Israel is a racist Nation (it really is)

Should the US continue to support that apartheid nation, Israel

  • Yes, it is the only Democracy in the ME and our best buddy in the World

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • No, cut funds until the Israelli's get serious about peace.and stops murdering Palestinians

    Votes: 17 60.7%

  • Total voters
I'm nonplussed. In every negotiation, one has to build trust and devise checks and balances in whatever is agreed upon. Israel has all the power and is blockading Gaza to the point of turning the area into a prison. I agree with others that it is reasonable to question Israel's motives but the motives of the people of Gaza are pretty obvious.
to evict the invaders of their homes? to get rid of the outsiders who stole their land and now shoot them when they get pissed enough to throw a few rocks at guys wearing body armor?
Out of curiosity do you believe the Palestinians are peace loving people who do not want to harm Israel?

Hamas will never be pleased until Israel and all Jews are eradicated. Sounds like a great neighbor.

Palestine worships a different god and that is causing a lot of the problem. But the religions are not going anywhere and this has been a problem since Abraham.

And there will never be peace.

This hatred runs forever deep.
you're only point in all this is that the Palestinians weren't traveling the globe to attack Jews...they were staying in Palestine, for the most part...the Jews brought this whole situation into existence, on the authority of biblical scripture, and the support of biased politicians, including FDR...probably the worst decision he ever made...everything else he did that was controversial has been over for decades, this decision may out last America...if the Jews and Palestinians don't annihilate each other first
I hate this thread, and I wish I had never started it because all it has become is a vicious assault on members that think differently about Israel, like your a Nazi, or a pedophile, or anti Semitic, something which I am not, but have been accused of, and something that should not be tossed around with abandon.
It started with simply quoting the Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu, in his own words, that Israel is a Jewish Nation, and essentially if your not a Jew, you really don't count.
That's what he said, and I had a problem with that statement.
But, it has turned into a fuck you fest, with people actually wishing death upon people that don't agree with their viewpoint.
Well I'm fucking sick of it, and have fun guy's, because I'm done posting on this thread.
And Buck, relax man, not everyone is a pedophile Nazi anti-Semite just because they don't agree with you.
Grow the fuck up
i don't really think it one has called me a Nazi, even though i'm not very sympathetic to the Jews. i think that may be because i try to look at it from both sides, and share the blame out to who it belongs to...both sides are at fault, neither side seems very committed to achieving peace, it has very little to do with religion at this point, and is more about legal occupation rights and human rights... i think the Palestinians have a very strong legal and moral case, and the Israelis have practically none...but it has nothing to do with "filthy Arabs" or "dirty Jews" me it's about the theft of a country from it's legal residents and their continuing oppression at the hands of those same thieves....
you're only point in all this is that the Palestinians weren't traveling the globe to attack Jews...they were staying in Palestine, for the most part...the Jews brought this whole situation into existence, on the authority of biblical scripture, and the support of biased politicians, including FDR...probably the worst decision he ever made...everything else he did that was controversial has been over for decades, this decision may out last America...if the Jews and Palestinians don't annihilate each other first
It was Truman that legitimized Israel by recognizing it :(. Of course the US was a key player in this as they are in every decision that effects the world getting totally fucked up lol.
It was Truman that legitimized Israel by recognizing it :(. Of course the US was a key player in this as they are in every decision that effects the world getting totally fucked up lol.
that's because we're a world of nations, not a world of human beings. until we can erase the artificial boundaries, the self serving agendas, the fear of those we don't know...things are going to stay fucked up
to evict the invaders of their homes? to get rid of the outsiders who stole their land and now shoot them when they get pissed enough to throw a few rocks at guys wearing body armor?
The motives of the people of Gaza is to have a better life. You are aware of Israel's blockade and sanctions against travel into and out of Gaza, aren't you? The leadership of Gaza have renounced the earlier creed that was laid down as a pre-condition before negotiation. It's Betanyahu and his government that are refusing to talk under cover of "we can't trust those lyin' stinkin' bastards", not the leadership of Gaza.
The motives of the people of Gaza is to have a better life. You are aware of Israel's blockade and sanctions against travel into and out of Gaza, aren't you? The leadership of Gaza have renounced the earlier creed that was laid down as a pre-condition before negotiation. It's Betanyahu and his government that are refusing to talk under cover of "we can't trust those lyin' stinkin' bastards", not the leadership of Gaza.
getting rid of the people oppressing them wouldn't make their life better? evicting the people who stole their home wouldn't take care of the restrictive rules that they're forcing the Palestinians to live by, in their own country? i say it's time for some serious sanctions against Israel, till they start playing straight. if they don't like it they can ally themselves with....not russia...not china...not syria, or egypt, or iran, or jordan or turkey...maybe they can hook up with the Kurds?
getting rid of the people oppressing them wouldn't make their life better? evicting the people who stole their home wouldn't take care of the restrictive rules that they're forcing the Palestinians to live by, in their own country? i say it's time for some serious sanctions against Israel, till they start playing straight. if they don't like it they can ally themselves with....not russia...not china...not syria, or egypt, or iran, or jordan or turkey...maybe they can hook up with the Kurds?
OK, so we agree about sanctions. What do you mean when you say "evict the people who stole their lands"? Three generations have been born and raised on that land since the founding of Israel. Are you talking about them "going back to where they came from"? There can't be any peace if you are talking about peace as the elimination of Israel as a nation and removal of all the generations of people born from Jewish immigrants.
OK, so we agree about sanctions. What do you mean when you say "evict the people who stole their lands"? Three generations have been born and raised on that land since the founding of Israel. Are you talking about them "going back to where they came from"? There can't be any peace if you are talking about peace as the elimination of Israel as a nation and removal of all the generations of people born from Jewish immigrants.
how many generations of Palestinians are now standing in hovels, watching Israelis live in their families ancestral homes?
how can there be peace when the occupying force not only remains, but dictates terms at the point of a bayonet?
how many generations of Palestinians are now standing in hovels, watching Israelis live in their families ancestral homes?
how can there be peace when the occupying force not only remains, but dictates terms at the point of a bayonet?
There can be peace when people recognize each other's rights to exist. Israel is a fact. Beyond that is where negotiations can begin. Borders, reparations for land taken, recognizing the rights of both people to live in peace and carry on commerce are all part of the negotiations. The leadership in Gaza have rejected the earlier policies of Hamas which called for the elimination of Israel. They are ready to start negotiating. Or more accurately put, they say they are ready.

