is this calcium def ?


Well-Known Member
I'm leaning towards a cal or maybe mag deficiency. I'd dose her up with some calmag and see if that fixes it, it def won't hurt. I add calmag to every other watering. If I don't, I ALWAYS get calmag deficiencies.


Well-Known Member
Tis a trace deficiency, as long as it's only on top and that's not an apparent bleaching due to the way the camera light hit it. That said, the lower pieces definitely look semi-tox. What soil are you running it in? And what is the NPK for nutes? What is your watering/nutes schedule?


Active Member
i have biolan potting soilIMG_2388.jpg 20% humussIMG_2391.jpg 20% perlit, bat guano. 20L pots I have only hesi nuts watering 1-2 times with nuts(ppm 500-700) 1 flash


Well-Known Member
is this calcium def ? View attachment 2559553 or light burn ? light(600hps) is 2 foot from plant and tamps are ok.

Looks to me like your classic phosphorus deficiency,

on your next watering flush with distilled h20 and verify your ph with the watering run off method and a digital ph meter. An excess of fe or zn can cause a P deficiency.
Our lovely ladies love P its hard to give them to much phosphorus... other signs of deficiency is slow stunted growth.

Get your ph right if it isn't then add some P won't hurt.


Active Member
Looks to me like your classic phosphorus deficiency,

on your next watering flush with distilled h20 and verify your ph with the watering run off method and a digital ph meter. An excess of fe or zn can cause a P deficiency.
Our lovely ladies love P its hard to give them to much phosphorus... other signs of deficiency is slow stunted growth.

Get your ph right if it isn't then add some P won't hurt.

but curling can be also from P def ??