"For the record I am not an auto grower. Just seeking info." - understood.I just learned about DLI recently. You said you use that with the autos. I am curious now. So if one had enough ppfd, h2o and co2. Would one be able to light the room up for less that 12 maybe even 10hrs? For the record I am not an auto grower. Just seeking info.
In theory, yes. Bugbee made a statement a la "We've never been able to give cannabis too much light". Below is one of the graphics from a paper done by Chandra et al at U Miss.

Each curve represents the change in net photosynthesis vs increasing PPFD for a given temperature. To get to 50 mols in 10 hours, you'd need to provide 1388 µmols (50/10/0.0036) and that falls well within the capabilities of cannabis to use that amount of light. I don't know the impact of 10/14 though on a photo in terms of being in flower.
The trigger to start flowering can vary between strains and, IIRC, the longest night time period to induce flowering in 13 hours. I'm not aware of any issue of night time being less than 12 hours. Have you run across anything about that?
This graphic is from the company that sells Photone, the mobile phone app to measure PAR. It doesn't deal with your question, apologies, but think it's a good graphic to have in this thread. This pertains to photos.