Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO

the king david hotel bombing racked up a total of 91 dead, only 40 or so were british officers, and 12 were israelis in custody for being agitators.

Apologies, good doctor, I should have checked my facts on that one before posting. I do make the assumption that you did, of course.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You sure about that?

I agree they should do more, maybe they should not bow to the bullying of those who want Palestine crushed and just go ahead and cross the line and really stand with Palestine. Maybe they would be crushed too, maybe they will be anyway.
egypt was offered gaza back with the sinai.. they said "AWW FUCK NO! Thats your tarbaby now!"

jordan was offered the west bank back and they too said "hell no! we got enough problems without that fucking turd!"

syria, lebanon, saudi arabia, egypt, jordan, and all the rest will not even take the pallies in as immigrants. they keep them locked up in their pressure cooker for their own reasons.

shit, if even one of these nations opened their doors to all the moslems in gaza and the west bank, offered them free oklahoma-territory style homesteading, and then negotiated a third party sale with israel to transfer ownership of the west bank and gaza to the israelis on a permanent basis, the issue could be settled easily.

and yet....

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
the king david hotel bombing racked up a total of 91 dead, only 40 or so were british officers, and 12 were israelis in custody for being agitators.

Apologies, good doctor, I should have checked my facts on that one before posting. I do make the assumption that you did, of course.
of course i checked.

one wrong stat and youll be "the asshole who thinks the king david hotel bombing killed hundreds" for the rest of your life. and this canard will be used to disqualify every statement you make till fenris catches the sun.

only lefties are allowed to ballpark numbers or rely on their weed-addled memories.
everybody else has to prepare doctoral theses on every issue or face the death of a thousand cuts.

also remember, wikipedia is only a source authority if you are promulgating some crazy leftist bullshit.
otherwise wikipedia is always wrong.


Well-Known Member
egypt was offered gaza back with the sinai.. they said "AWW FUCK NO! Thats your tarbaby now!"

jordan was offered the west bank back and they too said "hell no! we got enough problems without that fucking turd!"

syria, lebanon, saudi arabia, egypt, jordan, and all the rest will not even take the pallies in as immigrants. they keep them locked up in their pressure cooker for their own reasons.

shit, if even one of these nations opened their doors to all the moslems in gaza and the west bank, offered them free oklahoma-territory style homesteading, and then negotiated a third party sale with israel to transfer ownership of the west bank and gaza to the israelis on a permanent basis, the issue could be settled easily.

and yet....
Some people dont want to move regardless of price offered


Active Member
of course i checked.

one wrong stat and youll be "the asshole who thinks the king david hotel bombing killed hundreds" for the rest of your life. and this canard will be used to disqualify every statement you make till fenris catches the sun.

only lefties are allowed to ballpark numbers or rely on their weed-addled memories.
everybody else has to prepare doctoral theses on every issue or face the death of a thousand cuts.

also remember, wikipedia is only a source authority if you are promulgating some crazy leftist bullshit.
otherwise wikipedia is always wrong.
So let's recap;

Kynes hates- ARABS, muslims/moslems, lefties, commies, potsmokers, Palestinians', people who voted for Obama, people who call him a Chickenhawk, people who want peace, people who want war but don't support his side, am I forgetting anybody besides shouting out specific RIUers who are having fun with you too or is that pretty much the whole list?

Why so much hate? Didn't get enough attention as a child or something?

You need to relax and hit a vapewhip/joint or something, because you're giving yourself an ulcer. Seriously, go out and get baked right now and come back when you feel better.

You talk about Palestine being this international leper and how no country wanted them. Well? Look at the PR campaign the Israelis have been running since wayback to try and portray the Palestinian people as "heathen squatters" who were unjustified in being angry about what happened. Why would any nation want to open the door for Israel to fuck with them? 1 rocket attack comes from a territory and Israel would invade the adjoining country guaranteed, destroy as much civilian and military infrastructure as they could, and then fall back. It would be an invitation for problems with the "regions only real military" (they wouldn't last too long without having the Uncle Sam thumbs-up backing their actions..).

