is religion merely an unproven theory, in particular the christian faith

as far as following the book to the letter, as nano said, thats's pretty much impossible in this society. the closest thing to biblical law that i can think of is sharia, and i'm not impressed with them at all. i think God, if he exists, realizes that we change and grow as people, and the rules in a 2K+ year old set of instructions don't apply anymore. i highly doubt he'll be disappointed that we aren't stoning people that don't agree with us anymore.
i'm curious, what would you expect to happen if someone could follow the book to the letter, without legal consequences? what result would you expect? some kind of enlightenment? spiritual purity? communion with God? not asking that in a snarky way, either, i'm really curious what you would expect to happen
You have to admit it would be pretty cool if after all there was a god, and you could communicate with him. Have your loved ones healed from all matter of disease. No more handicap . That is a list that could go on. But that maybe just like the book, merely wishful thinking.
You have to admit it would be pretty cool if after all there was a god, and you could communicate with him. Have your loved ones healed from all matter of disease. No more handicap . That is a list that could go on. But that maybe just like the book, merely wishful thinking.

according to christian authority, God no longer speaks to humans, as that is the purpose of the bible.

this guy explains it better than i can. and he's a Christian.
so we're pretty much on our own, God gave us an employ handbook, use it.
if that's your thing.
Lets make it a little bit more simple...Have you or anyone else in this thread read the bible and or prayed to the god of the bible through the name jesus?
Yes, I was in the choir and went to private Catholic schools.

I'm not sure why that has a bearing on what the definition of Theory is? Maybe you are getting it confused with Theology.
go to post #75...
Only way to "test" the bible is probably to die.
The 10 commandments of the Torah are hard to follow and don't have room for any grey areas.

Thou shalt not kill for eg. Lots of solders kill. People even kill in Gods name. People command others to kill. People command others to kill in Gods name. Are all these people damned. (Rhetorical question as none of us can answer it)
So wut would make christianity any less then other religions?

Can I ask you one simple question? Does your name have any equivalents in other languages?

Can code be written with same outcome with different coding languages?

I rest my case
i don't think any religion is a good thing. a lot of people involved in religions do good things, and are good people, but i doubt any leader of any religion would be able to stand up to a thorough investigation of their personal lives.
unscrupulous people will use any means available to take advantage of people, and religion is just too good a scam for them to ignore.
and i think that's the case with all religions. because all religions have people in them, and as soon as you add people to anything, they start to fuck it up.
i don't think any religion is a good thing. a lot of people involved in religions do good things, and are good people, but i doubt any leader of any religion would be able to stand up to a thorough investigation of their personal lives.
unscrupulous people will use any means available to take advantage of people, and religion is just too good a scam for them to ignore.
and i think that's the case with all religions. because all religions have people in them, and as soon as you add people to anything, they start to fuck it up.

Anyone can manipulate the masses with something good to throw you off and make it bad then get the whole thing stereotyped

My point was made, different languages just translate to the same ends.
Anyone can manipulate the masses with something good to throw you off and make it bad then get the whole thing stereotyped

My point was made, different languages just translate to the same ends.
i'm not trying to be dense (it come's naturally) but what exactly is your point? that the bible is the same in whatever language it's printed in? or that other religions are still religions, even though they use a different language?
i apparently missed the post you're talking about.
i'm not trying to be dense (it come's naturally) but what exactly is your point? that the bible is the same in whatever language it's printed in? or that other religions are still religions, even though they use a different language?
i apparently missed the post you're talking about.

Keep on guessing

Am I talking only about Win 7? What about 3.1 and Vista?

Different interface same outcome.....
It is even worse, they actually think there is “evidence”. Not something just religious folks do though, it’s quite common among cannabis growers as well, accepting wishful thinking or marketing or simplistic (mis)perceptions or something they read as evidence.

But you do think 101 years and longer ago anyone tried to prove christianity? o_O

I agree100%!! People like some practice, and then it turns into "evidence" in their minds. Look at the never-ending debate about flushing cannabis...
There is no objective scientific evidence for a "god" of any kind, no. Not any more than there is for the existence of unicorns or Loch Ness monsters. But in my experience people are either wired to accept religion or reject it--sort of like an orientation. There's no point in arguing with an atheist or a theist about their views because it won't change their minds.

Organized religion is what I object to, but I have my own personal beliefs about how things came into being, what happens when we die, etc. The difference is, I believe it's personal rather than something to be preached about & ritualized. That's where me & religion part ways, lol.