its a bitch post . bitch about your electric bill here

talking about fucking hot . I get to work out side as well and the ventilation is almost zero . it reads 95f and the humidity is well over 80 you can taste the water in the air . the boss is in a bitchy mood because the office is only 75f hes hot ! fuck you ass hole go out side . so we have to go under trucks on our backs because we cant lift them up to heavy and a creeper . aka a board with wheels just in case you did not know . a creeper will not work because these handicap trucks sit to low so you slide in on a piece of shit carpet all the shit rust dirt sticks right you your skin because its so hot you feel like you will pass out from the heat and after 1 job is done your like omg ! its only so so time another 7.5 hours of this shit soaked and wet sweat 1 gallon of water later . and the number 2 manager is no where to be found sitting in ac . so you NEED approval to use a service lift manager operates for you . or get into trouble if you use it your self .. and he says (why do I have to baby sit ?) wtf you fucker ? he knows I have to ask . this is my day when its hot . and yes all managers act like they are the best only they can do it . if they did it then it would never get done .
Lol, welcome to my life
Well obviously but no one in the commercial industry would ever run autos. And how it save you electricity compared to 12/1. For flower your lights on 12 hours and for veg only on 13 hours. That'll save more than running autos
Well obviously but no one in the commercial industry would ever run autos. And how it save you electricity compared to 12/1. For flower your lights on 12 hours and for veg only on 13 hours. That'll save more than running autos
I could run autos in a commercial setting just fine.

Not saying I would do it. Just saying it wouldn't cost much more and possibly cheaper and could get the same yield.
I am just a hobbiest growing a small amount for myself and a couple family members.I have decided I am not fighting the summer heat anymore,from now on I am only growing in the fall,winter,and spring,then just wait it out until summer passes.
That's what I do but this year I have to transport 100 gallons every 3-4 days to the girls .....hottest summer in record and an epic drought, it's actually raining today for the first time in 6 weeks.
I have the second highest electric bill out of 100 neighbor's lmao, sad thing is i havent been runing much this year. 2.5k

35.48c kwh :spew:
Holy shit!!! Are there any other charges? My peak rate is .20 but that is only a small part of the bill. It's actually hard to figure out the cost per due to bullshit add ons.
Yup, michigan is hot. Its even hotter in these fucking factories even with two fans going. Makes you want to blow your bosses head off when you watch him sit in his air conditioned office all day being a douche bag while your working 60 hours a week in a sweat box. How about getting your guys something cold to drink you fucking cock sucker.
Might want to keep an eye in the reveiw mirror for a black suburban the next little while :(.
yes I get this is use 20 times more then the average in my city .
Yup just got my second one lol. I have baseboard heaters (never on) so that somewhat justifies the use, except for the pretty consistent 12 hour thing. I can go online and watch my usage real time through the power site and it's kind of scary and noticeable lol.