Is secession a good thing?

You try hard to reform my position

no need to.

you already said about your position, and i quote, "i didn't claim it wasn't racist".

so by your own admission, you hold a racist position.

what do you call people who hold racist positions, shit for brains?

answer honestly.
You try hard to reform my position, but logic insists that you are hypocrite.

I hold the position that a person remaining on their property has a right to do what they like on THAT property, even if you or I wouldn't do the same thing Harry Anslinger Prohibitionist mindset guy.

You are okay with some people forcing an interaction with another. I am not.

You say you are against Prohibition, yet you are okay with some people controlling others bodies and / or property.
You know Rob, at some point one must convince themselves that certain people are never going to be swayed in their opinion, and to just let it go.
You know Rob, at some point one must convince themselves that certain people are never going to be swayed in their opinion, and to just let it go.

good job giving moral support to someone who thinks it should be OK to kick people out of stores based on skin color.

fucking jackass white supremacist.
how so. is anyone forced to open a store? forced to make it serve the public instead of being a private business?

answer honestly, shit for brains.

good job giving moral support to someone who thinks it should be OK to kick people out of stores based on skin color.

fucking jackass white supremacist.

I've never said it was okay with me . I've stated dozens of times my preference would be that people DO NOT do that. I believe YOUR disrespect of other peoples property is well chronicled here though.

What you clearly have misunderstood and / or avoided discussing is how is it your business or mine to forcefully determine what another person does with their property or their body if they remain on their own property and seek to avoid a forced interaction?

Your prohibitionist and controlling mindset is acceptable to me when your actions are confined to your property and your own body, but not when they extend to others property or bodies. You've never argued that point, because it falls outside your ability to refute it.

Also, I don't believe NoDrama or I are fucking jackass white supremacist, but I'm pretty sure you are a poopy pants.
no need to.

you already said about your position, and i quote, "i didn't claim it wasn't racist".

so by your own admission, you hold a racist position.

what do you call people who hold racist positions, shit for brains?

answer honestly.

Nice try at word conflating.

My position is that a person that is racist is racist. I am not a racist since I do not hold racist views.

I do, unlike you, respect a persons right to hold a racist point of view and use their own property and body as they see fit. I do not respect a racists or anyones right, to use others property or bodies or force people to interact with them though.

So, you have an authoritarian prohibitionist shit on property rights perspective, while I do not. We both seem to hold racists in low regard, but I am not willing to punish a person solely based on their are.

Plus you suck at arguing.
how so. is anyone forced to open a store? forced to make it serve the public instead of being a private business?

answer honestly, shit for brains.

I'll answer this question if you ask nicely and agree to not to abuse any more property of others.
could you not complain about paying property taxes, so we can all feel good about helping the children.
Why should he? If you have a home that you paid for for 30 years, but because of medical bills and a failed economy can't seem to pay all of the property tax, the house should be taken from you?

That sounds like a renter, not a home owner.
I've never said it was okay with me .

so you argue endlessly for a policy that is not OK with you and which if not allowed would mean brutal slavery and oppression of whites who wish to refuse service to blacks on the basis of skin color.

that's quite the position you've worked out for yourself, spaMBLA.

I don't believe NoDrama or I are fucking jackass white supremacist

you guys are though.
I am not a racist since I do not hold racist views.

you think it should be legal to kick someone ut of a store and deny them service based on skin color alone, and you have said about this position that you "didn't claim it wasn't racist".

so you do hold racist views.

and you often refer to the president by racial slurs.

you are as racist as they come.
Why should he? If you have a home that you paid for for 30 years, but because of medical bills and a failed economy can't seem to pay all of the property tax, the house should be taken from you?

That sounds like a renter, not a home owner.

sounds like you want to be a freeloading mooch.
Why should he? If you have a home that you paid for for 30 years, but because of medical bills and a failed economy can't seem to pay all of the property tax, the house should be taken from you?

That sounds like a renter, not a home owner.
that is not the case here
that is not the case here
Can you think of a reason why someone would not pay their property taxes that didn't include some kind of hardship? Do you hear lots of stories about how thousands of people are not paying it because they just don't feel like it?

I would say almost always it is because of a hardship of some kind, wouldn't you?
Can you think of a reason why someone would not pay their property taxes that didn't include some kind of hardship? Do you hear lots of stories about how thousands of people are not paying it because they just don't feel like it?

I would say almost always it is because of a hardship of some kind, wouldn't you?
Rob Roy does not want to pay his taxes because he feels it is rape and slavery. Hardship is not the case with him.
Not wanting to pay and not paying are two entirely different concepts.
I'm speaking on @Rob Roy who just does not want to pay. He used the system then he complains. Now for those who can't pay because of hardships most local government have it where you can negotiate a hardship exemption or a tax deferral. You can also work out a payment plan as well as.