Iso Extractions by _oakley_

I did"nt know who it was aimed at or by who, it seemed to be on a number of comments!! After 38 odd years of every extract worth doing[there are always different ways,] I like to experiment, but ime a looong way from a beginner, think before you type bud:) Ime interested WHY it comes out RED from gold ISO!!! Ive made it perfectly dozens of times, but its always gold honey oil, not RED!!!
I note what i wrote is not here anymore, Hmmmnn, does someone have an issue with anyone who might not COMPLETELY agree with a bigheads crap!! No explanation about WHY gold ISO goes RED! 12 years,lolhaha...With the shittiest solvent going, it can work...well, but there are much more efficent ways, with much better yields than any pour through will extract. Hope your saving your weed, theirs still a shitload of oil in it,lol This sativa gives one colour and indica another is the biggest load of crap ive ever heard,lol!!And ive been around a long time!!
Credit to Oakley for info that helped me with this method, starts same as oakley, but i dry ice pack ALL prior to process, lowers the temp even more!! The i take weed in 120 micron bubblebag out of freezer and dry ice cover and pour the freezing ISO through...three times with the same ISO in less than one minute, filter, add activated charcoal, mix, then pour through coffee filters, change as they block..patience. Then evap at LOW temp, this gives an almost colorless gel:) Very nice, thanks for the freezing tip man:) Slight amber, but looks like amber water!!
Afraid its going to take a bit to work out how to get a shot or two up. Ime pretty new at this stuff[computers], never really had the need for one till i got old:/ I used the method i outlined with 18 grams of bud, perfect gold ISO, with a great[30% extraction rate! I can pour the ISO through, three times in less than a minute, i use a bit over a liter, it helps get it all, then just squeeze out the bubblebag and the fast bit is done:) Cant get the bloody shots up,lol. Unreal color, never seen it before, a glowing coppery red, very clear, and very runny, no ISO left, its just runny, slowly setting a bit, take overnight i spose!!
Afraid its going to take a bit to work out how to get a shot or two up. Ime pretty new at this stuff[computers], never really had the need for one till i got old:/ I used the method i outlined with 18 grams of bud, perfect gold ISO, with a great[30% extraction rate! I can pour the ISO through, three times in less than a minute, i use a bit over a liter, it helps get it all, then just squeeze out the bubblebag and the fast bit is done:) Cant get the bloody shots up,lol. Unreal color, never seen it before, a glowing coppery red, very clear, and very runny, no ISO left, its just runny, slowly setting a bit, take overnight i spose!!

Im not sure why buddy got mad at you. Hey Zacdes can you start a thread showing how you make your iso, Im very interested. Im trying to get that clear look with a softer consistancy. Ive been doing Oakleys method I think I have to learn how to cook it better.....and Im using 91% iso.

Also Oakley how do you collect all your hash off the pyrex and is it warm, cold, or hot when you remove it.
Shots are up now man, its all in the FAST STRIP[FULL] and the cookoff, i took my runny gold oil and heated it in a water bath for 30 minutes, watch it change color, i missed one copper in between shot, i will try and fix it. This firms it up and i take it out as it gets to the product i want. red oil first, then the resin[blood red inside!!]! Ohhh, glass too if i want!! Check my channel:)
i will but i want more detailed instructions please. that ball of hash u have looks like some fuego bubble hash i would love to make.
post up a link of ur channel for the people
Hmmm...I have never done this...but I have washed my stuff with ISO then strained it and then I leave everything in a pyrex till all the alcohol evaporates..then I scrape up what is left...I always thought it was ISO Hash, but what do I Haven't tried this oil yet...seems to be the only difference is heating the alcohol vs letting it evaporate...why do I get solids when it evaporates, but you get goo when you cook it...Are you afraid you will blow up when cooking ISO?
So do you have to heat it up fast to get it gooey??? Like some good bubble hash
Mines usually comes out hard. And only once have I been able to get it gooey.
Ive been following everything oakley shows but it doesnt look as amber as his and I dont pull no where near enough to fill a small jar like he did. So Im still experimenting.
So do you have to heat it up fast to get it gooey??? Like some good bubble hash
Mines usually comes out hard. And only once have I been able to get it gooey.
Ive been following everything oakley shows but it doesnt look as amber as his and I dont pull no where near enough to fill a small jar like he did. So Im still experimenting.
So do you have to heat it up fast to get it gooey??? Like some good bubble hash
Mines usually comes out hard. And only once have I been able to get it gooey.
Ive been following everything oakley shows but it doesnt look as amber as his and I dont pull no where near enough to fill a small jar like he did. So Im still experimenting.

I think consistency is strain dependent.