is this ready for the chop

yh i know he's a fool he's last grow he chopped it early, didnt dry it right and tried selling it. it as utter rubbish and just coz he been stoned for 3 days straight he thinks he come in get a pair of scissors and chop it down thats why i asked you guys. he still been saying all day that you guys are rong but ive been on this site long enough to know that you guys know what you are talking about. i grew this plant nearly 4 month and for some idiot to come and put a pair of scissors to my plant (for real) try chopping down it made me want to hit him. (the fact that he has 2 dogs with him all the time and hard mates makes me want to say no) he also thinks he owns 1/3 of my plants just coz he found them :( really annoys me. (sorry to rite all this up just wanted to express myself and say thanks to you guys)


Active Member
yh i know he's a fool he's last grow he chopped it early, didnt dry it right and tried selling it. it as utter rubbish and just coz he been stoned for 3 days straight he thinks he come in get a pair of scissors and chop it down thats why i asked you guys. he still been saying all day that you guys are rong but ive been on this site long enough to know that you guys know what you are talking about. i grew this plant nearly 4 month and for some idiot to come and put a pair of scissors to my plant (for real) try chopping down it made me want to hit him. (the fact that he has 2 dogs with him all the time and hard mates makes me want to say no) he also thinks he owns 1/3 of my plants just coz he found them :( really annoys me. (sorry to rite all this up just wanted to express myself and say thanks to you guys)

Wow sounds like you lucked into a shitty deal. LOL Give him a plant for him to do what he wants with and tell him to buzz off with the rest of them. I dont put up with intimidation these are guys that dont need to know about plants like these. There just a fucking pain in the ass!
even if i gave him a plant he'd still hover round the rest like a fly round shit and he's my gf's family so cant kick him out either :( and i had to move it once already and told him i sold them but he still went round sniffing. its my first grow and that and he thinks he is a pro coz he did one grow. he cut it 2 early, he as ripping buds off it as soon as his plants got bud. he dried it out for 2 days and started selling it wet. it was rubbish. anyhow my plants are doing really good roadrunner is really good for a freebie lol and master kush is looking huge lol will give pics 2moz :)


Well-Known Member
even if i gave him a plant he'd still hover round the rest like a fly round shit and he's my gf's family so cant kick him out either :( and i had to move it once already and told him i sold them but he still went round sniffing. its my first grow and that and he thinks he is a pro coz he did one grow. he cut it 2 early, he as ripping buds off it as soon as his plants got bud. he dried it out for 2 days and started selling it wet. it was rubbish. anyhow my plants are doing really good roadrunner is really good for a freebie lol and master kush is looking huge lol will give pics 2moz :)

You should beat this kids ass lol, what a tool


whats the dangers of chopping to early and i cant get a microscope not got the money :(
are you supposed to take sample to place under your

microscope? ( like a small bud leaf) or do you straddle the

plant whilst tucking a bud under the lense??

so far no one has said HOW to view trichs on a plant

that is growing. seems like you could only do this w/loupe

or loupes. the kind that jewelers/dental technicians use

have flip up visors for no hands use -- im thinking this is

what i want.


Sounds like he just wants to smoke it now or sell it! Tell him the bud will not mold unless you are misting them, overwatering, the plant is dead, or humidity is to high. If you have all that in check your good to go for a few weeks till they are ready. Then make sure you cure slowly the way you should. When all thats done smoke a bowl with him at that point he will be proven wrong!


Active Member
Well first off I wouldn't even call him your mate, buddy or friend, sounds like a arrogant asshole to me, that my own opinion. sorry. No your babies are not quite ready, like everyone else has mentioned you should definitely go at least a week maybe two longer. Second you don't have to prove shit to this guy, like you said just cause he has one grow under the belt doesn't mean he knows his ass from his elbow. If your intimidated by him, his crew, or even his dogs you gotta level the playing field, you shouldn't feel forced or pressured into doing what he says or wants. With that being said, hook him up with whatever it takes to get him off your back, and keep those babies alive a little longer, and if there's a next time grow you're going to have to exclude his ass from it. You might not even want your girl to know, hate to say it but "blood is thicker than water", and he might be using this to his advantage to get all the info he needs from your girl. Shit put a lock on your bedroom door and make sure you are the only one with a spare, then do a small closet grow. Good look
bout to upload in 10 mins sorry for the wait but kind of been stoned all weekend off some white rhino really gud stuff just a shame i had to buy it :( lol


Well-Known Member
One on the right of pic 4 of 4 looking real nice mang wouldnt even know your a newbie, looks real close within a couple wks:clap: no way another month for that one on the right
lol sorry but the camera wont zoom in but the plant with loads of bud on is going really brown its been flowering bout 6 weeks. the one at the back is bout 3ft going on 4 i think i'll take a pic of it soon with tapemeasue next to it to prove it. its nearly the size of me its up to my chest but then again i might as well be a hobbit lol. thanks for the great feedback :D id post you all some green if i thought i could get away with it lol
3 weeks :( 1 and a 1/2 weeks ago i got told 2 weeks :( now another 3 on top thank god im stiking to lowryders next lol. you sure 3 weeks i am getting a microsope soon though to see if the trichs are all broken. any1 else got any omments on how long it has left im not saying i dont beleve you 323cheesy i just dont ant to beleve it (ive waited so long :( ) i didnt mean tht as an offencive way 323cheesy just a jokin way


Well-Known Member
3 weeks :( 1 and a 1/2 weeks ago i got told 2 weeks :( now another 3 on top thank god im stiking to lowryders next lol. you sure 3 weeks i am getting a microsope soon though to see if the trichs are all broken. any1 else got any omments on how long it has left im not saying i dont beleve you 323cheesy i just dont ant to beleve it (ive waited so long :( ) i didnt mean tht as an offencive way 323cheesy just a jokin way
Are the pistils start to recede back into to the bud? Once the pistils are receding back and in the bud you will be done.You can also read FDD article on harvesting I'm pretty sure he waits until thye are receded back into the bud.
if you mean like retracting back in to the bud then yes. they were very big and long but have now gone brown and small almost curling up to the bud or rather joining the bud


Well-Known Member
3 weeks :( 1 and a 1/2 weeks ago i got told 2 weeks :( now another 3 on top thank god im stiking to lowryders next lol. you sure 3 weeks i am getting a microsope soon though to see if the trichs are all broken. any1 else got any omments on how long it has left im not saying i dont beleve you 323cheesy i just dont ant to beleve it (ive waited so long :( ) i didnt mean tht as an offencive way 323cheesy just a jokin way
you callin me a lier????? you
I think if you give us some close ups will know for sure ..... but since the fan leaves look healthy why not let them continue....
dont cut there life short .....
id say just about any plant desewrves 2 months flowering before ....chop choppy....
once those fan leaves turn yellow youll kno theyre time is up....