Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
reported as OMFG LOL.
back on the subject of rules in your society.
if a black man tried to buy gas at a gas station and the racist owner wouldn't sell it to him, would you charge the black man with rape?
also, if your neighbor found out that you had been paying his 7 year old son for sex in a "voluntary agreement" and wanted to kill you for diddling his kid, what recourse would he have against your "voluntary agreement" for pedophilia?
The answer to your first question. I would shun the racist gas station owner and invite others to do that as well. If there were a market need to sell gas to people because a racist was shooting himself in the foot, I'd consider investing in one, if my motive were to make money. I'd sell to anybody that behaved, but I doubt you'd ever get the key to the bathroom.
I wouldn't charge anybody with rape, because I'm not involved in their interaction. If any person, black, white or floor shitter persists in trying to create an interaction on the property of another where they are clearly not welcome, I'd pay attention to that.
I can't answer your second question, as it's not relevant, but it does bring up a question. You had your hand in your pants while you typed that one didn't you?