Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

Is NASA incompetent or lying, or do you trust NASA?

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I think John Glenn would have to have a talk with you or maybe a cage match to debate that one.
Fuck no. Aldrin is the enforcer.

I'd forgotten about this thread. I just came across it again by accident.

Here's some more stuff I've found since my last post.


Moon Hoax; "Apollo; Hoax Of The 20th Century" Part 1 of 2

Moon Hoax; "Apollo; Hoax Of The 20th Century" Part 2 of 2
"Moonstones" have no possibility to be compared on moon itself, because there is no possibility of a neutral control on the "moon". So, it's permitted for anybody to claim this or that stone would come from the "moon". Also when certain "moon probes" are said having landed on the moon also this is not controllable. And it's not possible to control if these "moon probes" have brought stones or dust from the "moon" to the Earth or not either. At the end the super powers "USA" and "SU" claim together to the public that "moonstones" would be "very similar" to "Earth stones". This "similarity" brings up some new questions (Wisnewski, p.209).

Lunar rover on the moon. Was it a RC model? (Extended Edition)

The proof that the LRO photos are photoshopped

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These anomalies that show the footage was taken in air pretty much close the whole case.

Apollo 15 Rover Traverse Issue
(Be sure to watch at the 3:13 time mark)

The bumpy ride causes the flaps to go up but air is keeping them from coming back down.

This would explain why it looks like they're on the moon.

Apollo 15 flag, facing air resistance; proving the fraud of alleged manned moon landings.
(2:35 time mark)

These two videos show that the flag had started to move before he got close enough to touch it.

Initial Apollo 15 Flag Movement

The flag that moved

This video shows that the flag movement is consistent with atmosphere.

(00:50 and 1:50 time marks)

Physics of the Moon Flag

Physics of the Moon Flag 2

(2:07:26 time mark)
The flag is a vacuum + little gravity what would you expect it to do?
In a vacuum no movement would be consistent with its being hit by a wall of air. It would take ground vibration, or static electricity attracting it, or its being hit by something. Tell us what you think makes the flag move.
Welp, if you can get people to believe that thousands of people have been lying about something like landing on the moon for decades, it's just a hop skip to them thinking that the Republicans are worthy of an American's vote.
In a vacuum no movement would be consistent with its being hit by a wall of air. It would take ground vibration, or static electricity attracting it, or its being hit by something. Tell us what you think makes the flag move.
I watched the clip of the flag allegedly moving before touched idk?
I'd need/like to see the original video.
Meaning one that hasn't been broken down and file shrunk to be Internet friendly, it's then been downloaded and shared god knows how many times.
Here's Apollo 11, Mike Collins died a few days ago, only Buzz is left. Amazing how the 1/2 million people who helped put them on the moon kept their silence all these years. I mean there were tens of thousands of people in a position to know, the "deep state" must be deep in deed. Or perhaps the people who believe conspiracy theories are actually morons who have no operational intelligence to think with. I doubt the Russians would have remained silent, or even Sir Bernard Lovell at Jodrell Bank observatory in the UK.

It's obvious these people have no ability to think or process information, while displaying a profound ignorance, of not just science, but human nature too. As the pictures get better the conspiracy theorist look stupider, as they will continue to grasp for straws. They lack character too and will not admit they are wrong, as well as libeling brave men as liars. What do you expect from fools though, anybody who believes such ridiculous conspiracy theories has shit for brains and no morals at all.

That's a good point from @DIY-HP-LED I can't find 2 people I can absolutely 100% trust forever, fk me one is difficult enough to find, trying to keep a secret between that many people can't happen, there's more chance of me flying to Mars holding my breath.
More evidence that man not only walked on the moon, but also that people who believe and propagate conspiracy theories are stupid and ignorant. The fact that these morons still believe this bullshit is not that surprising, in a world with Trump supporters and antivaccer chickenshit ignoramuses.

If they had any character at all they would be posting apologies for being so stupid and gullible, not to mention libeling the hard work, intelligence, creativity and courage of good men and women.
