is there any way to ONLY get the syup part out of robo?


Well-Known Member
I have a whole whole bunch of childrens robo with only dxm in it, and its syrup and I really don't feel like drinking it all and puking becasue each bottle has 177mg in it... -.- is there any way I can just get the syrup to dissolve and get powder by tonight?


Well-Known Member
Syrup will take very long to evaporate, an extraction would probably be quicker and is definitely safer and healthier.
In the past it has taken several days for hydrocodone syrup to evaporate on my blunt wraps, don't have experience with robo syrup.


Well-Known Member
its not even syrup. Its like a really thick liquid, its not syrup like the other syrups its pretty thin. I just hate the taste and it makes me gag and I know Ill puke it all up. Could the syrup evaporate without the dxm going away faster if I heated it up maybe?


Well-Known Member
Okay thanks, I need to go get sodium hydroxide? Is that in anything that I can find in my house? There is a huge snowstorm going on and I really dont want to drive. Seriously HUGE, look at the forcast for missouri if you care enough its fucking huge. Soo exciting :D


Well-Known Member
Use the agent lemon tek in the erowid link, everything should be easy to find at any grocery store and takes 30-90 minutes. can probably tell you how. ive only taken dxm in powder form... be careful with that stuff man, i went to the 4th plateau and it wasnt fun haha. but it was good.


Well-Known Member can probably tell you how. ive only taken dxm in powder form... be careful with that stuff man, i went to the 4th plateau and it wasnt fun haha. but it was good.
I never extracted it, I just puked :/ We are having a bad snow storm like I said and I couldnt drive to go get sodium hydroxide.. theres no way, I slipped down the parkinglot without even moving, theres no way.

and whats considered 4th plateau? I mean I know its a really high dose like 2000mg or something but the highest I have went is 1500mg, and I was outside of my body. Would that be considered 4th plateau if I am about 160 lbs?


Well-Known Member
I want to do it without the naptha and zippo fluid though, just easier, and I dont have naptha or zippo fluid..

and I know about the plateaus I just meant what was your experience with it?


Well-Known Member
The tek using sodium hydroxide extraction also needs naphtha/lighter fluid.
I think I have only made it to third plateau. I imagine not even having the ability to stand or move at all in the fouth plateua


Well-Known Member
Oh I guess I didn't read it right then lol
But true, on the 3rd plateau during my peak I can't really move all that good, or even find my way to the bathroom for that matter!


Well-Known Member
Haha I know what you mean, at third I can barely get to a safe place to puke. I accidentally let my friends dogs out from downstairs in the process and there was no way I could possibly bring them back down haha.


Well-Known Member
Lol thats when you pass out petting the dogs! I always have bowls laying around the room, I just need to learn to take the time for extractions lol I still havent and I ask questions on this forum about it all the time
yea so i found out it was an actual chemist who made the powder, so unless you some someone with a degree, u cant get the powder hahaha, i wouldnt want to drink the cough syrup. ive only done dxm twice. when i went the the 4th i had only eaten 3 meals in 3 days, and nothing but a waffle on the day, right before i drank like .3 g of some powder. when i peaked i was in such an intense state of emotion i had to get up and puke my brains out. literally, haha. i had a neither death experience and felt like i was dieing and had these crazy flashbacks to when i felt like that before in my life. but i like puked up negative energy it felt like, because after i felt much lighter in my mind and spirit. i had a higher emotional and intectually clarity. pretty amazing and life changing, but i dont feel like doing that again i cant imagine haha.