both...................wanna learn to like it fdd
i have enough love in my life, thank you though.
both...................wanna learn to like it fdd
Why are you so angry?fuck change.. what they did to cause you to kill them never changes...
it wasnt a slip, i chose to share that detail. i only used pronouns in the first bit so i wouldnt interfere with somebody trying to imagine the situation. and dont worry, im not some kind of psycho obsessed with this shit. women have the ability to hurt me in a very different way than men, so my imaginary scum of the earth happens to be female. im sure u understandI'm a little worried preo' because you went from the victim being asexual, to a chick. Clearly giving away the imagery you had in your mind at the time of writing.
No, I don't think I could kill her.
You cannot know that she would not change. The amount of times I've heard the phrase 'a leopard doesn't change it's spots', it's not true. People change all the time. In fact it can take only a minute to become a completely different person. Realisation hits us all.
sorry man it doesnt work like that. anger and rage are alwase balanced out with other feelings whether or not u choose to display or even acknowledge them. if u werent balanced it wouldnt take long for u to have a complete breakdown.anger an rage are both a direction an a ambition... its all i have known
It must suck to be you.anger an rage are both a direction an a ambition... its all i have known
Yes we all do. Children are a great way to look at the essence of ourselves. They are so selfish and uncaring, until they are shown different, but if you can observe kids without an adult being present you will witness human nature at it's most basic.i think everybody has some part in them that loves destroying, some ppl need to think its justified or righteous tho...
i can totally respect that, theres gotta be some type of balance to the universe. i live in the present tho, if i were to kill the person i wouldnt do it for the after effects. a person like that would enrage me to the point of going into a trance.i would not kill the "person". why kill them? to be a hero. no thanks. i believe in a balance. a balance beyond my control. i am no judge nor executioner.
someone else ive heard of thought a little like this..whats was his name??Hitler something or other??killing is an acceptable part of life...sometimes the weak need to be weeded out..sorry if it hurts but we love to kill deep inside..someof us just like to do it more than others