Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

Is NASA incompetent or lying, or do you trust NASA?

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Nothing wrong with being conservative in your economic views, its how most people are able to live long enough to see retirement.
Just think if we found a new element on Mars that opened up a whole new possibility in technology that would give us clean free energy forever. Imagine how life would change for the better.

Just think when the Microsoft Consortium gets a metal rich asteroid into orbit around the moon. They use that to build interplanetary explorer vessels and large object, gravity tugs.

Just think when we begin to mine and refine an actual, useful fusion fuel from moon dust.

Just think when we know enough about leading orbit momentum change we can get a giant, spare moon of Jupiter to lead in our orbit, and to tow the Earth outward very slightly year over year. This will be to counter the fact that the sun is heating slightly year over year.

Mars is a joke to make us look "over there." That is unless we intend to swap orbits with it, later.

We all need to read up on Robert L Forward's work on this stuff.
Ever since late '68 when we(USSR) landed on the moon
preparing it for the Great Freedom Cosmonauts of the west
with air, fuel and cameras as agreed in the Helsinki talks a year earlier(wiki)
many in the west have been dissing NASA suggesting that the whole operation was fake
USSR did well outta the deal, we got the Fiats, the TV's and the west phones tech.
not to mention cruise missiles, that many didn't like us having, remember if we couldn't buy it we stole it
just like China is doing now?
NASA bought lots of bucks ...we love them,
shame about DC tho!
Ever since late '68 when we(USSR) landed on the moon
preparing it for the Great Freedom Cosmonauts of the west
with air, fuel and cameras as agreed in the Helsinki talks a year earlier(wiki)
many in the west have been dissing NASA suggesting that the whole operation was fake
USSR did well outta the deal, we got the Fiats, the TV's and the west phones tech.
not to mention cruise missiles, that many didn't like us having, remember if we couldn't buy it we stole it
just like China is doing now?
NASA bought lots of bucks ...we love them,
shame about DC tho!

See how they grow them smart in Russia. Good job.
If we're interested is preserving our biology all we can do for the foreseeable future is put a capsule in orbit with bacteria in stasis and program it to return 5000 years after we stop sending signals to it.
The West and Russia saw in the 60's that humans can screw the planet real well,
and in such a short time too so why can't India and China see that
Don't they see without living humans nobody is gonna buy their led tv's or jeans?
just now with the OPEC meeting in China
the commies have closed of most traffic
to reduce the air pollution ...? dah!!!
until shit like this gets fixed, I hope the humans stay on this planet
avoid screwing up the solar system
Why, you got a bbq next week you didn't want to miss or something?

Xbox 554827 Radiated Edition?

After seeing how much money Sharknado grossed, our species owes the universe our existence.

It was also given a one-night only special midnight theatrical screening via Regal Cinemas and NCM Fathom Events, where it took less than $200,000 in the box office across 200 screenings.[6][7]

Im going to get ahead and assume that your in the us doer?
I would say thats typical american thinking but im not looking to bash anyone for their beliefs on here.
You stated that the earth is doomed and with it mankind than why not stop pumping all your money everywhere else instead and fix the place you live.

more canadians pretending they are superior.


canadia is irrelevant.

nobody even capitalizes your country's name.

not even your own PM

image.jpg You can hate on Canada all you want im not sitting here banging my chest with pride as if this is an issue about geography.
The op asked for opinions on nasa. Not which country is better and all that.
I say what have the trillions spent done to better mankind and u respond with tang.
Yes tang is the miracle that no one else would have ever thought of and was definately worth all that cash. People would never think of ways to move forward except for the dream of intergalactic space travel? So the only time mankind takes a step forward is through nasa.
The same people always seem to find ways to turn what should be an adult conversion into stone throwing and a giant circle jerk.
View attachment 3291246 You can hate on Canada all you want im not sitting here banging my chest with pride as if this is an issue about geography.
The op asked for opinions on nasa. Not which country is better and all that.
I say what have the trillions spent done to better mankind and u respond with tang.
Yes tang is the miracle that no one else would have ever thought of and was definately worth all that cash. People would never think of ways to move forward except for the dream of intergalactic space travel? So the only time mankind takes a step forward is through nasa.
The same people always seem to find ways to turn what should be an adult conversion into stone throwing and a giant circle jerk.

"The Tang Myth

As you can see, the innovative research funded through NASA plays an important role in our daily lives. But sometimes people attribute products to NASA that it actually had no role in developing. The most common misconception involves the fruity powdered drink, Tang. While you may often hear that NASA invented Tang as a space drink, General Mills actually made it for the first time in 1957. It became linked with NASA because it was selected as part of a 1962 experiment to find the optimal foods to eat in space."
