Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Dude- profound ignorance here man. Doesn't matter one shit splinter what you draw or conclude with doodles. Doesn't matter what feeble minds you've locally affected.

It has been a reproducible fact for 400 years that this shit is round. All races of man, all political affiliations, all religions have reproduced this simple fact.

So sorry.
I don’t believe it, I know it and teach it. I have actually calculated every moon phase into my model I posted, but you were likely too ignorant.
The wise man knows himself to be a fool. The fool thinks himself to be a wise man.
The polar bear is not just an animal.
The heliocentric model demands a 12 hours change in light every 6 months and a completely indemonstrable and unmeasurable force as well.
Likely too ignorant??
Says the guy that thinks the planet is flat...
And it's not wisdom my friend.
Wisdom and knowledge are very different things.
Circles are round and it's been provable for far longer than 400 years.
can you explain shadows? the curve of the earth?
The sun itself.
or how about mercury or any other planet that we have..
The moon.
the tides. the length of days, seasons...
tectonic plates, the earths liquid metal core, the magnetic core which support the magnetoSPHERE...
If you TEACH this theory of yours to others, you simply should stop.

And man i'd be pissed if I were Australia... I wonder how the sun even shines down there..
Speaking of Australia... care to explain why they get to see a totally different set of stars than the northern hemiSPHERE

the oceans, the Jetstream...etc, etc.
I mean I really think you are messing with us.
Nobody could be deliberately that obtuse.
Its pretty retarded we have a thread that isn't even based on modern theory anymore! Actually, the theory of a flat earth has already been proven wrong wayyyyyy back in 2400 BC and here we sit, with modern technology trying to turn a fact back into a theory lmfao
can you explain shadows? the curve of the earth?
The sun itself.
or how about mercury or any other planet that we have..
The moon.
the tides. the length of days, seasons...
tectonic plates, the earths liquid metal core, the magnetic core which support the magnetoSPHERE...
If you TEACH this theory of yours to others, you simply should stop.

And man i'd be pissed if I were Australia... I wonder how the sun even shines down there..
Speaking of Australia... care to explain why they get to see a totally different set of stars than the northern hemiSPHERE

the oceans, the Jetstream...etc, etc.
I mean I really think you are messing with us.
Nobody could be deliberately that obtuse.

Funny you should mention Australia. I correlate my data with an Australian friend of mine.
There is no curve.
Lengths of days and seasons were completely mapped on my model.
Those are theories "Plate Tectonics, Liquid metal core"
We have never drilled past 8 miles.
We have one stationary point, that is North or center.
All other directions are relative.
It is a magnetic ring with North being center, or a monopole.
They don't see a different set of stars, in fact you can see Polaris from northern parts of Australia.
They can however also see outside of this ring, and witness more stars.
The Jet Stream is actually circular.
The sun’s light works through electrolysis of water. Electrolysis of water will split inert water into highly combustible Hydrogen and Oxygen. The heat from the electrolysis would then ignite the gases or ionize the gas into plasma. Plasma generated from pure Oxygen, is yellow. From pure Nitrogen, is orange. While plasma generated from sea water Hydrogen, is blue. Any leftover Hydrogen and Oxygen would eventually coalesce into clouds, then water droplets.
This is probably a troll hoax thread that are so common here.
Nobody is this stupid.
And trying to prove otherwise seems to be a fool's errand
And I love how we haven't proved that the earth has a molten core... except for umm, lava... and magma... annnd the iron contents of rocks annnd their ferrous content inside said rock which just so happens to prove the magnetosphere switching every 3 to 20 thousand yrs..
the proof is all there, and that's just the tip.
I'm not going to spend time explaining this.
I'd rather go argue defoiliating or flushing for gods sake...
Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sea water Hydrogen
The sun’s light works through electrolysis of water. Electrolysis of water will split inert water into highly combustible Hydrogen and Oxygen. The heat from the electrolysis would then ignite the gases or ionize the gas into plasma. Plasma generated from pure Oxygen, is yellow. From pure Nitrogen, is orange. While plasma generated from sea water Hydrogen, is blue. Any leftover Hydrogen and Oxygen would eventually coalesce into clouds, then water droplets.
so the sun is made from water?
Not helium and hydrogen?
This is groundbreaking.
how does the sun keep from exploding? I mean since it's not round.
Unless of course the sun is indeed round and only the planets aren't...
I mean, if a unicorn with a strap-on dildo was flying around the sun, flinging it's incandescent feces at velocities high enough for them to spontaneously combust... thus causing the entire solar systems heat and radiation...
THAT would be more believable than your theory..

I'm going to retire from this thread.
gonna go home, and lock my door after I get safely inside.

And man if water was so easily separated into hydrogen we'd ALL be driving fuel cell cars.
I also happen to know a foreman in the field of land survey.

I don't understand your first response about posts and magnets but I'm a former land survey crew chief as well. Did it for about 9 years until the bubble burst back in 2008. Not claiming to know everything about the field, but I do know that you must account for curvature and rotation on large surveys. I was lucky to have a data collector that would figure and correct based on latitude and longitude.
I don't understand your first response about posts and magnets but I'm a former land survey crew chief as well. Did it for about 9 years until the bubble burst back in 2008. Not claiming to know everything about the field, but I do know that you must account for curvature and rotation on large surveys. I was lucky to have a data collector that would figure and correct based on latitude and longitude.
You only accounted for latitude and longitude. The only thing rotating is the sky.
Didn't read much of this , but its simple imagine yourself walking a a small ball , there would be no flatness , but if you walk on a really big ball you would never see a curve in the horizon.
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