Is this fine to use?


Hi guys.

I bought these bags of soil today from a local nursery. I asked him for the best soil that he has without nutes. He suggested these two after I told him what I am growing so I didnt bother reading the bags. Later on at home I noticed the bag on the left said compost and at the bottom it said group 2 fertilizer. He said I should mix it 50/50 with the topsoil. Any insight if I can do this or should I take the bag back and just stick with the topsoil. Im growing outdoors.


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Man to be honest I wouldn't be comfortable using either one of those. Do you have a local hydro shop that might carry forearm mediums or something similar? I start all my seeds in happy frog, has nutes but have never hurt my seedlings and no need to feed for a month or so. Here's one of mine about 12 days in happy frog


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Unless I know exaxtly whats in my soil and what to expect,id rather go with an inert medium. This way I know what my plants are getting,thats just my opinion ofc,.You can probably grow some nice plants in that.
Im in south africa and no hydro shops here and nothing you can order online apart from indoor mediums. Sorry man if I understand you right I should not use the compost at all for a base just the topsoil? And 50/50 perlite will be half the pot full perlite? First time growing so I'm a proper noob
Exactly, the perlite will help control moisture and aerate the soil for root development. Definately no fertilizer yet. No nutes for at least a few weeks. Good luck bro and welcome to the world of grow your own, you'll love it

  1. 31 minutes agoEditReport

  2. MajordukeMember
    Got pics of the stuff?

    20 minutes agoReport

  3. OctomonkeyMember

    Got pics of the stuff?
    Shit thought I loaded it sorry.

    17 minutes agoEditDeleteReport

  4. MajordukeMember
    Man to be honest I wouldn't be comfortable using either one of those. Do you have a local hydro shop that might carry forearm mediums or something similar? I start all my seeds in happy frog, has nutes but have never hurt my seedlings and no need to feed for a month or so. Here's one of mine about 12 days in happy frog

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    9 minutes agoReport

  5. MajordukeMember
    But if that's all you have used the top soil and mix 50 50 with perlite and you'll probably be ok

    8 minutes agoReport

  6. OctomonkeyMember
    Im in south africa and no hydro shops here and nothing you can order online apart from indoormediums. Sorry man if I understand you right I should not use the compost at all for a base just the topsoil? And 50/50 perlite will be half the pot full perlite? First time growing so I'm a proper noob

    A moment agoEditDeleteReport

Im in south africa and no hydro shops here and nothing you can order online apart from indoor mediums. Sorry man if I understand you right I should not use the compost at all for a base just the topsoil? And 50/50 perlite will be half the pot full perlite? First time growing so I'm a proper noob
Im in south africa and there is no hydro shops here and can only order medium for indoors online. If I understand you right I should not use the compost at all for a base?
Exactly, the perlite will help control moisture and aerate the soil for root development. Definately no fertilizer yet. No nutes for at least a few weeks. Good luck bro and welcome to the world of grow your own, you'll love it
This is what im transplanting though. Could I the mix the 2 bags or still a no go?20160221_112711.jpg
That's definitely far enough along where you can add nutes so I would Do 75 topsoil 25 fert then 50 50 with perlite. Do you have any liquid food for them yet?
Octomonkey can you get ProMix HP in your area, I just find it easier to get and have been using for a long time without any problems, FFOF is hard to come by unless you have a store in your area that deals with Medical Needs,
I also can find ProMix HP at your nearest greenhouse. if they only Have ProMix BX you can add some Perlite I used BX for awhile it worked fine when I added the extra ingredients, Good Luck, PS I would bring back the other Medium too. Happy Grow !!
Yeah this is the other stuff I got. I have 3 bags of the perlite so I guess I need quite a bit more as there will be 4 plants going into 5 gallon pots.20160222_212055.jpg
Octomonkey can you get ProMix HP in your area, I just find it easier to get and have been using for a long time without any problems, FFOF is hard to come by unless you have a store in your area that deals with Medical Needs,
I also can find ProMix HP at your nearest greenhouse. if they only Have ProMix BX you can add some Perlite I used BX for awhile it worked fine when I added the extra ingredients, Good Luck, PS I would bring back the other Medium too. Happy Grow !!
Unfortunately cant get any of the US products here in SA, so my options is quite limited
You have plenty to grow some nice plants. If I were you, and had the option, i would build a compost tea brewer and start making teas. I grow 100% organic and EWC tea is truly amazing stuff. The point is that all that nutrients you need are in the soil, organic matter, sand. silt. clay, rocks, etc. The problem is that the nutrients are not in a plant available form. You need beneficial bacteria and fungi to release their enzymes to break down the material, and they then absorb those nutrients. Once their predators (nematodes, protozoa, etc) eat them the excess nutrients are released at the root zone in the exact form the plant requires. Some people prefer adding 20 ingredients in their soil, and some may only have 5. if you pay attention to biology it makes no difference. Soil food web 101.
try not to make double threads thats why your photo came up in one and not the other.
maybe your internet messed up or whatever.

i have merged your threads together so everything appears in one.
View attachment 3614202
This is the other stuff I got.
That stuff will work, Now it is up to you to make the right mix and you will be fine, if that is all you can get where you are at you should be able to mix a good batch, just experiment unless someone else here uses the exact soil your going to use can help and maybe make it a bit easier for you. Them plants look healthy so your well on your way, Keep up the good work, Good Luck.