is religion merely an unproven theory, in particular the christian faith

My views do not depend on eschewing emotions, but rather, carefully navigating them. Emotions are a wonderful and valuable tool of the human intellect. I believe that if one does not pay attention to emotion, one cannot be fully informed.

The problem is that the more we learn about human intellect the more we learn that emotions can be false. In particular, the problem is that false emotions do not feel any different to us in terms of accuracy. Something can feel so very right while in fact be very wrong. Emotions can be helpful as a sort of executive function indicating what we should do with information once it is verified, but they cannot be relied on to separate what is so from what is not. This isn't just because they are unreliable, but also because, in so many cases, they seem geared to lead us in the opposite direction of truth.

That emotions are useful is actually part of the problem. I say that because in terms of evolution what's useful is not necessarily what is accurate. Protecting ego, ensuring social status and succumbing to superstition are also useful in the right situations. The older parts of our cognition, the ones that rule silently and supremely, are not interested in rationality, they are interested in what's useful.

So yes, thinking and feeling should never be separated, but the fact that something feels right is indication that the something is useful, not that it's true.

I'm struggling with not distilling this to outcome, especially that of being wrong. Do you know what I mean? The mind is a powerful tool, and with its counterpart, real brilliance is achieved. We can stay away from the messy stuff by assigning structure to it. Recently a friend of mine (PhD in a couple of fields related to cognitive functions and hierarchies recently said to "let go of the wheel a little". I could tell she was wanting me to drift some, and so I've tried. Other PhDs I know claim that this is how new discoveries are made.

Either way, it's all pretty cool.
Are you really that insipid?

Wtf are Himmlerites doing on this forum? Ohh wait KKK tokes now...
I dont blame them, being angry and pissed at having a small penis I would toke too lol
Its hard to have a discussion on Religions if you are going to confuse facts with hatred. Pardon the pun but its not Kosher.
I'm out of this forum: I can't believe the anti-Jewish sentiment being expressed. Very sad.

Ppl need to stop stereotyping, the problem is nationalism whether you want to call it fascism, national socialism, Trumpism, Populism, Zionism.

All forms of a patriotic delusion that somehow there needs to be borders to seperate human beings

There are cultures that are trully oppressed and they even never had a recognized land, like Irish, Bereber tribes, Basque and Native americans who truly have the right to call a land their own yet where is their flag?
You seem to be hating to me...
How is what I said hating?

Q, Do Jewish people believe the are the chosen people?

Q. Does the Jewish faith say only they will got to "heaven" or its equivalent?

Q. Are none Jewish people allowed to handle the processing of food for Jewish people?

How is talking about the Jewish religion any different than talking about Christianity or Islam? Why do otherwise normal people suddenly start to throw un founded accusations the moment the word Jew is used?
If we insert Islam into the above questions we get similar answers apart from the third one. Interestingly enough Muslims can eat Kosher food.
Ppl need to stop stereotyping, the problem is nationalism whether you want to call it fascism, national socialism, Trumpism, Populism, Zionism.

All forms of a patriotic delusion that somehow there needs to be borders to seperate human beings

There are cultures that are trully oppressed and they even never had a recognized land, like Irish, Bereber tribes, Basque and Native americans who truly have the right to call a land their own yet where is their flag?
Ireland....Dublin's a great town. I recommend it.