Done the transplant today. That soil mix I really dont think is going to work. It took about 5 minutes to water till runoff. Terrible draining, there was literally centimeters of standing water on the top for a long time. I think I will have to just buy normal potting soil and hope the nutes does the job. this plants roots was also really tiny, I expected alot more from what I saw on transplanting videos I watched. It fit in the palm of my hand, but somehow the plant still looks healthy and perked up after an hour or so after I transplanted it. It looks dry at the top cause I topped up with a bit of soil after I watered.That stuff will work, Now it is up to you to make the right mix and you will be fine, if that is all you can get where you are at you should be able to mix a good batch, just experiment unless someone else here uses the exact soil your going to use can help and maybe make it a bit easier for you. Them plants look healthy so your well on your way, Keep up the good work, Good Luck.