is this a bad trip for JUST weed? And did i smoke past my limit?


Active Member
ok, so, last night, i was with some friends and we all got together and we smoked about 1.5, but remember, there is five of us. so i was fine until we left the house. when we left the house i started tripping out. anything i wasnt focusing on started blinking on and off like a slow strobe light. i had a friend next to me and i told her to grab my arm. i could only feel her touching me if she wasnt blinking. anytime she started blinking i couldnt feel her, and i felt out of my body at some points. was i ok? or did i smoke past my limit?


Well-Known Member
stop smokin before you jump off a bridge. thatsweird nver heard of that but i can tell u it was obviously some good smoke .wish my weed did that to me.


Well-Known Member
Wow, the best weed I have ever had never gave me an out of body experience! You might want try small amounts of OTHER weed to see if you start feeling that way again.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like someone slipped something into your drink
yeah for real, do you remember getting raped that night?....... jk
but yea weed cant do that to you, especially if you only smoked 1.5grams with 5 people.


Active Member
If this was only your first or second time smoking, then its possible it wasn't laced.

Some of my friends had some weird symptons after smoking, such as couldn't feel hands, couldn't close mouth, etc.

And as for everything blinking and such, that seems quite normal to me. I always think i see something blinkin when i'm high, or think i see cop sirens all over the place.


Well-Known Member
yeah its true that me when I smoke cherry blunts I feel like I cant stand up straight like as if I was drunk, I loose my balance,
and its not because I smoke too much because it happened once when me and my 3 friends only smoked half a blunt, of schwagg too....
I think its some type of chemical they put in the cherry blunts that i smoke.


Active Member
ive smoked about 10-20 times now, and ive NEVER had this much if a high. i smoked 2 grams with 3 people the day before and i wasnt this bad


Well-Known Member
so do you think someone put something in your drink? did you go to sleep right after you smoked?


Active Member
no, no one put anything in my drink, i didnt drink anything, i just smoked, i had like 5-8 hits off a shoot. it wasnt anything crazy. im just fucking scared right now, and im wondering if it was laced


Well-Known Member
well if it was in the joint you smoked then everyone else would of felt the same thing.


Active Member
no one else tripped as bad as me. but ive only been smoking for a couple months now, they have all been doing it for a long time


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you freaked out.
Everyone smoked the same stuff and didn't feel the effects.

Honestly if you smoke weed again and it happens again..i'd consider not smoking it again to be truthfully honest.

1.5g between 5 people means you must have had about 3 grams. To me that's nothing so I can't honestly relate to what you went through.

I've smoked with a few people who started acting dodgy when they got high. In the south east we call them "fribble heads" Because they say they're experiencing shit like what you said..

Guess that makes you a Fribble head huh. ;)


Active Member
well, this is one bad experience out of mulitipul times of smoking, so i dont think ill stop unless i get this bad again. but i was just scared it was laced. i think i just smoked to much. and we had 1.5 for EVERYONE to share, so it wasnt a whole lot. i am just what we call here in canada a "easy bake" so i was just past my limit i think


Well-Known Member
Yeah sometimes crazy shit happens. After me and my buddy hit a bowl we were walking to go somewhere and he just passed out and fell. After that he turned all white and shit. Scary ass night.

The Banterer

Active Member
I had somewhat similar symptoms the first couple of times I really got high (this was smoking shwag too). Anything that I wasn't totally focused on was sort of like a lite bright where I couldn't see very well. I quickly discovered that these were great times to put on some headphones and space out. Unfortunately, it's been a long time since I've gotten that high, and it only really happened two, maybe three times.