It's Class Warfare Alright.


Well-Known Member
i accept a view of history that sees history as what it is.

it is revisionists such as yourself that try to spin history.

i'm still anxious to know how you know exactly what the founding fathers were thinking.... voodoo??? santeria??? a crystal ball perhaps???

Hmm, how do we know what they were thinking. Could it be the myriad of writings they penned about their beliefs?

Pen and paper, the new voodoo?

While the religious right is guilty of plenty, revisionist history BELONGS to the Progressive movement.

jeff f

New Member
not at all.

the REAL problem lies in your mentality: take take take, forget that this country of ours is not intended to be used solely for your benefit without giving back in any way.

if everyone employed your morality, this country would be a shit hole. luckily, those that came before you and i were not selfish dumb bastards like you.

put down the ayn rand. seriously, that shit is rotting your brain and the basic foundation of decency that this country stands upon.
coming from a guy that purposefully pays ZERO taxes to help the poor, this post means a lot.....


Well-Known Member
i'd like to know where the founding fathers reasoned that closing tax loopholes for ultra-profitable multi-national corporations amounted to tyranny.

i'd also like to know where the founding fathers agreed that special interests, not the interests of the people, were the main issues for politicians to consider.

i'd like to know where the founding fathers said "corporations are legal people and are therefore afforded every right a natural person is afforded"

enlighten us.


Well-Known Member
coming from a guy that purposefully pays ZERO taxes to help the poor, this post means a lot.....
what thread was it where you admitted to dancing around laws with your employees and collecting unemployment? i am too lazy to look, and know that you, helpful person that you are, will be happy to point me in the direction of your admitted tax evasion.



New Member
what thread was it where you admitted to dancing around laws with your employees and collecting unemployment? i am too lazy to look, and know that you, helpful person that you are, will be happy to point me in the direction of your admitted tax evasion.

You left out He has them on 1099s with no workers comp coverage


Well-Known Member
he tries to blame obama for what's wrong with this country but he himself is part of the problem.

can't run a business honestly, taking shortcuts, trying to make the quick and easy buck... it's progressives!!

it's not greed!!! lol

jeff, you should be ashamed of yourself. FRAUD!!!

jeff f

New Member
what thread was it where you admitted to dancing around laws with your employees and collecting unemployment? i am too lazy to look, and know that you, helpful person that you are, will be happy to point me in the direction of your admitted tax evasion.

Only one big difference, i don't preach about how everyone else should be paying more in taxes.

You know kinda like all the folks in dumbos cabinet and king of the hypocrisy buffet.

If I were you I wouldn't pay either, but unlike you, i wouldn't turn my neighbor in for doing the same


New Member
Only one big difference, i don't preach about how everyone else should be paying more in taxes.

You know kinda like all the folks in dumbos cabinet and king of the hypocrisy buffet.

If I were you I wouldn't pay either, but unlike you, i wouldn't turn my neighbor in for doing the same
So exactly what are we supposed to fund the running of our country on?

jeff f

New Member
he tries to blame obama for what's wrong with this country but he himself is part of the problem.

can't run a business honestly, taking shortcuts, trying to make the quick and easy buck... it's progressives!!

it's not greed!!! lol

jeff, you should be ashamed of yourself. FRAUD!!!

Yes, so ashamed for working, so ashamed. I should stimulate the economy and go on foodstamps and fire the guys I pay.

That's the American Spirit


Well-Known Member
Only one big difference, i don't preach about how everyone else should be paying more in taxes.

You know kinda like all the folks in dumbos cabinet and king of the hypocrisy buffet.

If I were you I wouldn't pay either, but unlike you, i wouldn't turn my neighbor in for doing the same
i don't preach that everyone should pay more taxes, only the uber wealthy and corporations who rape the tax code. are you happy that warren buffet's secretary pays a greater percentage in taxes than warren buffet?

and i would not turn in my neighbor for tax evasion. i would let that happen all on its own.

hell, even the wealthy people i know don't care if the tax rates return to clinton levels. as he put it, $3k in taxes to make another $100k is something he would take ALL DAY LONG. you would have to be plain stupid not to take that.


Well-Known Member
Yes, so ashamed for working, so ashamed. I should stimulate the economy and go on foodstamps and fire the guys I pay.

That's the American Spirit
he isn't saying you should be ashamed for working, he is saying you should be ashamed for tax evasion.


Well-Known Member
Higher percentage eh?


That (insert high number here, we'll use 30%) on $50,000(fictional number) is way more money than 15%(again, all hypothetical) on 1,000,000,000.(Sarcasm)

Sure, that number next to the percent sign looks bad, but how much actual money was paid in taxes by each?

Hint: It was the rich fuck that paid more.

Math Proof:



Hell, lets be really nice to the rich fuck. 1% tax


Thats a lot of dough!


Well-Known Member
it's a lower tax rate eve nthough the billionaire makes over 1,000% more money, the poor guy pays a tax rate that's 200% more than the rich guy..

hoorah for fairness!!!!!


Well-Known Member
it's a lower tax rate eve nthough the billionaire makes over 1,000% more money, the poor guy pays a tax rate that's 200% more than the rich guy..

hoorah for fairness!!!!!
it seems even a flat tax would not fit them anymore, as the rich would be paying more than the poor, despite the percentage being the same.

let's go for a regressive tax, so that we can ensure a more rapid onset of oligarchy.


Well-Known Member
Lets not have a tax at all, instead lets make government CHARGE for all of its services. With the profits they will need to run the whole country, if they do a poor job it will show right away and new people will be brought in to fix the inefficiency. Now what to do about the indolent ( let em starve IMO) and the Invalid?? Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
yeah let's have the government charge for emergency management services and for police forces...

how would they go about doing that???


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, i remember that.

the firemen saved his neighbor's house and just let his house burn.

that's the greatness conservatives and the invasion of private enterprise into industries it has no business being in is leading us to!!!!