Is Your CloneX Going Bad Faster?

This is a funny subject, Iv' done side by side by side testing both in hydro ez cloners and rock wool. I never found any difference in rooting times or health of newly rooted clones using a cloning gel or nothing at all. Scraping the ends and cutting at 45` or not...clipping half of the fan leafs or not. Taking the cuttings above and below the nodes, It just didn't matter in all of my test subjects. They all rooted within 24 hours of each other and go on to become great donors themselves. Just my 2 pennies worth, and by the way, I'v been cloning for many years with at least a thousand cuttings of experience. It has been a couple of years since I have not had a cutting take root. Am I lucky? Maybe.

What's the weather like in Shangri-La these days?
@vostok is on to it honey is where it’s at.
I use Manukau Honey. Honey never goes off if sealed right. They found honey in the pyramid’s of Egypt that was still edible. I also use it on my horse’s wounds because of the antiseptic qualities.
So if you want a cloning gel that doesn’t go off honey is the shit