its a bitch post . bitch about your electric bill here

So you have never bought weed from a dealer buddy? Jus saying
I personaly dont sell what i grow i smoke to much and i have a full time job 55 hours a week im here right now mon-Sat 12:00-10:45pm
Not saying u wrong bro jus saying mofo gonna do what they do
Hmmm...sorry if I came off as self-righteous and 'holier than thou'...of course I have bought weed from so called friends charging me ridiculous prices. It has been a very long time since I had to resort to that since the indoor garden 'revolution'.. . I also did not intend an attack on you personally. I stated my 'bitch' and you offered your differed from mine, that's cool. I gotta tell you though...your first reply where you said 'get over it' was rather dismissive and almost disrespectful.'s all good. We live in a country where at least speech is still for the most part free and we all have a right to state our thoughts and opinions. And what better place to do it than an anonymous forum...just sayin' :peace:
£10 a gram here £200 an oz £175 in the cities. When ive sold i charged £5 a gram because of principle....
Hmmm...charging upwards of $100.00 for 3.5 grams of a medicinal plant is absolutely fucking the same token...Big pharma companies charge outrageous prices for 'alternative' chemical medicines. So who's worse? I have some very dear friends that have terminal illnesses and my medicine helps ease their suffering and allows them to have a better quality of life. So, IMHO...mofo wanna eat...mofo needs to get a job. As for getting over it...I did... I grow my own meds and they are available to hurting and suffering people at no charge.

Yes there will always be a black market....vultures who prey on the weak and infirmed. Ask any large scale black market dealer or grower if they want cannabis to be legal...I highly doubt you will get many jumping on the anti-prohibition band wagon.

IMHO, people that are solely growing for profit are working hand in hand with these guys... we all know they are a bunch of fucking terrorists, don't we?

BTW what do you think is funding Central and South American drug cartels...not to mention terrorist factions ... the guys that cut each other's heads off, the guys that kidnap children and force them to mule their drugs or sell their bodies... the guys that fly planes into Manhattan skyscrapers...Them mofo's gotta eat too, right?

Personally, I prefer being a part of the solution...not the problem. But to each their own.


Geeze dude, I just re-read that and yeah, I came of like I was attacking your humble apologies.

I do tend to get rather passionate when it comes to the freeing of mother nature..Freedom of an individual to choose what they wish to do with their own bodies should be an accessible and unalienable right. So what I really have an issue with is anything that may endanger the recent and tangibly moving legalization effort. To that end, I am not so keen on dispensaries either. Cannabis is a naturally occurring medicine and how can mother nature be bought or sold? I personally will not be satisfied until every person that chooses to use cannabis can grow their own with no fear of incarceration. While I am at it I also really dislike this whole concentration (Shatter,wax, dabs) thing. I think it just gives more ammunition to the fascist establishment. Why, because it has the same shall we say 'stigma' attached to it as meth, ecstasy, and other designer drugs. Also the production of these concentrations can be very dangerous in the hands of a high school 'chemist' who burns his house down and kills his family as well. Do I think things like this will happen?? Who would think that someone would be dumb enough to put a frozen turkey in a boiling pot of oil? But yet you hear about some asshole every holiday, right? Do I think these occurrences will reflect negatively on the movement?..damn right. The right wing media will have a field day when these things really start to happen.

All I am saying is that while yes there will always be a black market...until ignorance and fear become obsolete. Prohibition has never worked, never will. It is the fault of our own short-sightedness and monetary motivation that are going to allow people to suffer endlessly and mercilessly until their bodies give out.

The real victims of the DEA, the drug dealers, the politicians, and big pharma are people just like her...upload_2016-8-11_20-30-38.png and her...upload_2016-8-11_20-32-4.png and her...upload_2016-8-11_20-34-20.png...

The black market scares me because when enough dispensaries have been robbed and people killed for the millions of dollars that a so called 'illicit drug with no medicinal value' generates. The powers that be may just decide that legalization is not such a great thing after all and put a stop to allowing patients like these to live a long, happy, and pain free life.

Please excuse me while I go and cry like a baby...
I mean pretty fire lol alien og, like my jaw was dropped most places 125-150 but sweet leaf and platte valley in Denver both hundred dollar oz of indoor medical fire. I mean I'd buy it all day 100$ shits loud too have a nice Durban tooView attachment 3755316View attachment 3755316
That's fuckin nuts! So, assuming there's no break beyond the qp price, an elbow goes for 1600? Indoor?? Fuck that shit man. Good for the patients, don't get me wrong, but I think I'll stay right here in beautiful NorCal:-D
That's fuckin nuts! So, assuming there's no break beyond the qp price, an elbow goes for 1600? Indoor?? Fuck that shit man. Good for the patients, don't get me wrong, but I think I'll stay right here in beautiful NorCal:-D
2 oz limit at each if non member hp limit if member
That's fuckin nuts! So, assuming there's no break beyond the qp price, an elbow goes for 1600? Indoor?? Fuck that shit man. Good for the patients, don't get me wrong, but I think I'll stay right here in beautiful NorCal:-D
And don't blame ya I been trying to jack some of those cuts out there dosidos, gelato, white fire 43, any of the sherberts lol I love it here in Colorado tho I'm staying love these mountains
And don't blame ya I been trying to jack some of those cuts out there dosidos, gelato, white fire 43, any of the sherberts lol I love it here in Colorado tho I'm staying love these mountains
Dosidos is good, low yielder though.

Gelato, you want the #25, but the only cut going around that im aware of is the #45(i'm not very impressed with it).

Sunset sherbert is a beautiful strain, but kinda girly high, ala gelato#45.

Wifi is bomb ass shit, and can be a great yielder, if you got the right pheno;-)
Oh I know about em lol I'm a collector here's my current list of moms

Tahoe og (clone only)
bubba kush (clone only)
Og kush (clone only)
Mothers tongue
Sonic screwdriver (clone only)
Cornbread og
Gg4 original (clone only)
Gg4 s1
Gg4 x star dawg
Forum cut gsc x stardawg
Jilly bean (candy cut)
Durango og
Lemon alien
Alien blues
Buddha's delight
Pura vida (clone only)
Kandy Kush
Jesus og
Loud dreams
Lifesaver (clone only)
Star Killer
better enjoy it while you can especially in nor cal..

i been seein prices fall in tx since 09.
around ut it was 20 a g. i knoq dude tgat ran tex resin co tarantula and did 20 all the way up.
by '12 it was only 15 a g for straight fire. now it can get kill at 2 for 15.

greedy fucks cant justify the price much longer. this aint q getruch quick biz.

elec here .08kwh

all over head... roughly~$.30 a gram
sell 50-100 a zip or 2 fir a cutie
better enjoy it while you can especially in nor cal..
Lol. I was still getting 4400-4800 a pound up until 2002. Prices have been falling ever since. Has stabilized a bit lately, but I know all too well about falling prices :-(
I'm pretty sure we were the first to experience it.

And electricity here is .35 cents kwh now.
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I can get 22 all day but normally move everything for 2 a piece just said fuck it rather have it gone right away and it's only 200$
I can get 22 all day but normally move everything for 2 a piece just said fuck it rather have it gone right away and it's only 200$
Oh, well shit that ain't too bad bro. I was starting to feel bad for you CO guys. Thinking about clubs selling indoor zips for 100 over there, God damn!
Id like to bitch about some med growers, they never stop bitchin!

Sorry but it had to be said...
Oh you should here me give it to the hydro store kids when they don't have what I want in stock. I can be a real bitch when it comes to that.