Is There Anything That Everybody Can Agree On?


New Member
yes. he had some skill as a military leader and was supposedly a very charismatic speaker who could rally support.

but what was said was...

why does everyone hate Hitler so much?
because besides any skill or talent he was a sadistic murderer who believed in the superiority of one race over another. science has proved there is no superiority only very, very minor differences between humans.

anyone who advocates murder has to ask, "who gave me or anyone else the power to judge life or death for a fellow human being?"

what supreme, despicable arrogance.


Well-Known Member
yes. he had some skill as a military leader and was supposedly a very charismatic speaker who could rally support.

but what was said was...

because besides any skill or talent he was a sadistic murderer who believed in the superiority of one race over another. science has proved there is no superiority only very, very minor differences between humans.

anyone who advocates murder has to ask, "who gave me or anyone else the power to judge life or death for a fellow human being?"

what supreme, despicable arrogance.

yes, he was also rather crazy. they say syphillis (sp) but more recently i've heard it was parkinsons. then there was the heavy meth use.


Well-Known Member
yes. he had some skill as a military leader and was supposedly a very charismatic speaker who could rally support.

but what was said was...

because besides any skill or talent he was a sadistic murderer who believed in the superiority of one race over another. science has proved there is no superiority only very, very minor differences between humans.

anyone who advocates murder has to ask, "who gave me or anyone else the power to judge life or death for a fellow human being?"

what supreme, despicable arrogance.
at least im not the only one..if only everything wasnt about self..i probably shouldnt have even posted they are just looking for reactions and i fed into it.respect:peace:


New Member
actully i dont care what anyone has to say other than myself...personally killing is acceptable...hitler was a great leader as well ho chi men...these are just facts....if you cant look at things from angels then dont look at all....people like you annoy the piss out me sometimes there are things called nessery evils....the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few...


Well-Known Member
i got an idea, let's all hijack this thread with trying to say the most offensive things we can think of (...) what's wrong with all you guys? or...what? there's nothing wrong with murder. it's important, in fact, required of the human race.

i think it's gone on long enough.
this isnt a hijacking, this is a few guys making points (rather valid ones) in a discussion. "Is there anything EVERYBODY can agree ON?" me n Az seem to agree on a few things, that goes along with the theme. if we persist on elaborating on our views it doesnt mean we're trying to piss anybody off; personally im just trying to explain my reasoning to ppl who are insulting my intelligence by dismissing what im saying without a second thought. some ppl spend alot of time forming their view of the world in rational but unorthodox ways. maybe u should take some time to consider where their coming from instead of just following ur gut on uncomfortable issues.

"i think its gone on long enough." gimme a break u act like this is some type of planned terrorist attack on decency. i assure u im not trying to get a rise out of anybody by doing this, id head up to the closest grade school in a trench coat if i needed to do that.

anyone who advocates murder has to ask, "who gave me or anyone else the power to judge life or death for a fellow human being?"

what supreme, despicable arrogance.
ur the one thats judging ppl here. im talking about the act of destroying for the sake of destroying. theres no judging involved.
(and once again for the record im not advocating murder. im just attempting to prove a point.)

honestly, i want u to consider what would happen if everybody played nice and never killed one another. the planet would be overpopulated in no time. the population rises every year and thats with all the pointless deaths.

people like you annoy the piss out me sometimes there are things called nessery evils...
u sound conflicted to me man. theres nothing evil about what we're talking about here. animals kill, solar systems blow up. sure its a figure of speech but u do seem to get a kick out of what ur doing. hitler wasnt a great leader, a great military strategist for sure but what he did to his own ppl was horrible. i understand thinning the herd but he wasnt even doing it right.

i swear to god- if everybody would quit making such a big deal about death this world would be a better place. we dont know what happens after death and the only logical conclusion is that nothing happens. as in when ur dead ur no better or worse off. politically-controlled religion and religion-controlled politics have fucked up some ppls heads im tellin ya


Well-Known Member
holy shit i never knew hitler had syphilis. rather funny :mrgreen:

it could just be excuses. but yeah, i've heard several different things. but i'm pretty sure the syphilis is documented along with the meth. then add on the fact there were not the proper meds to treat it. the parkinsons therory came out recently after the whole michael j. fox story hit the news. history people are watching films and noticing the progressive stages of parkinsons. it is rather interesting how someone so screwy in their beliefs can make it so far up in power. makes you wonder about our president. not necessarily a hilter but .......


Well-Known Member
oh and he was gay, and he only had 1 nut, and he wet the bed, and he cried to his lady friends, real pussy.


New Member
yea i have heard the sp thing befor...this is brought up becuse he devotes a whole chapter in"mien kumph"to how sp is an evil...i have heard the parkinsins thing to...also he was givin meth by his most trusted docter he took a pill everyday twice,an got a shot in the morning....also hitler didn't do anything to his own people untill the very end of the you know hitler did not consider the jews to be a part of the third reich....


Well-Known Member
oh and he was gay, and he only had 1 nut, and he wet the bed, and he cried to his lady friends, real pussy.
no wonder the guy had issues. see, if he was taken out earlier simply because he was bad stock alot of bad shit wouldnt have happened. in this situation "thinning the herd" would have been quite a good thing.


Well-Known Member
no wonder the guy had issues. see, if he was taken out earlier simply because he was bad stock alot of bad shit wouldnt have happened. in this situation "thinning the herd" would have been quite a good thing.

ok, i made that part up. i didn't want people to think i was a fan. :mrgreen:


New Member
as funny as that sounds fdd...i wonder how many other things have been made up about adolf that are also lies...that are held as truths...


New Member
Every1 can agree that skunkishy loves to debate with any1......
Only if you disagree with me, then yes. I thirst for knowledge, and if I am wrong I need to be shown why. Often people will make statements without substance, and I like to get to the truth. I've learned loads since joining this site as I can converse with a broader range of people. all my friends are criminals and are not interested in talking about some of the shit I go on about on here.


Well-Known Member
[/quote]u sound conflicted to me man. theres nothing evil about what we're talking about here. animals kill, solar systems blow up. sure its a figure of speech but u do seem to get a kick out of what ur doing. hitler wasnt a great leader, a great military strategist for sure but what he did to his own ppl was horrible. i understand thinning the herd but he wasnt even doing it right.

"i swear to god- if everybody would quit making such a big deal about death this world would be a better place. we dont know what happens after death and the only logical conclusion is that nothing happens. as in when ur dead ur no better or worse off. politically-controlled religion and religion-controlled politics have fucked up some ppls heads im tellin ya[/quote]

if you are talking about taking the life of another human becuase you consider them weak(i know those werent your words but that other fucker)that is evil......and i didnt see anyone making a big deal about death were talking about murder there is a sorry but your points arent valid..if you wanna talk about population control how many people a year does AIDS kill?cancer?heart disease?i think we lose enough life without murder.