Issue with thrips. Pic


Well-Known Member
Sorry to repost a new thread but I wasn't getting much advice. I just noticed I have some thrips on the lower leaves of my 2 plants. I bought some captain Jack's deadbug and sticky traps. Now my issue is that I need to flip these asap bc I'm going to run out of height space (this cheap scrog was cheap for a reason I guess) for the stretch in preflower. Should I keep them in veg until there is no sign of them, or should I just flip them and not worry about it. Here's a pic of how much space I have left for the stretch. I grow in coco if that matters


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Sorry to repost a new thread but I wasn't getting much advice. I just noticed I have some thrips on the lower leaves of my 2 plants. I bought some captain Jack's deadbug and sticky traps. Now my issue is that I need to flip these asap bc I'm going to run out of height space (this cheap scrog was cheap for a reason I guess) for the stretch in preflower. Should I keep them in veg until there is no sign of them, or should I just flip them and not worry about it. Here's a pic of how much space I have left for the stretch. I grow in coco if that matters
Thrips are usually easy enough to get rid of (usually within 2-3 days tops). If they are gone then go ahead and send em into flower. If you are concerned about height, top them and then flip em to give yourself a little more head space. Best of luck.
Thrips are usually easy enough to get rid of (usually within 2-3 days tops). If they are gone then go ahead and send em into flower. If you are concerned about height, top them and then flip em to give yourself a little more head space. Best of luck.
im afraid to top them this close to flower. im already behind schedule,...vegged these things a few weeks too many, unintentionally. thank you for your advice. hopefully i can get them to be gone within 2-3 days and everything will be good
for sure. well i figured i can raise my grow light up by a good half foot by replacing the yoyo's with heavy duty zip ties. I would probably try your advice, but i feel like I'm ok of the topping unless it takes longer than expected to get rid of the thrips. i already see several stuck on the yellow traps. right now im just tucking and bending the hell out of these tops, trying to keep things slowed down a bit, height wise. really appreciate your help
You can top em and send em into 12/12 the same day. Your just giving yourself some more head room is all.
do you have a good insecticide to reccomend. there are so many and so many different answers on whats good. i grow in coco/perlite mix and ive been told that anything with spinosad (spell check) is bad for indoor gardening. i will probably go with neem oil as of right now.
do you have a good insecticide to reccomend. there are so many and so many different answers on whats good. i grow in coco/perlite mix and ive been told that anything with spinosad (spell check) is bad for indoor gardening. i will probably go with neem oil as of right now.

Spinosad will get them gone in like 2 days. Its perfectly fine for indoor and I'd personally prefer it to neem oil. Thrips are an easy wipe out.
Spinosad will get them gone in like 2 days. Its perfectly fine for indoor and I'd personally prefer it to neem oil. Thrips are an easy wipe out.
i already puchased dyna grow 100% neem oil. and so far I seem to really like it. i get so many mixed on products except 100% neem oil. it just seem you cant go wrong with it. thank you for taking the time to give me the advice though. also, its OMRI so i like that about it also. it sure is smelly shit tho
i already puchased dyna grow 100% neem oil. and so far I seem to really like it. i get so many mixed on products except 100% neem oil. it just seem you cant go wrong with it. thank you for taking the time to give me the advice though. also, its OMRI so i like that about it also. it sure is smelly shit tho

Neem didnt help with my thrip problem. Bad thing for me is I used neem before flower, thrips were gone (or so I thought) for about 2 weeks then suddenly reappeared. Since then I've bought Monterays spinosad but I'm deep into flower now so I just gotta ride it out and I'm sure the thrips are loving life right now.
Maybe try a sulphur smoke bomb to knock out the majority of the above ground thrips followed, a few days later by an introduction of Amblyseius Cucumeris or Orius Laevigatus predators, other types are available, see link below - to mop up any new hatching thrips.
Blue sticky traps are good for thrip too and diametious earth on top of the medium to kill the ones in the soil.
I've thrip at the moment so I introduced the predators 3 weeks ago but they take a while to build up a herd I've found. They come in paper sachets that you hang on the plants.
I got 10 sachets and it says it covers 5 sq meters. I'll order more tomorrow to top up the herd to be sure, to be sure.... Also put some in with my vegging plants too
The spraying method works good too, I wish we could get the Monterey Spray here but its not available. My friend got some posted to him from the US though.
Some sprays only kill the thrips and not the eggs or the buggers in the soil so you think your on top of it for a few weeks and then the population just explodes again so you gotta be vigilant.

Here's a good link about Thrip and how to deal with them
im not sure i understand this post lol. are you saying neem was the right choice over spinosad. i freaking hate the smell. its worked great dunking my clones in a diluted mix,...but damn how long does that smell stick around

Neem oil holds its place for some applications like a dunk and quarantine on new cuts or in conjunction with other IPM's. Its also a great alternative for someone who cant get Spinosad like we can here in the States. Downfall of Neem is its a heavy oil, and it stays around for a while plus it can plug up stoma on the plant which is like covering your mouth with a filter. You can still breathe, but not very good.
Get the Spinosad, spay it like the instructions suggest, and watch your Thrip problem disappear in 2 days. Theres no oily residue left and your plants will be like you never touched em with anything. PS Monterey Spinosad is also OMRI certified.

off topic.... @BigHornBuds
I saw your sig and it instantly reminded me of one of my favorite movies "Kids".
you starting to confuse me a little, no offense intended. so i can use this captain jacks deadbug for an indoor coco grow. everywhere online recommends it should be used outdoors
Neem oil holds its place for some applications like a dunk and quarantine on new cuts or in conjunction with other IPM's. Its also a great alternative for someone who cant get Spinosad like we can here in the States. Downfall of Neem is its a heavy oil, and it stays around for a while plus it can plug up stoma on the plant which is like covering your mouth with a filter. You can still breathe, but not very good.
Get the Spinosad, spay it like the instructions suggest, and watch your Thrip problem disappear in 2 days. Theres no oily residue left and your plants will be like you never touched em with anything. PS Monterey Spinosad is also OMRI certified.

off topic.... @BigHornBuds
I saw your sig and it instantly reminded me of one of my favorite movies "Kids".
ok, so i think im getting you mixed up with someone else. someone told me it was a bacterium and shouldnt be used in a indoor hydro garden and that my hydro guy should have known that. so i took that as "ok, go get something else." when you use captain jacks, do you just spray the underside of the leaves, or do you soak the entire plant like they do with neem oil. thanks for helping me out and sorry for my confusion. its my first time growing in a couple years and i never really had an issue with any bugs before...that i recall
yea i definitely got you mixed up with someone else. so i cant seem to find an answer anywhere, but i dont think i can wait another day of veg. i think im just going to shut off the lights now, spray them, wait to dry, and turn them back on. then tonight when the lights go off on schedule, im going to switch out the bulbs to my hps, put on 12/12 and go from there