is this a bad trip for JUST weed? And did i smoke past my limit?


Well-Known Member
Maybe it was some really good shit. If your kinda noob than weird shit can happen at first. No need to be scared now, its over. But if you smoke again, make sure its from a reliable source, not some random druggie. People can lace shit if they want, and the person who smokes first hit may get it all! I got laced one time in my life...been smoking for 15 years. You know when its a lace job. High for 6 hours and hallucinating = laced


Paranoia is a bitch, huh? Well, you gotta really start from the source. Where did you get said pot at? Was it a trust-worthy person? If so...ask them about it. If not....just don't use them again JUST in case, you know?

Pot came from a friend? Same steps...just ask the friend first then follow same chain.

What's done is done. All you can do is try to not repeat the performance if you weren't liking it.


Well-Known Member
when you say out of body, do u sort of mean like distant from your self and actions , not looking over your body, if so it could be some good sativa you had, ive only ever got this once in amsterdam but it doesnt sound as extreme as yours, i just felt distant hard to explain but nice.
Dont know about the blinking thing tho


Active Member
I once hallucinated after smoking. I was very new, and I imagined that I was in a horror movie and the trees were whispering to me. It's not like a real trip where you completely hallucinate, but you have a grip on reality. The other night I imagined something was in the grass after smoking some Cali shit, but I knew it wasn't real.


Well-Known Member
I have had a crazy trip one time when i was at a party I hadnt drinking a sip of beer or anything yet took a rip off a small 1ft bong and within 10 minutes the room started to spin and everything zoned out and like u desribed blotches of black and white were popping into my head and vision. threw up 3 times and found out i had a bowl sprinkled with some china white.... sounds like u got fucked like i did. Lesson here dont take a hit from someones shit unless you saw them load it and always ask wtf it is, cause as i found out everyone there knew it was laced and had been smoking all night like that, well i hadnt done white in a year or two span and havent since then. Cokes for fags, greens for the kings!