I already answered that.We never see a meteor or a comet going by at a downward angle, as we should if we are a ball floating in the infinite vacuum of space.
It looks like orion the hunter is in the right position in that pic.Nice try, flipping the photo upside down lol.
Jokes on you... go get a GED
It does curve. See how the ice disappears in the right of the pic? That is the horizon. The reason a horizon. Is possible is because of the curve of the earth. Otherwise with a strong enough lenses you could see all the way across it.Lake baikal,
I found this post on FB, it makes alot of sense to me.
''GLOBE EARTH BUSTED! NO CURVATURE IN RUSSIA!!! Lake Baikal in Russia is the world's deepest lake and also the 7th longest lake in the world at 395 miles long. There's something very unique about this lake. Every year Lake Baikal freezes over completely, except a small part in the source of the Angara. The rest of the almost 400 mile long lake is completely frozen. The only way this 395 mile frozen ice lake is possible is because the lake is flat. There's one problem. If we live on a round globe then there should be a 104,017 ft (20 miles) curve from one end of the lake to the other. That means that one end of the lake should be 20 miles below the horizon from the other end! There should be a 104,017 ft bulge in the middle of the lake! But this is not the case! The frozen lake proves it is indeed completely flat. Besides when was the last time you saw a curved lake? Lol try going to the other longest lakes in the world and see if you can find the curve! You won't because the earth is FLAT!View attachment 3699899
You keep making points that are based on observation.I call it density, because the weight of the ball makes it roll into the middle of the sheet.
I graduated 18 years ago
Go back and stay awake this time.
No I didn't what's your beef man you've take. 3-4 shots at me now in like 3 daysInteresting phenomenon how a contrarian can bring ppl together. For that at least, you all can thank mellowman.
Did suzzi punch odanks ticket again? guess so. That was a bad call- just like another one in the assertion directed at me yesterday in the quote below:
I enjoy saying asinine things on occasion too. I forgive you.
Nothing to see here.
Toilet paper thin logic right there... We took so few photos we musta made it all up. What a moronic connection