You want some righteous indignation Kynes? Try losing your home, watching your family get murdered by the people who stole it, and then being told you're a dick for getting mad about it.

I bet you, even with your "Football Injury", would be rippin and roarin to go shootoff some rockets or whatever else you could do to get back at the mofos who did it.


Well-Known Member
US Vetoes of Resolutions Against Israel, 1972-2011.

  1. “…condemned Israel‘s attack against Southern against southern Lebanon and Syria…”
  2. “…affirmed the rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, statehood and equal protections…”
  3. “…condemned Israel‘s air strikes and attacks in southern Lebanon and its murder of innocent civilians…”
  4. “…called for self-determination of Palestinian people…”
  5. “…deplored Israel‘s altering of the status of Jerusalem, which is recognized as an international city by most world nations and the United Nations…”
  6. “…affirmed the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people…”
  7. “…endorsed self-determination for the Palestinian people…”
  8. “…demanded Israel‘s withdrawal from the Golan Heights…”
  9. “…condemned Israel‘s mistreatment of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip and its refusal to abide by the Geneva convention protocols of civilized nations…”
  10. “…condemned an Israeli soldier who shot eleven Moslem worshippers at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount near Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Old City of Jerusalem…”
  11. “…urged sanctions against Israel if it did not withdraw from its invasion of Lebanon…”
  12. “…urged sanctions against Israel if it did not withdraw from its invasion of Beirut…”
  13. “…urged cutoff of economic aid to Israel if it refused to withdraw from its occupation of Lebanon…”
  14. “…condemned continued Israeli settlements in occupied territories in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, denouncing them as an obstacle to peace…”
  15. “…deplores Israel‘s brutal massacre of Arabs in Lebanon and urges its withdrawal…”
  16. “…condemned Israeli brutality in southern Lebanon and denounced the Israeli ‘Iron Fist’ policy of repression…”
  17. “…denounced Israel‘s violation of human rights in the occupied territories…”
  18. “…deplored Israel‘s violence in southern Lebanon…”
  19. “…deplored Israel‘s activities in occupied Arab East Jerusalem that threatened the sanctity of Muslim holy sites…”
  20. “…condemned Israel‘s hijacking of a Libyan passenger airplane…”
  21. “…deplored Israel‘s attacks against Lebanon and its measures and practices against the civilian population of Lebanon…”
  22. “…called on Israel to abandon its policies against the Palestinian intifada that violated the rights of occupied Palestinians, to abide by the Fourth Geneva Conventions, and to formalize a leading role for the United Nations in future peace negotiations…”
  23. “…urged Israel to accept back deported Palestinians, condemned Israel‘s shooting of civilians, called on Israel to uphold the Fourth Geneva Convention, and called for a peace settlement under UN auspices…”
  24. “…condemned Israel‘s… incursion into Lebanon…”
  25. “…deplored Israel‘s… commando raids on Lebanon…”
  26. “…deplored Israel‘s repression of the Palestinian intifada and called on Israel to respect the human rights of the Palestinians…”
  27. “…deplored Israel‘s violation of the human rights of the Palestinians…”
  28. “…demanded that Israel return property confiscated from Palestinians during a tax protest and allow a fact-finding mission to observe Israel‘s crackdown on the Palestinian intifada…”
  29. “…called for a fact-finding mission on abuses against Palestinians in Israeli-occupied lands…”
  30. “…confirmed that the expropriation of land by Israel, the occupying power, in East Jerusalem was invalid, and called upon the Government of Israel to rescind the expropriation orders and refrain from such action in the future.”
  31. “…called on Israel to abide scrupulously by its legal obligations and responsibilities under the 1949 Geneva Convention” and to refrain from it’s policy of settlement expansion which “alter facts on the ground pre-empting final status negotiations, and have negative implications for the Middle East Peace Process;”
  32. “…demanded that Israel immediately cease construction of the Jabal Abu Ghneim settlement in East Jerusalem as well as other Israeli settlement activities in the occupied territories.”
  33. “… requested an unarmed UN Observer force to be sent to the West Bank to help protect Palestinian civilians.”
  34. “…requested the sending of a human rights monitoring force to the Occupied Territories and condemned all acts of terror, extra-judiciary killing, excessive use of force and house demolitions. Also expressed it determination to contribute to ending the violence and to prompting dialogue between Israeli and Palestinian sides.
  35. “…condemned the killing by the Israeli occupying forces of
    several UN employees” and demanded that Israel, complied fully with the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War” and “refrained from the excessive and disproportionate use of force in the Occupied Palestinian Territory;”
  36. “…demanded that Israel ceased threats to deport or harm Yasser Arafat, the elected President of the Palestinian Authority;”
  37. “…decides that the construction by Israel, the occupying Power, of a wall in the Occupied Territories departing from the armistice line of 1949 is illegal under relevant provisions of international law and must be ceased and reversed;”
  38. “…condemned Israel for the extra-judicial executions that killed Sheikh Ahmed Yassin along with six other Palestinians outside a mosque in Gaza City and calls for a complete cessation of extra-judicial executions by Israel“
  39. “…condemned the military incursion into Gaza and demanded the immediate cessation of all military operations in the area of Northern Gaza and the withdrawal of the Israeli occupying forces from that area;
  40. “…condemned all acts of violence, terror and destruction during the Gaza conflict including rocket attacks by Hamas into Israel and the military assault being carried out by Israel.”
  41. “…called upon the Palestinian Authority to take immediate and sustained action to bring an end to violence, including the firing of rockets on Israeli territory. Called upon Israel to immediately cease its military operations within Gaza and to immediately withdraw its forces to to positions prior to 28 June 2006, and expressed grave concern about the dire humanitarian situation of the Palestinian people.”
  42. declared Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories were illegal and a “major obstacle to the achievement of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace”.


