I don't know if this is enough stress. I also under/over watered her while I was learning but that's all. I monitor humidity and heat and all are optimum for flowering.
Any help appreciated! Thanks
I would get the idea of "stress = hermie" outa your head. Honestly you'll feel much better.
And you won't be chasing your tail, trying to fix something which mightn't be there, every time you get an intersex plant.
Just wanted to give you guys a little update. After some serious pod plucking and defoliating the bottom part, today she looks like this. I have noticed some of the flowers that were white turned brownish today. I have read online that this might be due to pollination (which i doubt because the pods i plucked were max a week old. Soft and empty inside) or due to directly touching them) . Will they recover? Should i be worried? Thanks in advance.
Seems it's your only plant, so just pluck on, if you can be bothered.
I'd say it'll be very likely you'll get seed. You'll be able to tell soon.
Who knows, might get lucky.
YES! That is a full blown hermie. Unless you want seeds get rid of it, or at least get it a long ways away from other female plants, and downwind! More than likely it’s a genetic thing, not stress.
No, that's not "nanners", that's a true hermie, and the seeds will most likely to produce more hermies. Seeds from late flower nanners are more likely to be female, but they still have weak genetics, basically the "Shallow end of the gene pool", not something you want to perpetuate.
That really depends on what you call female...I'd suggest a dioecious plant lacks the ability to do either of those things, naturally, without human intervention.
Far as I can tell, all plants that hermie, lack the male markers when testing and indicate XX chromosome. Nanners, bananas or balls, it doesn't matter.
I really think dioecy is an important distinction to make, because of this.
Also, I think it's important to recognize the term "hermaphrodite" refers to a perfectly formed, or complete flower in botany and horticulture.
What is referred to as a "true hermie" in the mj community, is actually monoecious by description. (separate M+F flowers on the same plant)
I'm no botanist, when I say I'm having a difficult time visualizing what a perfectly-formed cannabis flower looks like?
Given the flowers we see, are essentially clusters of individual flowers themselves?
It's all monoecy at the end of the day, pretty sure.
In the sense they have both male and female reproductive organs, on the same plant, but not the same flower.
And, that not all monoecious plants are hermaphrodite.
I agree with you, keeping seeds from a hermie, will likely result in more hermie plants. Inevitable if selecting them.
Only disagree with you on the taxonomy.
Also, if we consider for a moment, that you can't distinguish a female cannabis plant from an intersex cannabis plant, by it's chromosome markers. Then it's a very slippery slope, suggesting, plants that grow bananas not balls, will result in female seed. How can we tell?
Or, that the plant showing intersex traits is "female". A dioecious female plant, that grows bananas late stage, categorically isn't dioecious at all.
I don't mean to rant, sorry, if it seems that way!
Every question is genuine, I'm not claiming to be any expert, either.
There's lots of misinformation about cannabis online, as you're more than likely aware. Takes a lot of time to sift through it. In my opinion, plant hermaphroditism is one area that's very difficult to find reliable information on. Lots of contradictions and confusing theories.