Is this enough?


Well-Known Member
Just a quick hypothetical for 2 plants around 2 feet in hight would one 100 watt CFL along with three 26 watt CFLs and one 15 watt CFL would that be enough lighting? I'm also planning on lining the inside of my grow box (which is 2'7"x1'5.2"x4' (lxwxh))with foil. I know heat will be a factor which is why I have one 10" fan blowing air out and one 10" fan blowing air in. My seeds aren't germinating yet since I'm putting the finishing touches on the grow box (this is a stealth grow) but is that adequate? I'm hoping for having two 2 foot tall plants in the grow box and have 2 clones in a different grow box (the second grow box is 1' 2.5"x7"x1' 2.5" with two 26 watt CFLs and a 120 MM fan blowing air out and a 45 MM fan blowing air in) so when the 2 mother plants are done and harvested I can have the clones flower and then clone them, etc, etc.

Is this enough? If not what else should I add? I was told that foil can cause hot spots, would white paper be more efficient?


Active Member
My guess is would be no, I would definitely get more lights. I don't have too much experience with cfls but i would put more light on them. Have you looked into grow tubes? Also foil doesn't work too well at all, if there is a hydroponics shop around you I would go there and pick up some mylar. Or i would just paint the walls of your box white.


Well-Known Member
white paper?

man just go buy some mylar, if its too expensive for your budget....paint it white...

if not get some christmas wrapping paper, poly or some shit....

DO NOT USE FOIL.....can we say hot spots?

and the more light....the better man


Well-Known Member
I'll just paint it white. I'm just trying to do this all on a college student's budget but white paint won't be that bad.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
now are you gonna use an actual 100 watt cfl or an equal to 100 watt cfls? Those might be enough to veg the plants and add side lighting unless you get like 2 125 watt actual cfls one for each plant and then 4-6 of the 23 watters for side lighting during flower


Well-Known Member
They are actual 100 watt CFLs. I'm going to try to get more lights tommorow. I'm hoping to end up with at least two 100 watt CFLs and I'm going to try to replace at least 1 or 2 of the 23 watt ones with higher wattage CFLs (I'm hoping to replace them with at least 60 watt CFLs)


Well-Known Member
you do realize that all the money you are spending on them cfl (the energy and the money you paid for them) that you coulda got a $99 400 hps right?

which will use less energy power and more lumens.....

just food for thought


Well-Known Member
All these CFLs (sans the 2-3 I'm going to buy tommorow) I found laying around my house. If I hadn't I would go out and buy better lighting.


Well-Known Member
Update: thanks to the miracle that is Black Friday I picked up a 2 foot 20 watt grow light and a few security lights I modified to stay on all the time. This leaves me with a total of 10 lights. One 2 foot long 20 watt fluorescent grow light, seven 23 watt CFLs ( I left my 100 watt CFL on my table and my cat knocked it over T_T) and two 15 watt CFLs. I think this should be fine for a relatively small grow room (1' 5"x2' 6"x4' 1") I am only going to try to grow 2 plants.

One more thing: is it possible to control the plant height? It probably isn't but I figure it's worth a try to ask ^^.