Well-Known Member
Note that Israel is in VIOLATION of many of these Resolutions.

  1. Resolution 106: “…condemns Israel for Gaza raid”
  2. Resolution 111: “…condemns Israel for raid on Syria that killed fifty-six people”
  3. Resolution 127: “…recommends Israel suspend its ‘no-man’s zone’ in Jerusalem”
  4. Resolution 162: “…urges Israel to comply with UN decisions”
  5. Resolution 171: “…determines flagrant violations by Israel in its attack on Syria”
  6. Resolution 228: “…censures Israel for its attack on Samu in the West Bank, then under Jordanian control”
  7. Resolution 237: “…urges Israel to allow return of new 1967 Palestinian refugees”
  8. Resolution 248: “…condemns Israel for its massive attack on Karameh in Jordan”
  9. Resolution 250: “…calls on Israel to refrain from holding military parade in Jerusalem”
  10. Resolution 251: “…deeply deplores Israeli military parade in Jerusalem in defiance of Resolution 250″
  11. Resolution 252: “…declares invalid Israel‘s acts to unify Jerusalem as Jewish capital”
  12. Resolution 256: “…condemns Israeli raids on Jordan as flagrant violation”
  13. Resolution 259: “…deplores Israel‘s refusal to accept UN mission to probe occupation”
  14. Resolution 262: “…condemns Israel for attack on Beirut airport”
  15. Resolution 265: “…condemns Israel for air attacks for Salt in Jordan”
  16. Resolution 267: “…censures Israel for administrative acts to change the status of Jerusalem”
  17. Resolution 270: “…condemns Israel for air attacks on villages in southern Lebanon“
  18. Resolution 271: “…condemns Israel‘s failure to obey UN resolutions on Jerusalem”
  19. Resolution 279: “…demands withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon“
  20. Resolution 280: “…condemns Israeli’s attacks against Lebanon“
  21. Resolution 285: “…demands immediate Israeli withdrawal form Lebanon“
  22. Resolution 298: “…deplores Israel‘s changing of the status of Jerusalem”
  23. Resolution 313: “…demands that Israel stop attacks against Lebanon“
  24. Resolution 316: “…condemns Israel for repeated attacks on Lebanon“
  25. Resolution 317: “…deplores Israel‘s refusal to release Arabs abducted in Lebanon“
  26. Resolution 332: “…condemns Israel‘s repeated attacks against Lebanon“
  27. Resolution 337: “…condemns Israel for violating Lebanon‘s sovereignty”
  28. Resolution 347: “…condemns Israeli attacks on Lebanon“
  29. Resolution 425: “…calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon“
  30. Resolution 427: “…calls on Israel to complete its withdrawal from Lebanon“
  31. Resolution 444: “…deplores Israel‘s lack of cooperation with UN peacekeeping forces”
  32. Resolution 446: “…determines that Israeli settlements are a serious obstruction to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention”
  33. Resolution 450: “…calls on Israel to stop attacking Lebanon“
  34. Resolution 452: “…calls on Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories”
  35. Resolution 465: “…deplores Israel‘s settlements and asks all member states not to assist Israel‘s settlements program”
  36. Resolution 467: “…strongly deplores Israel‘s military intervention in Lebanon“
  37. Resolution 468: “…calls on Israel to rescind illegal expulsions of two Palestinian mayors and a judge and to facilitate their return”
  38. Resolution 469: “…strongly deplores Israel‘s failure to observe the council’s order not to deport Palestinians”
  39. Resolution 471: “…expresses deep concern at Israel‘s failure to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention”
  40. Resolution 476: “…reiterates that Israel‘s claims to Jerusalem are null and void”
  41. Resolution 478: “…censures (Israel) in the strongest terms for its claim to Jerusalem in its ‘Basic Law’”
  42. Resolution 484: “…declares it imperative that Israel re-admit two deported Palestinian mayors”
  43. Resolution 487: “…strongly condemns Israel for its attack on Iraq’s nuclear facility”
  44. Resolution 497: “…decides that Israel‘s annexation of Syria’s Golan Heights is null and void and demands that Israel rescind its decision forthwith”
  45. Resolution 498: “…calls on Israel to withdraw from Lebanon“
  46. Resolution 501: “…calls on Israel to stop attacks against Lebanon and withdraw its troops”
  47. Resolution 509: “…demands that Israel withdraw its forces forthwith and unconditionally from Lebanon“
