Hang on a sec. Is there an implication here that the earth has an edge? Or, is it an infinite plane, something like that? If you're stargazing and it's really cool do you sit on the edge of your earth like seats at a monster truck show?
These are real questions.
Hang on a sec. Is there an implication here that the earth has an edge? Or, is it an infinite plane, something like that? If you're stargazing and it's really cool do you sit on the edge of your earth like seats at a monster truck show?
These are real questions.
This is how they've rationalized failing science in grade school. It was all wrong info anyway
Show me the edge of the earth.
Use a bigger bolder font...that might help.The scientific method:
The steps of the scientific method are to:
The level water experiments have been conducted and repeated hundreds of times and can be done by anyone. Can you show us any experiments that show the earth to be a sphere? I mean Spheroid? Or is it pear shaped now? They change it so often I get confused.
- Ask a Question
- Do Background Research
- Construct a Hypothesis
- Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment
- Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion
- Communicate Your Results
Done. Hundreds of years ago.
Only an idiot would have a problem with it.
Anyone with a pair of eyes can step outside and look at the moon. Earth casts its shadow on the moon and we can see it's a round shadow. Jeez, stfu, get off the computer, and go play outside every once in a while.
I should have this ready to cut and paste at a moments notice for this educational thread
Your thought process is definitely stationary.
Remember when you told that corker about having a Bachelor's Degree in Law? That was funny.
It is impossible to argue with a religious or political zealot. But your butt hurt sure healed fast, popped right back up like the religious bop clown you are LOL.
Why are you so envious of a piece of paper? Get over it.
Good one.
I would just as soon believe the Earth is flat than believe you have a Bachelor's in anything.
How does your God feel about you telling lies and being completely unrepentant? Disappointed, probably.