Oakley, dry ice bubblebagging BREAKS trichomes off, you method removes few trichomes, its mainly crap, look at the weed after it dries, empty trichs all over, it SUCKS the resin OUT of most of them. Most of that gunk is small bits of shit, and dust. Most empty trichs are still there. ISO will NOT exceed its boiling point, you look at a bloody textbook, Dont know what temp it gets to...what SHIT, and your telling others to read a book,lol Mistakes EVERYWHERE!!! 35 years, not 12,lol remove this one wank!! Bloody knowalls and bigheads,lol. Check SOME of my hundreds of extracts. I can make what product i like, without bullshit. ONE gram from an ounce of ANY BUD??? PATHETIC!!!,lol 30% from bud, ANY method!!!