Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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proof the Edith is flat, look at the UNs flag its a map of a flat earth, why els would they use that

You've discovered... that you're a complete idiot. Jesus H. Let's pray you don't have any real responsibility or have to use good judgement in a job.

And tell mom you want an extra helping of chips tonite.
I just cut & pasted this regarding how the UN symbol came to be:

The UN map was created for the first summit meeting to form the UN. They wanted a symbol that represented the uniting of nations and figured that it would probably become a permanent symbol for the UN.

In the beginning it was centered over America because America hosted the meeting and it only included the northern hemisphere because only northern hemisphere nations were involved. As it grew and more nations became involved it was decided to move it to a North Pole centered flag that included all of the nations.

The map was created to represent the uniting of several nations. It has changed, as those nations have changed to now include to the world.

it was a symbol that had to fit on a coin, hang on a wall, and be a flag
the symbol had to be flat, not the world.
it is a symbol of the united nations, it is not a map of the world
a secret, yet right in front of the entire world clue of a massive conspiracy
it is a symbol that changed as its member nations have changed…that is all
Sure. Either that or I'm right. Don't forget to ask for the Xtra chips, and keep the bag closed tight, 'cause you know how humid it gets in her basement. Even the unemployable should have crispy snacks
Hmmm... I'm thinking I'll retain my intellect and cognitive abilities, thanks.

You can't do math very well, I gather. I understand. Any idea how many millions of people would need to be in on his centuries old gag? A million is a one, with 6 zeros after it. Looks like this: 1,000,000 . Just so you know, that's really a lot. All nations in on the gag?

You're incredibly naive. Incredibly. Be productive. Knit something pretty for yourself
I'm sorry you can't get your mind wrapped around this any better. I really am, because as you can see from the other flatters on just this thread alone, you're not in very good company. You have an affliction. You've been told this before, though relating to other aspects of your life. You've been told you're distant, not connected and dissociated. However you might either be fat and under-energetic caused by some hormonal influence. Do you have man-boobs? If not that, then you're likely ADHD, but don't want to admit it.
Your psychological profiling is off by a long shot, I hope your not getting paid to do that...Nahh there no way are, you work at Wally World don't ya? Or do some form of manual labor
Yes. I work at Walmart. I'm a greeter. Please point yourself out next time you're in and I'll direct you to the book aisle, right next to the globes
I know plenty of manual labour people who's IQs are very well rounded.

I know plenty of academics who are very, well, flat.


There's no end in sight for this thread, is there?
I think you'll find plenty of workers that are very smart.

If you think the world is flat, you're not smart.

There's no end in sight because there's no shortage of idiots
I've never seen a largwr gathering of mentally challenged people in my life

I agree, very few people are capable of critical thinking, they are much more comfortable parroting what they were told in school. Who cares if the actual evidence suggests otherwise. ''The earth is round because my teacher said so'' seems to be the prevalent level of critical thought.
Goddamn you, dude, for resurrecting THE worst thread in RIU history. This is your greatest troll achievement, congrats...

You just think it is the worst thread because you have not been able to debunk it. People instinctually know they are not blasting through the universe at over 3 million miles per hour along with the sun, while revolving around the sun at 67000 miles per hour and spinning at 1000 miles at the equator. It's a lot of rubbish when considered with the adult mind.
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