The fact is that 3 million barrels get to the Gulf at $10 a barrel surcharge than if it went by pipe. The pipeline company said it will popwer the pumps using renewable energy. The extra $10 a barrel buts, 2-3 US gallons of gas? Turning a turbine to make electricity, going by rail adds two gallons of fuel for every barrel, 800,000 barrels a day, so at two gallons that is 1,600,000 gallons of diesel up in the air every day. Even more now that they said they will pump with a net zero emissions.
Unlike many Republicans I have seen the climate get warmer than when I was a kid. The upper latitudes see the changes more. There is a creek a block from my house that I took a picture of ten years ago in February. The reason I took a picture of it was because there was a patch of open water. Never seen that before. We used to walk on it. Now there is not a month that it opens up, it freezes up again but there is no way you can walk on it. Crops we grow now here. Farmers growing corn! This year, the robins still have not flown south for winter. I do get the climate thing, the oceans absorbing the CO2 and getting more acidic. It won't make too much difference to my life, I have no kids to worry about. But I worry for my fellow man. I hope things change. But saying that, to me the pipeline makes sense, the oil is moving to the south anyway.