Germany.

"All Poles will disappear from the world.... It is essential that the great German people should consider it as its major task to destroy all Poles." Heinrich Himmler

3 million Christians in Poland alone. The body count is hard to define since there is no real numbers exist on the complete total wiped out. But I'd say that it is 5 million Christians easy throughout the war-civilians only.
Of the 11 million people killed during the Holocaust, six million were Polish citizens. Three million were Polish Jews and another three million were Polish Christians and Catholics. Most of the remaining mortal victims were from other countries including Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Russia, Holland, France and even Germany.

"All Poles will disappear from the world.... It is essential that the great German people should consider it as its major task to destroy all Poles." Heinrich Himmler

3 million Christians in Poland alone. The body count is hard to define since there is no real numbers exist on the complete total wiped out. But I'd say that it is 5 million Christians easy throughout the war-civilians only.
yeah yeah yeah, what about romania? was you there to witness what the Serb Christians did to the Albanians? and Rwanda? please..........stop harping on about the war and catch up ....... oh and ill think you'll find the Polish Chritians, orthodox or not and Catholics were 'Ex Communicated' by the lovely pope at the time. Giving hitler freedom to do what he did, oh and where did all the surviving Polish go? here. UK. They were the best damn pilots we had with a better reason to fight without fear, REVENGE. If it werent for them and others we would of probavbly lost the battle of britain, So yeah christians kill christians etc.....All in the name of ? Power NOT Religion. Religion is just a scapegoat.
Fair enough. See and to me I don't see it as a flat out "desire to wage war". War is just a tool to fulfill other desires ie "something that will not be given to them willingly". War is the result of desire, desire breeds war.
fair enough.
amen dude, its amazing but F%^& a pharasee. it sucks when they and regular preacher dont want to here the message and then curse the man standing. pray me me brothers and sisters, some one just the same pulled the i dont want to hear God card.I ask and in return God told me in more ways than one what it was.
Oh, and I would just like to say..

Easter is not christian or related to the bible in ANY way.

That is why I don't celebrate it. I don't like Christmas either.

Just the "church" allowing pagans tradition to leach into their traditions.
Oh, and I would just like to say..

Easter is not christian or related to the bible in ANY way.

That is why I don't celebrate it. I don't like Christmas either.

Just the "church" allowing pagans tradition to leach into their traditions.

Yup i agree totally, but i still like christmas and easter eggs for my kids etc... but they are all very aware that this is the 'old religion' merged into the new. Christmas trees etc... or yew tree? Excellent Post FlamingPie.
I was just making the point that sometimes we cause chaos, destruction or suffering without noticing it, without even thinking about it.

Do you like boxing, or football, or any violent movies or television shows? War movies, karate movies, animal documentaries, marvel movies, comic books, science fiction novels, zombie movies? Why do we watch them... why do we read them? Why do we choose to willfully subject ourselves to such violence? Why are we so entertained by this chaos and destruction? Yes, we can understand that most of it's all...fake, or made up, or acted out, but can we achieve the understanding of WHY we like to observe and watch these things?

Because it's in all of us.

Nobody wants to admit it... but we all know it.

It reminds me of any type of applied philosophy or theology;

"We all know that we don't know what the fuck is going on right now, if all of this reality is either a dream, a hell, a heaven, purgatory, a simulation, the beginning, the end... but nobody wants to admit that they don't know."

Knowing can sometimes be a scary thing, but i think not knowing... can be infinitely more terrifying.

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