Is that a hermie? Please help

I am also leaning to the lights being the reason. That one different strain plant I mentioned previously is clean, no sacks no hermies.. so yeah, the strain or the cuts I got were prone to stress. bad luck

I want to say that I did a good job of plucking them, also sprayed with Switch last night, lets see what happens.

Are they gonna keep producing the sacks ? Do they just open once ? I am asking because if I have missed a few of them and they open..I can live with the fact the a few buds will be seeded but not the whole crop. Now if they keep spreading pollen and grow sacks non stop, I will chop them and thats it.
if you have air circulation going, which you should have, the whole lot can and will get polinated if theres flowering females or preflowers anywhere near them.
sounds like your fighting a loosing battle at the moment. ive never had a plant turn hermi on me before, so i cant say if it will continue to produce male flowers. so cant help there
they open once only and job done

if it were my grow, i would get rid of that plant, but thats me, see what others say about if it will continue to produce male flowers, im inclined to think that it will. but wait for other opinions b4 you do anything rash
If the only male flowers are at the same location as they are in last three pics (out of stem, not out of new flowers) I would pluck them and watch them closely. If they start making male flowers in the new flowers I would cull them all. I used to deal with some plants that would make a few male flowers off the main stem, the first flowers really. Then would not do it anymore, unless there was stress through flowering. A lot of Dutch seed would do this in the 90's. If you sex young seedlings the first preflowers have female at one node and male preflower in another, often it will have 2-3 nodes with female preflowers and one male/undefferintiated at the next node. They are the ones that will grow up to make male flowers later on with a little stress has been my experience.
Right now they are pretty much cleaned , some defoliation as well as plucking the sacks. I am sure I have missed some..but I will make sure to keep checking. In 10 days I am spraying for a second time with Switch, hopefully it works.

I have a second greenhouse of plants that are about 2-3 weeks AWAY of flowering. I doubt they can get pollinated in veg, or am I wrong ?