Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Have you got kids?
Yes I have a kid, but that didn't answer my question. You said that the woman in the picture was your wife I asked if that was your son with her. But since you didn't answer I'm going to assume you married a cougar. Lol, I'm actually exactly 4 weeks older than my wife just in case you ask another irrelevant question and no we didn't go to the same school I get that one a lot. Lol

Trousers, I forget who's sock you are supposed to be.

I'd be satisfied with a primary reference to the negative energy content of lunar photons.
the scary shit about lunar protons is the sheer speed that the negative energy coalesces. The primary reference is so vague that we must extrapolate secondary references just in order to comprehend the variable coefficient ratio of lunar protons to simple solar protons...
Shit is boggling really
far too advanced for a cannabis forum
Last time I tried to understand it I ended up like this here lad

You should know this: good parents discourage their kids from walking in this topologically fraught world of ours. Once they have that skill, what is to stop an intrepid toddler from finding the edge and falling off?
True if there were an edge to fall off. If capable they should be learned, they must work!
Divey who fingered your arsehole. Im a couple years off 40, prison has kept my youthfulness my wife is 2 years younger than me. In this photo a year beforehand my wives 14 yearold brother drowned in our local river, the shock caused complications for her pregnancy, subsequently our son was born disabled. This photo, which was taken at a family bbq, was the first time we switched off from the pain and let our hair down. I think I have been very patient with your troll attemps, but brov Im no pussy, dont try changing your tone to me and Ill let your little slights pass, keep side talking me and Im game to insult sling.
Well that does suck and sorry to hear about your son. But you are the one who brought your personal shit up in a thread about thinking the earth is flat buddy. Not like I was picking on you about your personal life too much just think it's kind of funny you take your stance on the earth is flat so serious you would post a picture of yourself and now you are talking like a tough guy. Lol

Maybe you ain't a pussy but you still think the earth is flat so don't be surprised when people don't take you seriously. I ain't no pussy either but I don't see a point posting my picture and talking tough. Should I post pictures of me, my dogs and guns so we can have an E-war? Lmao

But back on subject, the earth is round buddy try to keep the sand out of your vagina.:bigjoint:
Well that does suck and sorry to hear about your son. But you are the one who brought your personal shit up in a thread about thinking the earth is flat buddy. Not like I was picking on you about your personal life too much just think it's kind of funny you take your stance on the earth is flat so serious you would post a picture of yourself and now you are talking like a tough guy. Lol

Maybe you ain't a pussy but you still think the earth is flat so don't be surprised when people don't take you seriously. I ain't no pussy either but I don't see a point posting my picture and talking tough. Should I post pictures of me, my dogs and guns so we can have an E-war? Lmao

But back on subject, the earth is round buddy try to keep the sand out of your vagina.:bigjoint:
I posted the picture to put a face and to humanize my argument. Through out I have maintained my belief is not absolute, my psudo message is people should be allowed to believe what they want. Look at the behaviour that can be displayed when anyone steers from what is accepted as truth. EACH AND EVERY SOCIETY think they have the 'facts', this ignorance is indoctrinated into us, the authority never changes.
Aren't there four edges of a flat Earth to fall off? I'd be worried..
Not in the model I believe. I believe earth is an ever expanding plain. The only PHYISICAL realm there is, a band width of energy where we can experience this reality. I think our atmosphere limits our exploration capability. I think our sun is locale, has limited power and outside of its limits conditions are such that we cannot survive. I have as much evidence for my belief as any person writing here.
Privately, maybe. Publicly, science, logic, and reason should be at the heart of your argument, imo.
Scientific THEORY is not fact my friend. You can show me a formula and make maths fit any theory. But when asked for evidence, observable repeatable, demonstrable experimentation the common response is non complient. I will point to these experimentation to back my belief in the possibility of us living on a flat earth;
Bedford canal experiment
Michelson + Morley
Michelson + Gail
Sagnak experiment
Rectaliniator experiment
Aireys failure
Now if you wish to educate me with SCIENCE please show me relevant experimentation that proves your heliocentric position.
Your theories might be best-guesses based on your level of observation, experimentation, testing, and reviewing. To proceed from hypothesis to scientific theory, much peer-review is needed.
I posted the picture to put a face and to humanize my argument. Through out I have maintained my belief is not absolute, my psudo message is people should be allowed to believe what they want. Look at the behaviour that can be displayed when anyone steers from what is accepted as truth. EACH AND EVERY SOCIETY think they have the 'facts', this ignorance is indoctrinated into us, the authority never changes.
they are allowed to believe whatever they want.
that's called religion.
And that ignorance is, indeed, indoctrinated at early ages
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