  48. Resolution 515: “…demands that Israel lift its siege of Beirut and allow food supplies to be brought in”
  49. Resolution 517: “…censures Israel for failing to obey UN resolutions and demands that Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon“
  50. Resolution 518: “…demands that Israel cooperate fully with UN forces in Lebanon“
  51. Resolution 520: “…condemns Israel‘s attack into West Beirut”
  52. Resolution 573: “…condemns Israel vigorously for bombing Tunisia in attack on PLO headquarters”
  53. Resolution 587: “…takes note of previous calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon and urges all parties to withdraw”
  54. Resolution 592: “…strongly deplores the killing of Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University by Israeli troops”
  55. Resolution 605: “…strongly deplores Israel‘s policies and practices denying the human rights of Palestinians”
  56. Resolution 607: “…calls on Israel not to deport Palestinians and strongly requests it to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention”
  57. Resolution 608: “…deeply regrets that Israel has defied the United Nations and deported Palestinian civilians”
  58. Resolution 636: “…deeply regrets Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians”
  59. Resolution 641: “…deplores Israel‘s continuing deportation of Palestinians”
  60. Resolution 672: “…condemns Israel for violence against Palestinians at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount”
  61. Resolution 673: “…deplores Israel‘s refusal to cooperate with the United Nations”
  62. Resolution 681: “…deplores Israel‘s resumption of the deportation of Palestinians”
  63. Resolution 694: “…deplores Israel‘s deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return”
  64. Resolution 726: “…strongly condemns Israel‘s deportation of Palestinians”
  65. Resolution 799: “…strongly condemns Israel‘s deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return.”
  66. Resolution 803:
  67. Resolution 830:
  68. Resolution 852:
  69. Resolution 887:
  70. Resolution 895:
  71. Resolution 904:
  72. Resolution 1039:
  73. Resolution 1052:
  74. Resolution 1057 :
  75. Resolution 1068:
  76. Resolution 1073:
  77. Resolution 1081:
  78. Resolution 1095:
  79. Resolution 1109:
  80. Resolution 1122:
  81. Resolution 1139:
  82. Resolution 1151:
  83. Resolution 1169:
  84. Resolution 1188:
  85. Resolution 1211:
  86. Resolution 1223:
  87. Resolution 1243:
  88. Resolution 1254:
  89. Resolution 1276:
  90. Resolution 1288:
  91. Resolution 1300:
  92. Resolution 1310:
  93. Resolution 1322: “..Condemned acts of violence especially the excessive use of force against Palestinians”, called on the occupying Power Israel, to abide by its legal obligations and stressed the importance of “establishing a mechanism for a speedy and objective inquiry into the provocation carried out at out at Al-Haram Al-Sharif” when Arial Sharon visited the Temple Mount and to the subsequent violence “resulting in over 80 Palestinian deaths and many other casualties”. The US threatened to veto the original version of this resolution and managed to get all mention of Israel removed from the final version.
  94. Resolution 1328:
  95. Resolution 1337:
  96. Resolution 1351:
  97. Resolution 1559: “…called upon Lebanon to establish its sovereignty over all of its land and called upon Syria to end their military presence in Lebanon by withdrawing its forces and to cease intervening in internal Lebanese politics. The resolution also called on all Lebanese militias to disband.”
  98. Resolution 1583: “…calls on Lebanon to assert full control over its border with Israel. It also states that the Council has recognized the Blue Line as valid for the purpose of confirming Israel’s withdrawal pursuant to resolution 425.“
  99. Resolution 1648: “…renewed the mandate of United Nations Disengagement Observer Force until 30 June 2006.”
  100. Resolution 1701: “…called for the full cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah.”
  101. Resolution 1860: “…called for the full cessation of war between Israel and Hamas.”
  102. Resolution 1884: “…expressed deep concern over violations of resolution 1701 and called on all parties to maintain the de-militarized zone between between the Blue Line and the Litani River


