Roger A. Shrubber
Well-Known Member
ahh, blues ok, he just dances to a drummer that plays in 5/4 timeWhy don't you leave and go to GC..........the politics section is filled with nothing but magats like you.
ahh, blues ok, he just dances to a drummer that plays in 5/4 timeWhy don't you leave and go to GC..........the politics section is filled with nothing but magats like you.
I have two revolvers that were made for me by a most talented smith in Mississippi. The heavy one is in .500 L and has ivory Micarta grips. The .22 has genuine ivory from still available licensed elephant ivory. The natural material is distinctive, especially the cross grain visible on the butt surfaces.
I passed on a really nice fat sperm whale tooth Boston 1989. I regret that pass.I started out in the jewelry trade in 1979 cutting mastodon ivory so I know exactly what you're talking about
I've also worked with fresh and fossilized walrus ivory, warthog tusks, and whale's teeth, but I've never worked a bit of elephant ivory
Yeah no scrimshaw on the one I remember
Yeah no scrimshaw on the one I remember
Cabochons?I'm not wild about the scratch- it's modern, probably done in the '70s
Some of the greatest scrimshanders in the world were working with my cabs
Jesus Arick, Gary Dorning, Bonnie Shulte, and the like- I've seen absolutely mind-blowing work
Favorite substrates? I have a weakness for opal and turquoise.
Attachment won’t openI use the term "cabochons" loosely when I'm talking about mastodon ivory- I did cut some ovals and rounds and whatnot, but that's not really what I was doing
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No worriesI deleted it because a google search would reveal my identity