Is this bud rot?


Well-Known Member
Hi! Im mostly an inside grower so I mever really had bud rot so I have no idea if this is it. This years outside growing was bad atleast here so dont be too harsh. Im talking about the 2 buds


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yep, thats bud rot, try and cut it out as far as you can and dont be afraid to loose a bit of bud too, allways cut into the good but to avoid the spores spreading too far.
and as allready stated, do investigate the rest of the budz for any signs of it.
it spreads realy fast and can ruin a crop if left.
i thaught that i had time to leave it a few days the first time i got it in a plant , some 30 odd years ago, and by the time i got roun to doing it, it had doubled in the amount of bud i had to chop off
Looks like you are right about bud rot cut it out and look how far it has gotten into the bud you are going to haft to watch the rest of your ladys the shit spreads as always thank you for your time and the best of luck
Definitely cut all the bad stuff off. Bud rot happens. I still have a plant outdoors that's too big to bring inside or fit in the greenhouse. I've been spraying with a potassium silicate solution to try and prevent bud rot. So far so good. But the plant still needs another month or so and I'm not optimistic that I won't lose a good portion to bud rot.
Definitely cut all the bad stuff off. Bud rot happens. I still have a plant outdoors that's too big to bring inside or fit in the greenhouse. I've been spraying with a potassium silicate solution to try and prevent bud rot. So far so good. But the plant still needs another month or so and I'm not optimistic that I won't lose a good portion to bud rot.
Did you make the pottasium silicate solution, how do you make it up,,?
I tried Bud Rot Stop and it didn't work. I spayed them twice, once at start of flower and second time around day 30 of flower.
I didn't want to spray them after that..... in case of bud rot!
Unless it was an old bottle....?
Did you make the pottasium silicate solution, how do you make it up,,?
I tried Bud Rot Stop and it didn't work. I spayed them twice, once at start of flower and second time around day 30 of flower.
I didn't want to spray them after that..... in case of bud rot!
Unless it was an old bottle....?

I mix it up myself with water soluble potassium silicate and water.
At what strength ? How many ppm per litre do you use?

I use 1.5 grams per gallon of potassium silicate to a gallon of water. That works out to around 100 ppm potassium, 200 ppm of SiO2 "silicon dioxide", and 90 ppm of Si "silicon". No damage to the plant. I'm spraying up until harvest. I'm going to wash the weed anyway if It doesn't rot and I actually get to harvest but I don't think it will affect anything in the final harvest granted I get one. There's no oils or anything in it. I'm not even using a surfactant.

I'm definitely not chopping early so this will be an experiment of sorts as I've never used K2SiO3 for the prevention of bud rot or PM on cannabis before. I did use it on other plants in the garden with great success at stopping/preventing PM. So I have my fingers crossed.