Is photoperiod bullshit?

Mrs. Weedstein

Well-Known Member
My buddy bought a couple clones and is growing them out. He is skeptical that you have to keep a 12-hour period of darkness and avoid light leaks during flower. I will forward your responses to him. Am I full of shit or are these things fairly important?
Thank you, but he is also skeptical that you need to prevent light leaks and keep the plant in darkness the entire time. Is that my bullshit or is that a fundamental principle of marijuana growing?
I have lightoeaks all over but none are enough to make the plant think its daytime - a shit load of light will stress your 12/12 plants but small lightleaks make zero difference and its still pretty dark inside.

Someone trolled that lightleaks cause herms and now everyone believes it but rrally its just troll bait and your gonna get a lot of stuff that in the end was factually very wrong :-)

Not sure what your point is with this post? Yes the moon REFLECTS some of the suns light and can be rather bright when its near full. However it doesn't provide useable light for photosynthesis from anything I've ever seen or read. Thus why plants still flower outdoors even with moon light, and why plants in parks still flower inspite of distant street lights. If you get those street lights too close though they will mess up your plants. Thankfully the moon doesn't stay full or move any closer so we don't have to worry about it.
Not sure what your point is with this post? Yes the moon REFLECTS some of the suns light and can be rather bright when its near full. However it doesn't provide useable light for photosynthesis from anything I've ever seen or read. Thus why plants still flower outdoors even with moon light, and why plants in parks still flower inspite of distant street lights. If you get those street lights too close though they will mess up your plants. Thankfully the moon doesn't stay full or move any closer so we don't have to worry about it.
Illuminance (lux)Surfaces illuminated by
0.0001Moonless, overcast night sky (starlight)[3]
0.002Moonless clear night sky with airglow[3]
0.05–0.3Full moon on a clear night[4]
3.4Dark limit of civil twilight under a clear sky[5]
20–50Public areas with dark surroundings[6]
50Family living room lights (Australia, 1998)[7]
80Office building hallway/toilet lighting[8][9]
100Very dark overcast day[3]
150Train station platforms[10]
320–500Office lighting[7][11][12][13]
400Sunrise or sunset on a clear day.
1000Overcast day;[3] typical TV studio lighting
10,000–25,000Full daylight (not direct sun)[3]
32,000–100,000Direct sunlight
Unless the street lights are led in which case the whole block be stuck in a never ending vegetative cycle... giggity :-)

Not sure what your point is with this post? Yes the moon REFLECTS some of the suns light and can be rather bright when its near full. However it doesn't provide useable light for photosynthesis from anything I've ever seen or read. Thus why plants still flower outdoors even with moon light, and why plants in parks still flower inspite of distant street lights. If you get those street lights too close though they will mess up your plants. Thankfully the moon doesn't stay full or move any closer so we don't have to worry about it.
Much of the growing process has been standardized right here on this site for your convenience. I'm doing my first grow now, and I joined RIU 10 years ago. The more time your friend spends doing research, the more likely he'll be a successful grower right away. I've seen a lot of people jump in head first without doing research, and they end up quitting because their first grow was a disaster and waste of time. The best thing you can do is teach your friend to fish by giving him this website, or telling him to watch grow videos on YouTube.
Much of the growing process has been standardized right here on this site for your convenience. I'm doing my first grow now, and I joined RIU 10 years ago. The more time your friend spends doing research, the more likely he'll be a successful grower right away. I've seen a lot of people jump in head first without doing research, and they end up quitting because their first grow was a disaster and waste of time. The best thing you can do is teach your friend to fish by giving him this website, or telling him to watch grow videos on YouTube.
Kaligrownbudz is were i learn on youtube