IAC, I read the wall of text...why? There was suppose to be proof. Nano thermite is only a sci-fi type claim. It may exist, don't get me wrong. But, this is Danish Science. WTF?? It was peer reviewed by snarling nut cases with the same agenda. The Chemical Journal in Europe also waves this banner.
Hate George Bush.. Fear and loathing....not for the Climate Liar, for some citizen from Texas that stepped up to suffer your scorn.
So, being an actual scientist, I waded through it with the same jaundiced eye I reserve for all peer reviewed paper I read each week. Folks are very confused. They think science ends with these papers. Hell no.
It begins with papers. No one pays a bit of attention to Mother Jones and other bullshit, include the National Standard Magazine, if they have sense. That is all lie. Science is 1/2 lie, so much better, right?
The 1/2 lie we see in this paper. He found something......OK...interesting red flakes at 1 mm and 100 um scale.
And the method seems solid....except for the collection of samples, chain of custody, protection from contamination, etc.
But, it devolves into a tortured logic. That is the Agenda. This paper seeks to prove an earlier, 2006 assertion.
That is not science. Science spends all it's effort to dis-prove. So, here is where it goes off the rails.
1. How Much of the Energetic Red Material Survived During the WTC Destruction?
They don't know..."....must be substantial given the fraction observed in these samplings."
LOGIC BOMB! Fails to connect the dots.
Were there pounds of it?
Is that enough?
Where there tons of it?
Is that too much?
They are concluding that nano-termites (WTF??) was used. (saw the typo and decide to leave it) Nano Termites....yeah that's the ticket.
How? How much? When? Where? Why? Who? I mean seriously, we know that to do this with thermite is possible......don't we???? Hell NO, we don't.
BOMB 2. If there is that much left over???? Did he attempt to explain why this highly entergetic, nano termite, manage to survive? Hell No. He wants it both ways.
1 - so energetic as to "explain" what happened in "the govt take down of a building"
2 - not so energetic that is burns completely....no termite exists that leaves un-burned residue like this. Did he make some nano termites, himself and test the residue. Hell no.
2. Is the Red Material Thermitic in Nature?
3. Could the Red Material Be Unreacted “Super-Thermite”?
The big Joke!

Could it be? Is there such a thing?
4. Did the Technology to Make Highly Exothermic Nanocomposites Exist Prior to 9/11/2001?
Maybe, so what?
5. Can Super-Thermite be Handled Safely?
Yeah, if then, maybe
They ruled out paint and jumped to this conclusion.
"Based on these observations, we conclude that the redlayer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating
(HELL NO, no technology was proved) and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material.
And then they immediately hit the talk shows in Europe. HATE BUSH with this tidbit....
What they did not consider and why it is bad science, is the fact that this
material could have been manufactured by the event itself. That's right.
A logical explanation is the when Aluminum airplanes hit steel buildings full of organic materials. You coat tiny flecks of aluminum with a stew of iron vapor and organic silicates, etc.
As he showed from the manufactured examples, this stuff is not regular shaped and sized. And the "chip" sizes range through Orders of magnitude. 1 mm down to 100 um. And the material coats the irregular aluminum dust "chips." All the Aluminum is different shapes, so not manufactured.
So, my conclusion is that he went farther in proving that
this event was more energetic than the deniers, He himself, wants to realize. It quite possible spread an instantly formed, Fe-Al, thermite like material onto Building 7.
So, to me this says the opposite of what this researcher's, Agenda Hound, forced him to conclude.
And if you don't know how to read peer review, don't bother. It is not for conclusions such as this.