ISO Extraction

I run for personal use. So I make 2-3 grams at a time to last however long it last. Then make more. Take me 10 min to make. Start to finish.
I don't even like oil. Too potent for me. That's why I don't make it anymore. $39 is not that bad of a price for grain alcohol. It's worth the cost vs isopropyl.
Never tried grain alcohol, thought that was what people used when they couldn't get a hold of iso. Why do you prefer it?
Never tried grain alcohol, thought that was what people used when they couldn't get a hold of iso. Why do you prefer it?

With drinking alcohol (ethanol) you can make TINCTURES - that you can drink.

Methanol and Isopropyl alcohol you can't drink but only use to process the cannabis into a different form.
With drinking alcohol (ethanol) you can make TINCTURES - that you can drink.

Methanol and Isopropyl alcohol you can't drink but only use to process the cannabis into a different form.
I understand tinctures, and oils such as Simpson oil. I thought he was saying to make a solid like you do with qwiso.

And I would have no qualms about eating properly dried qwiso, not that I have ever done that, easier to smoke.
Never tried grain alcohol, thought that was what people used when they couldn't get a hold of iso. Why do you prefer it?

I prefer it simply because it's a food product and won't kill you if you drink it. I didn't mean to imply that it worked any better. It's just less toxic.
I prefer it simply because it's a food product and won't kill you if you drink it. I didn't mean to imply that it worked any better. It's just less toxic.

I agree the drinking alcohol is safe and I use it for tinctures.
For processing, once the isopropyl alcohol evaporates there is no toxicity left.

Eating it does next to nothing for me sadly lol

Even commercial edibles such as gummies do nothing for you?
The drawback to edibles is that it takes about 60-90 minutes to feel the buzz
Never made an rso. Kinda thinking about it. Curious if it can be used, effectively for skin cancers, topically or if it would need an extract through heat and condensing to get the finer grades of essentials?
Do you decarb before or after qwiso?

I doubt it matters if you decarb before or after if you are just eating it.

I think if you decarb after you would have a nicer cleaner product. If you decarb first I would bet the extraction process would be impacted negatively, causing you to pull more "contaminants". Which may not really matter since its for edibles.....
Here's some Everclear Cold Extracted Cons.

Notice the difference between the washes.

1st wash 30 seconds

2nd wash 90 seconds

After cleaning up the 1st batch my thumb looked like I stuck it up Jack Frosts booty. It was absolutely covered in crystallized thc. I think next batch I will scrape while it is still warm and gooey, set it on some parchment paper over a very low heat to set it.

2nd wash is strictly for edibles.

Any thoughts on how to clean up easier without the need of chipping away would be kindly welcomed.

Scraping up the dishes is the best method I've found. I don't use heat for any of my process to avoid terpene loss. Im not sure what kind of razor blade you used, but I found the best results from the style with the metal rib on the back of the blade. They are designed for small scrapers and are much more flexible then blades designed for razor knives which makes them scrape the dish waaay better. I use a small set of needle nose vice grips to hold the blade securely.
What would you suggest for evap in a place that is 30F-45F? The alcohol doesn't like to evap in that cold of temps. I'm running the hotplate at about 90F so it doesn't burn but isn't cold.