Is that really me in my avatar ??


Well-Known Member
^^ why are u looking at diffrent women ^^ :D
Oy now, I wasn't thinking anything particularly bad.
And the point of it is that my hunny bunny (Pulp Fiction) was looking at 'em with more of an interest than I.

Not to say you're not good looking, Dalia. Britt would have me arse for saying anythin' to the contrary.


Well-Known Member
she probably thinks everyone is a creep or shes thinking fuck yes people want me maybe all this boosted her confidence and she decided to go out


Well-Known Member
AHhhh, and i'm all over her comment wall...

I Look like such a douchebag! shame.... Have you guys read her first posts? What the hell is up with that?!?!?


Well-Known Member
AHhhh, and i'm all over her comment wall...

I Look like such a douchebag! shame.... Have you guys read her first posts? What the hell is up with that?!?!?

You mean were she is talking to herself......Yeah shes crazy:confused:

I was gonna say something about that but I didnt want to bring it up....LMAO


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Yeah she is gone she violated the restraining order I had on her for stalking. She wasnt to follow me here.Unlike Videoman who had to get a restraining order against his girlfriend has she kicked his ass daily and he feared for his life lol I had to share that pussies story


Well-Known Member
Yeah she is gone she violated the restraining order I had on her for stalking. She wasnt to follow me here.Unlike Videoman who had to get a restraining order against his girlfriend has she kicked his ass daily and he feared for his life lol I had to share that pussies story


Well-Known Member
You guys are fucked do you not ever get laid or what?
well,,isn't that an oxy-moron,,heavy on the moron,,lol,,cuz if there fukked,,they been laid,,,and if they do not get laid,,they ain't fukked

btw dalia,,hope to see you at the March in Toronto,,I may bring shirts with RIU and our nicks on em,,least I know what size to bring for ya,,Size Extra Yeahhhh:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
ok everyone!! i didn't get scared off!! i promise. i just lost internet for a while.

and i don't mind showing my pictures. i hate the laws don't get me wrong.

i am growing but i'm not gonna post up pics and

everything i say on this false.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
To be honest, these pictures could have come from anywhere on the web. It dosen't prove anything. You could be a relative or girlfriend of the person posting...

Dose it really matter?


Well-Known Member
dank you post a pic holding up a RIU sign, and we'll believe that you aren't a trap


But right now, you are on the "to good to be true" list