Is secession a good thing?

reported as OMFG LOL.

back on the subject of rules in your society.

if a black man tried to buy gas at a gas station and the racist owner wouldn't sell it to him, would you charge the black man with rape?

also, if your neighbor found out that you had been paying his 7 year old son for sex in a "voluntary agreement" and wanted to kill you for diddling his kid, what recourse would he have against your "voluntary agreement" for pedophilia?

The answer to your first question. I would shun the racist gas station owner and invite others to do that as well. If there were a market need to sell gas to people because a racist was shooting himself in the foot, I'd consider investing in one, if my motive were to make money. I'd sell to anybody that behaved, but I doubt you'd ever get the key to the bathroom.

I wouldn't charge anybody with rape, because I'm not involved in their interaction. If any person, black, white or floor shitter persists in trying to create an interaction on the property of another where they are clearly not welcome, I'd pay attention to that.

I can't answer your second question, as it's not relevant, but it does bring up a question. You had your hand in your pants while you typed that one didn't you?
some children are capable of making voluntary decisions.

why do you think that some children are capable of making a "voluntary decision' to engage in pedophilia for pay?

would you think that was OK if it happened to your own children or grandchildren?
I would shun the racist gas station owner

no you wouldn't, you would fight for his right to be aggressively and non-peacefully racist like you do every single day here.

racists have no greater friend than you.

I can't answer your second question, as it's not relevant

what if a pedophile paid your child or grandchild for sex, calling it a 'voluntary agreement'?

would you be OK with that happening?
why do you think that some children are capable of making a "voluntary decision' to engage in pedophilia for pay?

would you think that was OK if it happened to your own children or grandchildren?

I'll answer your questions after you take one hand out of your pants and go clean up.
no you wouldn't, you would fight for his right to be aggressively and non-peacefully racist like you do every single day here.

racists have no greater friend than you.

what if a pedophile paid your child or grandchild for sex, calling it a 'voluntary agreement'?

would you be OK with that happening?

Your racist schtick is funny in a shitting on somebody else floor kind of way.

Can you describe how a person remaining on their own land is "being aggressive" when another person comes to their property and insists they will have an interaction?

Isn't the person that stays on their own property behaving in a neutral way and the person that insists they can force the interaction, being the aggressor? Let's try an example to see.

You are hanging out at home peacefully drawing cloud penis pictures with your gerbil friends, waiting for the bad man to stop by, maybe typing some silly retort on RUI with one hand in your pants. Then, there is a loud knock at your door. Who is it you say?

It's me, Rob Roy, I've come to your house to make you tell me all of your dope growing secrets, now lemme in muthafucker!

You - (OH SHIT) Go away... I have an ax you know...

Rob Roy - I'll kick this door in and make you sell me your crayons bitch!

You (opening the door) - Please don't hurt me, please.

Rob Roy - Hey fucker gimme those crayons, I gotta take a piss, where's the bathroom ?

You - (pointing down the hallway) It's down there, gawd I didn't realize you were so big...Please don't hurt me.

Rob Roy (enters bathroom) HEY, there's shit all over the floor in here!!!! (runs screaming from your house)

Now who was the aggressor in the hypothetical story above?
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I'll answer your questions

no you won't, spaMBLA.

why do you think that some children are capable of making a "voluntary decision' to engage in pedophilia for pay?

would you think that was OK if it happened to your own children or grandchildren?
Can you describe how a person remaining on their own land is "being aggressive" when another person comes to their property and insists they will have an interaction?

Isn't the person that stays on their own property behaving in a neutral way and the person that insists they can force the interaction, being the aggressor?

what is the most peaceful, most neutral, most non-aggressive way to kick someone out of your store based on their skin color, spaMBLA?
Your racist schtick is funny in a shitting on somebody else floor kind of way.

Can you describe how a person remaining on their own land is "being aggressive" when another person comes to their property and insists they will have an interaction?

Isn't the person that stays on their own property behaving in a neutral way and the person that insists they can force the interaction, being the aggressor? Let's try an example to see.

You are hanging out at home peacefully drawing cloud penis pictures with your gerbil friends, waiting for the bad man to stop by, maybe typing some silly retort on RUI with one hand in your pants. Then, there is a loud knock at your door. Who is it you say?

It's me, Rob Roy, I've come to your house to make you tell me all of your dope growing secrets, now lemme in muthafucker!

You - (OH SHIT) Go away... I have an ax you know...

Rob Roy - I'll kick this door in and make you sell me your crayons bitch!

You (opening the door) - Please don't hurt me, please.

Rob Roy - Hey fucker gimme those crayons, I gotta take a piss, where's the bathroom ?

You - (pointing down the hallway) It's down there, gawd I didn't realize you were so big...Please don't hurt me.

Rob Roy (enters bathroom) HEY, there's shit all over the floor in here!!!! (runs screaming from your house)

Now who was the aggressor in the hypothetical story above?

I have no idea who you're addressing, but it's fucking hilarious.
what is the most peaceful, most neutral, most non-aggressive way to kick someone out of your store based on their skin color, spaMBLA?

You asked the wrong question again Poopy Pants.

The proper question is, "Is there a peaceful way to go to another persons property and demand they interact with you?"