Well-Known Member
Saw that earlier. He's got a big stiffy against Islam (justified), but seems to equate 'Muslim' with 'terrorist' pretty lightly.

In short, misinformed rant based on an assumed foundation.


Active Member
You talk about Palestine being this international leper and how no country wanted them. Well? Look at the PR campaign the Israelis have been running since wayback to try and portray the Palestinian people as "heathen squatters" who were unjustified in being angry about what happened. Why would any nation want to open the door for Israel to fuck with them? 1 rocket attack comes from a territory and Israel would invade the adjoining country guaranteed, destroy as much civilian and military infrastructure as they could, and then fall back. It would be an invitation for problems with the "regions only real military" (they wouldn't last too long without having the Uncle Sam thumbs-up backing their actions..).

You want some righteous indignation Kynes? Try losing your home, watching your family get murdered by the people who stole it, and then being told you're a dick for getting mad about it.

I bet you, even with your "Football Injury", would be rippin and roarin to go shootoff some rockets or whatever else you could do to get back at the mofos who did it.
Well said! Anyone with a tiny bit of empathy and not biased knows Israel is in the wrong. Could you imagine what would happen if what happened to Palestine happened to the US.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Well said! Anyone with a tiny bit of empathy and not biased knows Israel is in the wrong. Could you imagine what would happen if what happened to Palestine happened to the US.
and the 1530 israelis killed by palestinian attacks since 1993 all actually died in tragic accidents which only LOOKED like suicide bombs, katuscha rocket attacks and assasinations...