Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
I always thought it was an inside job, but this makes more sense then that my theory
your hysterical wall of bullshit is unattributed.
that makes it irrelevant
go sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
I always thought it was an inside job, but this makes more sense then that my theory
Everyone go and watch "Loose Change: 9/11" it is a very well done documentary on the subject. It is streaming on Netflix for those using that very useful service.
Muslims recognized as doing 9/11. Every theory mentions the jews. Say guys can you tell me what religion the muzzies dont get along with and fill in the blanks with me?
I always thought it was an inside job, but this makes more sense then that my theory
What exactly are muslims known for?..I didn't read all of that, but you make it sound like they aren't known for pretty much anything....If only it was true..They seem to make the front page of the paper a lot..If there was a word test like the first thing that enters your mind it would go like this...for me anyway..
muslim....kill your cheating wife
muslim...kill your muslim neighbor
Whats the first thing that enters your mind?..I would like to hear what comes to your mind first..
Apple sauce! Musselman's for the win!!
They found thermite in the rubble of the WTCs and confirmed it with tests.
Sad that 99.9% of americans aren't aware of this yet it was in headline news in europe years ago....
Fucking idiots, if i lived down there i'd be sick to my stomach
Lmao smartass. you post and highlight a clipping that goes against your pompous know-it-all stance and then dispute it as if your an expert on thermite..... joke. You aint smart like ya think ya are little guy. And I got one..... Muslims..... are typically jelked by their mothers at a young age resulting in the average muslim penis size coming in at a whopping 7 inches while the rest of the world averages out at around 5.5 inches. Take That Georgey!!!NOT TRUE
this claim is so Redonkulous that it hardly warrant s dismissing but here ya go:
and of course because nothing so disproves a bullshit story as the storytellers themselves...
"The research paper written by an international team nine scientists led by Dr. Steven E. Jones of Brigham Young University analyzes red-gray chips of a highly-explosive thermitic material "characterized as nano-thermite or super-thermite," which was found in dust samples from the collapsed towers. The paper was published in the Open Chemical Physics Journal and marks a historic breakthrough in the scientific investigation of the explosive collapses of the Twin Towers, although it has not been widely covered by the media outside of Salt Lake City. If we had a truly free press in the United States this important discovery would be front page news and a subject of discussion on every news outlet in the nation."
http://www.bollyn.com/game-over-evidence-of-super-thermite-in-the-rubble (emphasis added)
thermite does not come in "Nano" "Explosive" or "Super" varieties, the "Nano" variety is hypothetical .
thermite is simply aluminium and iron oxide (rust) in the presence of heat. this triggers a "termite" chemical reaction, and unless you wish to argue there was no rust or aluminium in the world trader center the discovery of "termitic residue" is not only expected, but unavoidable.
further, Thermite did not cause the collapse, it is rarely used in demolitions, it does not cause implosion, and using the stuff for any purpose is not "sneaky".
thermite just makes shitloads of heat. all the bullshit stories of it's destructive power are laughable. you can make it in your living room from any rusty iron, a pop can and a file.
"Nano Thermite" is pure nonsense created to explain how the wtc could have been demolished by thermite when it was revealed that it COULDNT have been. adding "Nano" allows the hucksters to imply that there's a new "special" variety of thermite which has magical powers.
and even the "Nano Thermite" nonsense was simply a new version of the "Thermate" story when it turns out that actual Thermate doesnt behave the way the bullshit artists require to fulfill their narrative.
Lmao smartass. you post and highlight a clipping that goes against your pompous know-it-all stance and then dispute it as if your an expert on thermite..... joke. You aint smart like ya think ya are little guy. And I got one..... Muslims..... are typically jelked by their mothers at a young age resulting in the average muslim penis size coming in at a whopping 7 inches while the rest of the world averages out at around 5.5 inches. Take That Georgey!!!
I think people who believe in an inside job to invade the Mideast need to take a step back and look at the entire picture. We didn't invade the Mideast after 9/11, we invaded Afghanistan--a non-Arab, non-oil producing shithole. When Bush did want to invade the oil-rich Mideast in 2003 via Iraq, he had to try and convince the world with something other than 9/11 (remember WMD?), and most the world didn't buy it. So this is like saying the police framed O.J. by leaving Michael Jackson's glove at the scene!
derp derp derp.
none of those citations exhibits any opposition to the FACT that the WTC buildings were demolished by the impact of jet liners laden with jet fuel and the subsequent fires.
your ad hominem laced idiocy merely demonstrates your own ignorance, which is deliberate willful ignorance.
when stupidity reaches this level, one has to assume you have deliberately lobotomized yourself by huffing spray paint, or using a Do-It-Yourself Trepanation Home Kit. (thats drilling a hole through your own skull, just in case you drilled to deep to remember the big words)
i never claimed to be an expert on thermite, but i have used the stuff.
have you?
do you even know what it is?
no. i did not think so.
go back to watching Loose Change and beating off.
Are you saying you have access military grade explosives/incendiary compositions? Nanoscale Energetic Materials exist, although its most common term as given by scientific literature is "nano" or "super" thermite with the terms being very broad in definition. US military have been throwing millions into R&D over the past couple of decades with a "focus on nano thermites" - http://books.google.com.au/books?id=QjTHtT_Bx0IC&pg=PA23&lpg=PA23&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
and as i said, "Nano" thermite is THEORETICAL (that means it doesnt exist yet)
LOL you can claim it's still theoretical all you want; it doesn't make it so... Not jealous as much as concerned and bewildered people like you have access to that kind of boom Even in precursor or blasting form...
so why is all you (or anybody for that matter) can come up with, nothing but research projects, experimental programs whithout even a Proof Of Concept, and no actual applications testing?
because "nano" Thermite still THEORETICAL.
also, i have access to this kind of "Boom Boom" (see how thats better) because im american.
alos i held a demolitions license for many years.