is this powdery mildew?

Stoned Drifter

Well-Known Member
damn. well luckly i wasn't able to find anymore on the og. should i toss the bdxtahoe or u think there hope for her.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
If those r small enough u can do a plant dunk. Mix up a fungicide solution put a rag around the dirt on the cup and dunk those. 100 percent saturation. Way better then any spray u could do.


Well-Known Member
better get that under control asa fucking p
No joke, this shit explodes and then just keeps coming back. When I have more time I'll tell you what worked and didn't work for me this past summer in two different greenhouses. If still small I think dunking them in fungicide is where I'd start. I was dealing with mature plants where that wasn't an option! More later...


Well-Known Member
The more I think about it, my experiences may not help you because you've got it on much younger plants that can easily be dipped in something. The remedies I tried this year were all for mature plants that were about 3 or 4 weeks into flowering on an organic grow that we didn't want to taint with non food safe options or sulfer.

In my 14 years of growing in Colorado, I'd never had a run in with powdery mildew until this season. Very odd August that was often humid, damp and cold for us. Spotted some in a friends greenhouse. He was a little slow to take action and it got hold pretty good before he got around to treating it. Big mistake. He first tried a baking soda solution and soap solution and this did seem to knock it back pretty good. But a couple days later it was back and far worse.

I still didn't know a whole lot about it but grabbed him a jug of some organic fungicide product with Ed Rosenthal's name on it. I figured if it had Ed Rosenthal's name on it, it would clearly be designed for obliterating powdery mildew on marijuana. The instructions said something about trying it out on a few leaves first before spraying it all over the plant, in case it burned the leaves. I figured those must be instructions for someone using it on something other than marijuana, right Ed? wink wink. We followed the rest of the instructions to the tee and the product got sprayed heavily, everywhere we saw powdery mildew, which was nearly everywhere.

Long story short, 48 hours later his bottom fan leaves looked like someone took a bic lighter to them, totally torched, and the powdery mildew was back stronger than ever. So I can't recommend Ed's product. I don't necessarily blame it for the burning of the leaves, because the baking soda solution may not have been rinsed off enough - which you need to do after it dries.

So now we start doing real research and learn that there are many varieties of powdery mildew and they do not all behave the same or die the same. There are also an unbelievable number of organic home remedies that somebody somewhere swears will work like nothing you have ever seen before. But there isn't a clear way to know which remedies work on which stains, or even which strain we are dealing with.

We tried milk sprays and that didn't slow it down. We tried a UV-C wand and got no noticeable results. We tried a product called Actinovate and beat it back pretty good, but it came back even harder. This product is a patented micro-organism called streptomyces lydicus WYEC 108. I talked to the owner of the Actinovate product and he said to have no worries upping the dosage and amounts of treatments. So we did and it beat it back again. But it kept coming back stronger whenever the humidity went up.

Long story short, we never beat it back all the way and the harvest buds had some powdery mildew on them. The only good news is that we tried a tip I saw in youtube video by Jorge Cervantes. You put a small amount of hydrogen peroxide in a large tub of water (sorry don't remember the proportions but the video is still up on you tube and easy to find). Dunk your freshly harvested bud in this solution and agitate for a minute or two. Jorge says not to agitate it too aggressively or you might lose trichomes. This is funny, because the next thing you do is blast the shit out of it with a garden hose to rinse it all off! So we try this and it worked very nicely. We definitley lost trichomes spraying the buds with a garden hose, but it still ended up being one hit stuff.

I now understand that a little bit of hydrogen peroxide in water is good to mist on your plants as a preventative measure. I used the Actinovate product after seeing one spot of PM in my greenhouse and never saw it again the rest of the season. I applied it heavily and often and will continue using it to prevent.