Is this big enough for a 2 bucket DWC SCRoG?


Well-Known Member
Here is my current project, it's 28x20, and plenty of vertical space. I've read that a SCRoG should be 1 square foot per plant, but my screen only has 20x17 of screen space. Is that sufficient, or should I just remove the screen part and grow 2 decent plants? It's under a 250w MH/HPS. It's still a work in progress. The marked lines are 3", but I'm going to use string at every 2".



Well-Known Member
I think that is too small of space for two plants. By the time they hit the screen you'll do one tuck and then have to flower. It's minimum 1sq ft per plant I believe. I have a scrog going right now, just one plant and my screen is 2'x3'

2013-03-23 14.26.15.jpg


Well-Known Member
They would be going from clone. I could train it around the screen for as long as I want, allowing it to fill up before flowering, correct? It does seem like it's too small, do you think I'd be better off just growing 2 plants in that space, without the screen?


Well-Known Member
With a space that small I would just do one plant and fill your screen with it or just lst one plant and don't use a screen


Well-Known Member
With a space that small I would just do one plant and fill your screen with it or just lst one plant and don't use a screen
I think that's my best options as well. Would you use a screen or would you lst it? I'm thinking a screen.


I would do screen but only one plant, plants grow quite a bit after veg (I only did a month in the picture). Here is my plant before I switched to 12/12 lighting and how it is currently. This is a indica strain as well. 3x3x7 space.

LST and tying down the branches seems like a bit more work in your small space, would be hard to reach the back of your area once it takes off.



Well-Known Member
Kid's grow fast in DWC brother... you could do it... but you may want a few pairs of shears. You are gonna be lopping some heads.

it'll take a little bit longer, cus of the stress, but your plants will look like you want them too.