of course i checked.
one wrong stat and youll be "the asshole who thinks the king david hotel bombing killed hundreds" for the rest of your life. and this canard will be used to disqualify every statement you make till fenris catches the sun.
only lefties are allowed to ballpark numbers or rely on their weed-addled memories.
everybody else has to prepare doctoral theses on every issue or face the death of a thousand cuts.
also remember, wikipedia is only a source authority if you are promulgating some crazy leftist bullshit.
otherwise wikipedia is always wrong.
So let's recap;
Kynes hates- ARABS, muslims/moslems, lefties, commies, potsmokers, Palestinians', people who voted for Obama, people who call him a Chickenhawk, people who want peace, people who want war but don't support his side, am I forgetting anybody besides shouting out specific RIUers who are having fun with you too or is that pretty much the whole list?
Why so much hate? Didn't get enough attention as a child or something?
You need to relax and hit a vapewhip/joint or something, because you're giving yourself an ulcer. Seriously, go out and get baked right now and come back when you feel better.
You talk about Palestine being this international leper and how no country wanted them. Well? Look at the PR campaign the Israelis have been running since wayback to try and portray the Palestinian people as "heathen squatters" who were unjustified in being angry about what happened. Why would any nation want to open the door for Israel to fuck with them? 1 rocket attack comes from a territory and Israel would invade the adjoining country guaranteed, destroy as much civilian and military infrastructure as they could, and then fall back. It would be an invitation for problems with the "regions only real military" (they wouldn't last too long without having the Uncle Sam thumbs-up backing their actions..).
You want some righteous indignation Kynes? Try losing your home, watching your family get murdered by the people who stole it, and then being told you're a dick for getting mad about it.
I bet you, even with your "Football Injury", would be rippin and roarin to go shootoff some rockets or whatever else you could do to get back at the mofos who did it.