is this a problem? cones in DWC


Active Member
watsup guys! i'm new to the DWC and was wondering if this is normal? it looks like a MAG deficiancy but growth is not really stunted the foliage is still growing and i've been monitoring em for a few days n it doesn't seem to be spreading and a couple look like it's coming back to normal. can anyone help?:bigjoint:

PH:(liquid tester)- 5.0-6.0 was closer to 5.0 but raised it more to the yellow which is 6.0 just yesterday.
TEMP: high-85 low-78
NUTES: dynagro liquid grow(7-9-5) bloom(3-12-6) and protekt(0-0-3)
WATER: Purified(ppm-15)

second day veging in DWC

yesterday...the seedling went through heat stress that killed the previous clones but i got my speed adjustable fans and brought my temps down.

clone 1 tonight...the strongest clone and it's growing a strong root mass quick!

clone 2 tonight...also has beautiful white roots and no sign of problems below...

clone 3 tonight...

clone 4...


Well-Known Member
turn off your LEDs... Mg deficiency is a mobile deficiency. most mobile deficiencies start from bottom to the top of the plant. your deficiency is more likely immobile and leaning towards iron deficiency.

make sure you are not looking at your PH dropper under an LED or a HPS... that fucks up your reading. i normally hold mine over a white piece of paper under normal room light to see. your trying to get an ORANGE color reading. yellow is too high, red is too low.
time to invest in a pH meter when u got the money... makes life a lot easier. you may need to fix your PH first, if its not your pH, then your not feeding them enough micronutrients.


Active Member
Deficiency? I don't think so! Cut your nutes in half for a week and slowly start bumping up from there. Get some cal/mag just to be on the safe side, but looks like they took a big shock of nutes to me.


Well-Known Member
turn off your LEDs... Mg deficiency is a mobile deficiency. most mobile deficiencies start from bottom to the top of the plant. your deficiency is more likely immobile and leaning towards iron deficiency.

make sure you are not looking at your PH dropper under an LED or a HPS... that fucks up your reading. i normally hold mine over a white piece of paper under normal room light to see. your trying to get an ORANGE color reading. yellow is too high, red is too low.
time to invest in a pH meter when u got the money... makes life a lot easier. you may need to fix your PH first, if its not your pH, then your not feeding them enough micronutrients.
doesn't iron def start from inside the leaf then work out? like on this chart?



Well-Known Member
Just looks like a micro deficiency, and considering it is DWC check your PH like they said, and add micro nutes and 1/4 to 1/2 strength at the right Ph and they should perk up


Well-Known Member
Nevermind this one has a better description of iron def and makes sense that it likely is iron



Active Member
Thanks for all the replies guys! It helps a lot! I read up on iron and it seems to be really close to it...

turn off your LEDs... Mg deficiency is a mobile deficiency. most mobile deficiencies start from bottom to the top of the plant. your deficiency is more likely immobile and leaning towards iron deficiency.

Thanks I didnt know the mobile and immobile thing and I noted it down as well. Next time I'll turn off the LEDs for pics!

make sure you are not looking at your PH dropper under an LED or a HPS... that fucks up your reading. i normally hold mine over a white piece of paper under normal room light to see. your trying to get an ORANGE color reading. yellow is too high, red is too low.
time to invest in a pH meter when u got the money... makes life a lot easier. you may need to fix your PH first, if its not your pH, then your not feeding them enough micronutrients.
I never look and the reading under an led I use my white cfls against the wall of my room to get it better. I always try to keep the reading around the orange color but isn't that closer to 5.0? I just want to make sure it's alright cuz I here that even in hydro it's a little safer toward 5.7. But I jus raised it to see if it gets better or worse. Thanks for the info!

Deficiency? I don't think so! Cut your nutes in half for a week and slowly start bumping up from there. Get some cal/mag just to be on the safe side, but looks like they took a big shock of nutes to me.
When they first went in the ppm was around 250 then 350 I just brought it to 500 yesterday. I got GH starter kit and cal mag so I'm gonna try to finish up this grow with the dynagro and do the next batch with GH to see if it's a smoother ride.

Big question! I know a lot of hydro nutes have a separate micro but DYNA GRO has all the trace elements so they say on they're bottle front and back but is that enough? I had a couple growers say that DYNA GRO is everything you need and they don't need extra added micros. How true is this


Active Member
I got one for 16 n it stopped working a couple days thats why Im not using one but I know I need one so soon. I did more research and came across a thread that shows its clearly a zinc Deficiancy which gets locked out at 5.7-8.5 and is good from 4.0-5.5. that's all I did and by tomorro if it doesn't workout I'm gonna flush the res and restart the nutes...