It just ain't the same without sub

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N for those who "know"...I apologized to that guy two or three public on threads and I personal mssgs...only responses I got were shitty shit tlkn responses. 15year old kid shit...the last time I tried to apologize he sent me a PM sayin if I ever said his name in a thread again he was gonna "hunt me down"....swear to god on my kids thats what he said....I think he's quite possibly one of the shittiest stupidest shadiest ppl I've ever ran across.....IME anyway

That bein said I do think some of his ppl are good ok ppl...n I can't figure out why they would hang w him or have anything to do w him whatsoever...I know for a fact some of em look at the shit he says n does n they see rite thru that shit to its core of guess is he's signin a paychk for em that's all I can figure....
I totally agree with everybody on his attitude..but he brought a lot to the table...and everybody has to's changed ..I have caught myself just good discussions anymore..not trying to have people argue..just miss the feeling of rushing home to get on RIU..
That's sad bro.....
Subcools an idiot...flat out....yall watch that last weed nerd?....what are they reading a script or amazes me this guy has ppl that follow him w respect....I mean if he'd jst keep his stupid ass mouth shut n sale seeds n grow weed he'd b ok.....but EVERY time his mouth opens its just fake ass retarded shit flyin out....when he types too.

N for those who "know"...I apologized to that guy two or three public on threads and I personal mssgs...only responses I got were shitty shit tlkn responses. 15year old kid shit...the last time I tried to apologize he sent me a PM sayin if I ever said his name in a thread again he was gonna "hunt me down"....swear to god on my kids thats what he said....I think he's quite possibly one of the shittiest stupidest shadiest ppl I've ever ran across.....IME anyway

That bein said I do think some of his ppl are good ok ppl...n I can't figure out why they would hang w him or have anything to do w him whatsoever...I know for a fact some of em look at the shit he says n does n they see rite thru that shit to its core of guess is he's signin a paychk for em that's all I can figure....

I never understood how John accumulated the fanbois he did. His genetics are OK, not great, just OK. And he's a dick to people. How can people not see through him is beyond me. The guys a salesman, and that's it. Well that and an internet toughguy. :)
I never understood how John accumulated the fanbois he did. His genetics are OK, not great, just OK. And he's a dick to people. How can people not see through him is beyond me. The guys a salesman, and that's it. Well that and an internet toughguy. :)
Thing is tho man he's not a good salesman...or a good marketer like ppl say....he's persistent as hell ill give him that...but paper thin n u can see his game from ten miles away....a good salesman will have u believin what he's sayin/sellin u....not have u lookin at him w a skeptical eye...I've never ever in my life seen a person brag on themselves so much....I'd say he got the fanbase he did by just puttin his face n mouth everywhere u turn...n them young kids dig the shit outta that whack shit w the lil rap group n all that green n purple gear n the show on you tube n all that...I can see how that would b attractive to the younger more wet behind the ears generation...
no personal insults or attacks to members or past members not here to defend themselves.

if you dont like someone simply state it but dont go off the deep end calling them names.

furthermore , arguing between two people about someone else is slightly stupid.
Look at all this complaining. He's obviously doing something right to have so many people feel the need to bash him. Subs not your cup of tea I get that but that doesn't give you the right to perpetuate hate mongering and act like "an internet tough guy" as you called him. This thread started out as one person expressing they felt its not the same with out sub and you all took it upon yourselves to turn it into yet another we hate sub thread. This is why he left. Whoever put up the comment about him not getting back to you about why no tga in Colorado the reason he didn't reply to you is because he has already answered that question on the weednerd and has stated he won't answer email questions that he has already taken the time to address on the nerd. Maybe if you guys didn't get butt hurt so fucking easy you could understand the man.

stay dank
If I watched his videos before I saw his products I wouldn't buy them. The guy really is off putting. I know I would not get along with a person like him, something about him isn't right. I just wouldn't feel good about supporting him by giving him money. And no, that doesn't mean that I research everybody I get my gear from, but I would think that his videos do not help his image. Others feel the opposite about this, this is my personal opinion. With that said I still would like to get a clone (for free) of TGA Pennywise, regardless of all the herme issues I've heard about. I heard PW is a very good CBD strain.
Yeah man its the "vibe" he puts off....n yeah I've seen some awesome plants n awesome finished product...but imo there's so many AWESOME strains out there I'm like "so what"...ya know...enuf already....his personality alone will b enuf to keep me frm ever havin anything to do w him....ok go watch the latest nerd show...first scene him n that girl w the glasses on reading from the computer all these bogus ass scripted statements trying to get "donations" for these supposed kids....ok yeah a lil bit may go to some kids.....but I'd bet my nxt paycheck subs eatin fat off that shit. ..
Look at all this complaining. He's obviously doing something right to have so many people feel the need to bash him. Subs not your cup of tea I get that but that doesn't give you the right to perpetuate hate mongering and act like "an internet tough guy" as you called him. This thread started out as one person expressing they felt its not the same with out sub and you all took it upon yourselves to turn it into yet another we hate sub thread. This is why he left. Whoever put up the comment about him not getting back to you about why no tga in Colorado the reason he didn't reply to you is because he has already answered that question on the weednerd and has stated he won't answer email questions that he has already taken the time to address on the nerd. Maybe if you guys didn't get butt hurt so fucking easy you could understand the man.

stay dank
I'm sorry for saying it sucks on how he gets back to people but I fully supported him and his genetics and he has done nothing but ignore me and I've never been rude to the man also I messaged him before the answer had been posted so maybe get your facts straight before talking about something you don't know about me.
Anyways its whatever the guy has good genetics and a bad attitude and he doesn't like trolls like the rest of us and I hope I can see him at the next cannabis cup not to bitch or talk shit to the man but hand him some med's as a gift so he doesn't have a negative outlook on Colorado like I think he does just cuz of some laws. I hope everyone has had a grateful day and Dirtysouth I'm sorry your thread went the way it did. I'll see you all on the flip side.
With all the time you are all spending talking bull....about others I wonder how you have a life on the side. May be you don't.....................
With all the time you are all spending talking bull....about others I wonder how you have a life on the side. May be you don't.....................

I work 7days in a row 12 hour shifts w a lot of downtime sometimes. ..bonus of the job. .aside from that I have a wife n three friends I guess...I'm not very social in person...but I can kinda b on I periodically jump on here from time to time mostly in my grow journal but I do visit a couple diff sections of the forum to "socialize" a bit...where I feel comfortable. ...I like u FRenchy u seem like a really good guy...honest and kind and true..I haven't seen any "crookedness" in u...but if u had tlkd to me the way sub has then I would have opinions abt u as well...I'm sorry for tlkn abt ur friend.
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