Iso Hash Oil Extracting Questions

Trust me I have done my research on Iso Hash. I would like some updated most resourceful responses to how long to shake jar for and how many times to repeat shaking/straining til the THC has been fully extracted. As well as a relative ratio of Bud/Iso.

I am going to be using some pretty good mids with lots of resin I harvested outdoors.They are chilling in the freezer over night. Also one of those fat glass jars almost like the old school mayo jars. So im going to be shaking a few ounces at a time
Okay that looks really nice, how long do you gently rotate the jar? By the way what did you do with the rest of the stuff after? I used ice water to do a final shake on the leftovers and i strained it. Alot has settled at the bottom and once its dryed im going to strain it again through a coffee filter to see if anymore resin can be extracted.

For the record I only shook for about 15 seconds. Im not trying to get impurities just trying to get the most out of the bud i grew. Thanks.


Active Member
dude, there are stickies about this.

oakley was kind enough to direct you toward his thread which has a plethora of info in it, a lot of Qs from other people, save yourself some typing and just read the damn thing.



Oakley's not being a dick in any way lmao His tech works to the fullest.

I keep all my material, jars, and alcohol frozen for at least a couple hours before-hand. I shake the weed/alcohol mix GENTLY for about 10 seconds tops then quickly strain through a coarse metal strainer. let the alcohol drip out on its own, dont press down the bud or you'll get uneccesary amounts of chlorophyll. I sometimes gently pat it down but nothing more than that.

Then I toss the soaked bud in a bag, like in Oakleys tutorial, and add a bit more alcohol and mush the bag around and then filter that.