Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Keep in mind this is a well documented mental illness, so don't be too harsh. It's frustrating on one level since it's just so bizarrely whacked, but that's the illness.

I talked to a guy at a party who has the same mental illness that sure shot has.
In the first 5 minutes of knowing him he told me that he is a vegan, has no tv and that the world is flat.
It is weird.
Nikola Tesla, "Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."

I quite agree. Math is a tool, not an end. A compass but not the destination. For that we need imagination, clear thinking- and that ever so shortchanged yet essential quality; persistence.
I talked to a guy at a party who has the same mental illness that sure shot has.
In the first 5 minutes of knowing him he told me that he is a vegan, has no tv and that the world is flat.
It is weird.

Is this true? That's crazy appropriate
The Tesla tidbit is fun and only true to a point. Unfortunately I'm sure it's commonly construed as Tesla's dismissal of math-based research. The apparent lack of tangibility associated with math can therefore be dismissed, as well as any associated realm of study such as quantum mechanics. Tesla would not approve of such an exploitation of his quote.
You're right. Maybe I should listen to how there's no gravity, no orbits, no spheres, no science. I should be nicer and smile while the drivel flows.
Science is the art of observation. That's why you don't quite understand Tesla's quote, you don't understand the terminology. You can not call something scientific without observation. Gravity has never been observed. I never said there are no spheres, no orbits. The world is flat. Just because you are in a forest does not make you a tree.
According to your fantastical misconception, this is a Sun far, far, away.Star.gif
When in fact it is a twinkling star, and we still don't know what they are.
[For the " maths experts"
As already mentioned above, the observations made by Eratosthenes could meet the first hypothesis, i.e. the earth is flat and the Sun is very close. Some of the data provided by this brilliant genius even enable us to calculate with accuracy the distance at which this Sun would then have been. In this case, the tangent of the angle of 7.2° would be equal to the ratio of the 800 km separating Syene from Alexandria in relation to the distance separating the Earth from the Sun:
The distance of the Sun would then be found as: 800 km / tan 7.2 = 6500 km approximately from the Earth (that is the value of the Earth’s radius)]
[For the " maths experts"
As already mentioned above, the observations made by Eratosthenes could meet the first hypothesis, i.e. the earth is flat and the Sun is very close. Some of the data provided by this brilliant genius even enable us to calculate with accuracy the distance at which this Sun would then have been. In this case, the tangent of the angle of 7.2° would be equal to the ratio of the 800 km separating Syene from Alexandria in relation to the distance separating the Earth from the Sun:
The distance of the Sun would then be found as: 800 km / tan 7.2 = 6500 km approximately from the Earth (that is the value of the Earth’s radius)]

He didn't subscribe to that hypothesis though, right?
fuk me I thought I had him there but it does also fit with the hypothesis damn, since you are now answering direct questions how do you account for the shadow shape the earth casts on the moon in a lunar eclipse?
Perhaps some were hit hard in the head by a ball as a child. That could explain their fear/hatred of spheres...

I dunno but a psychologist could write a thesis on how mentally ill this all is. Stark raving madness.

Pretty awful, as I'm not thinking that such a person is readily employable. It's one thing to have an affliction. It's another thing to be crazy. No one wants to hang around really crazy people. So I guess crazy people get lonely and post here despite the ridicule. Some abusive attention is better than no attention I guess
fuk me I thought I had him there but it does also fit with the hypothesis damn, since you are now answering direct questions how do you account for the shadow shape the earth casts on the moon in a lunar eclipse?

fuk me I thought I had him there but it does also fit with the hypothesis damn, since you are now answering direct questions how do you account for the shadow shape the earth casts on the moon in a lunar eclipse?
It's not a shadow. In fact, if it was a shadow, that would destroy the oblate spheroid model NASA has gone back and forth from since the 50's.

The mountain he is referring to is Chimborazo. The farthest point from the center of Earth.

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