Your inability to differentiate between who the neutral person and who the aggressor is, is what leads to your inconsistency when determining what is right and what is wrong. You contradict yourself.

If a racists invades your property, he's wrong. If a bi-racial President , that you call black, invades your property he's wrong. If a 17 year old shit werewolf invades your property he's wrong. If the DEA invade your property, they are wrong.
If ANYBODY invades your property, without your consent, they are wrong.

Human interactions in order to be peaceful must rely on consent of both parties. Property rights should be respected, not shit on.
The proper question is, "Is there a peaceful way to go to another persons property and demand they interact with you?"

your question contains false presuppositions, since no one is forced to interact with anyone else.

what i would do is walk into your store and inform you that civil rights was passed as a defensive force against your offensive and harmful racist practices. i would then tell you that if you wanted to continue segregating yourself by skin color, you would have to call yourself a private business, instead of one that is open to the general public.

i imagine you would scream about rape or slavery or some shit, but you would not be forced to interact with anyone of a skin color which you deemed unsuitable.

Human interactions in order to be peaceful

since i was so nice to answer your loaded question, please answer my completely unloaded question.

what is the most peaceful, most neutral, most non-aggressive way to kick someone out of your store based on their skin color, spaMBLA?
your question contains false presuppositions, since no one is forced to interact with anyone else.

what i would do is walk into your store and inform you that civil rights was passed as a defensive force against your offensive and harmful racist practices. i would then tell you that if you wanted to continue segregating yourself by skin color, you would have to call yourself a private business, instead of one that is open to the general public.

i imagine you would scream about rape or slavery or some shit, but you would not be forced to interact with anyone of a skin color which you deemed unsuitable.

since i was so nice to answer your loaded question, please answer my completely unloaded question.

what is the most peaceful, most neutral, most non-aggressive way to kick someone out of your store based on their skin color, spaMBLA?
He will never answer your question because there is no peaceful, neutral, non-aggressive way to be hateful and racist.
He will never answer your question because there is no peaceful, neutral, non-aggressive way to be hateful and racist.

he has acknowledged that his position is racist, and that he holds it, yet he insists he is not racist, he just holds racist positions.

makes perfect sense.
He will never answer your question because there is no peaceful, neutral, non-aggressive way to be hateful and racist.

I understand your position and we agree that some thoughts are disturbing, but if they are not acted out how would you "punish" the person having that thought which you don't like?

The thought police called and wanted to question you for raping that lady you eyeballed at the supermarket.

You know the one, the one you thought, hmm, I'd do her as she pushed her grocery cart past you, oblivious to your mental raping. Oh, you didn't actually rape her, you just thought you wouldn't mind having a fling with her.
You didn't grab her ass, you didn't stalk her and you didn't even make her feel uncomfortable by touching her, engaging her or going to her property and insisting that she interact with you. Were you being an actual rapist or a rapist in your head?

What if she were aware of your thoughts and in no way would she ever want to engage with a middle aged paunchy ex Airforce Laundromat coin dummy? Does she have the right to keep you from engaging her on her own property?

A racist or a rapist may not be thinking the things that you or I like, but if it's all in his head, how were you harmed?

I am not condoning your rapist thoughts anymore than I am condoning the thoughts of a racist. I am differentiating between thought and action. It is the grocery store ladies right to not interact with you, it is your right to think anything you like, but not your right to act upon it.

It is never our right to force people to interact with us on their own property though or to use their body to serve us though unless that interaction is by consensual agreement.

An act of Aggression is an act of action, usually not an act that only occurs in your mind.

I realize you will not address my example and will also be unable to refute it.
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your question contains false presuppositions, since no one is forced to interact with anyone else.

what i would do is walk into your store and inform you that civil rights was passed as a defensive force against your offensive and harmful racist practices. i would then tell you that if you wanted to continue segregating yourself by skin color, you would have to call yourself a private business, instead of one that is open to the general public.

i imagine you would scream about rape or slavery or some shit, but you would not be forced to interact with anyone of a skin color which you deemed unsuitable.

since i was so nice to answer your loaded question, please answer my completely unloaded question.

what is the most peaceful, most neutral, most non-aggressive way to kick someone out of your store based on their skin color, spaMBLA?

Your statement is demonstrably false. Although, you are not alone in your ignorance. However a consensus of the ignorant doesn't change a thing that is wrong magically into a thing that is correct.

Of course people are forced to intertact. Isn't there a monopolistic entity that created pseudo private property and renamed it public accommodation property ? Aren't people forced to interact with that monopoly, and then by extension all of the edicts that are created by it?

You ignore the gun in the room, because you like many others are caught in a mass false dichotomy.

Thank you for being nice. The bathroom is still out of order though, maybe next time.
he has acknowledged that his position is racist, and that he holds it, yet he insists he is not racist, he just holds racist positions.

makes perfect sense.

You try hard to reform my position, but logic insists that you are hypocrite.

I hold the position that a person remaining on their property has a right to do what they like on THAT property, even if you or I wouldn't do the same thing Harry Anslinger Prohibitionist mindset guy.

You are okay with some people forcing an interaction with another. I am not.

You say you are against Prohibition, yet you are okay with some people controlling others bodies and / or property.