Israel holds the whip hand and is using it on Palestinians. The Israeli government shows no willingness to begin the process that will stop this. The US has to end it's support for that government.
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There can be peace when people recognize each other's rights to exist. Israel is a fact. Beyond that is where negotiations can begin. Borders, reparations for land taken, recognizing the rights of both people to live in peace and carry on commerce are all part of the negotiations. The leadership in Gaza have rejected the earlier policies of Hamas which called for the elimination of Israel. They are ready to start negotiating. Or more accurately put, they say they are ready.

Israel holds the whip hand and is using it on Palestinians. The Israeli government shows no willingness to begin the process that will stop this. The US has to end it's support for that government.
Well let’s also not forget the rockets that still are being launched to this day. Yes I know they are not really effective but still just sayin there still flying. And I do think the US needs to rethink its stance.
i don't know if we have to end it, but we do have to make it conditional. we can't do business with people who are doing unethical, immoral things. and before we can say that to anyone, anywhere, and expect to not get laughed at, we have to start applying the same standard to our own business practices.
that's because we're a world of nations, not a world of human beings. until we can erase the artificial boundaries, the self serving agendas, the fear of those we don't know...things are going to stay fucked up
Well I do, unfortunately, like the imaginary boundary between our countries since the dork got in, I would not want to see his group just aimlessly wandering over here......sad because yes, at any other time in recent history, it would be nice to cross unobstructed, or at all in my case lol.
Well I do, unfortunately, like the imaginary boundary between our countries since the dork got in, I would not want to see his group just aimlessly wandering over here......sad because yes, at any other time in recent history, it would be nice to cross unobstructed, or at all in my case lol.
a whole lot of things have to change before we can get rid of borders...we have to realize we're all the same people. that we all have similar hopes, dreams, ambitions, and that we can all work towards those goals together, instead of huddling separately, in fear, spending more time sabotaging the dreams of others than trying to achieve our own
Well let’s also not forget the rockets that still are being launched to this day. Yes I know they are not really effective but still just sayin there still flying. And I do think the US needs to rethink its stance.
L'Ennemi Intime

Best movie I've seen that tackles the how people may begin with good intentions and eventually find justification for unspeakable acts. It's about the Algerian Revolution against the French in the 1950's-60's but applies just as well to many of the ongoing conflicts involving guerrilla war, civil war or the kind of conflict seen in Palestine. Eventually, what was done the past has little meaning because everybody has done some horrific shit. The only answer is to stop pointing fingers or weapons and get down to peace negotiations about what to do going forward.
L'Ennemi Intime

Best movie I've seen that tackles the how people may begin with good intentions and eventually find justification for unspeakable acts. It's about the Algerian Revolution against the French in the 1950's-60's but applies just as well to many of the ongoing conflicts involving guerrilla war, civil war or the kind of conflict seen in Palestine. Eventually, what was done the past has little meaning because everybody has done some horrific shit. The only answer is to stop pointing fingers or weapons and get down to peace negotiations about what to do going forward.
how do you get people to do that? i'm all for it, but have absolutely no idea how to get there. we kill each other because we can't agree about which mythology our ancestors decided to believe in. we kill each other because some of us are sitting on things that someone else will give us money for. we kill each other because we're too afraid of each other to actually speak, and listen...
even with the population of the world right now, no one, anywhere, needs to go to bed hungry. there's no reason for sane, reasonable people to be fighting. so what do we do with all the insane, unreasonable people? unfortunately, they have a large amount of the worlds weapons, and few problems with using them.
how do you get people to do that? i'm all for it, but have absolutely no idea how to get there. we kill each other because we can't agree about which mythology our ancestors decided to believe in. we kill each other because some of us are sitting on things that someone else will give us money for. we kill each other because we're too afraid of each other to actually speak, and listen...
even with the population of the world right now, no one, anywhere, needs to go to bed hungry. there's no reason for sane, reasonable people to be fighting. so what do we do with all the insane, unreasonable people? unfortunately, they have a large amount of the worlds weapons, and few problems with using them.

The only answer is negotiation. I don't know how to get people to do that. I do know the US is continuing to support Israel and that Israel is rejecting any offers from the leaders in Gaza to discuss a peaceful ending. I think dangling the prospect of US sanctions or withdrawal of support for Israel might help bring about negotiations.
I hate this thread, and I wish I had never started it because all it has become is a vicious assault on members that think differently about Israel, like your a Nazi, or a pedophile, or anti Semitic, something which I am not, but have been accused of, and something that should not be tossed around with abandon.
It started with simply quoting the Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu, in his own words, that Israel is a Jewish Nation, and essentially if your not a Jew, you really don't count.
That's what he said, and I had a problem with that statement.
But, it has turned into a fuck you fest, with people actually wishing death upon people that don't agree with their viewpoint.
Well I'm fucking sick of it, and have fun guy's, because I'm done posting on this thread.
And Buck, relax man, not everyone is a pedophile Nazi anti-Semite just because they don't agree with you.
Grow the fuck up
Well.... “fuck Israel” May have set the tone, just sayin lol.