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is it wrong to be a proud white male


Well-Known Member
I’m prude to be me and that is all that matters because I am good enough and smart enough and dogonit people like me.


Well-Known Member
Mr.JD hit the nail right on the head. Africans were enslaving eachother way before whites ever saw they're face. The first slave transaction was between a black and white man! So, I can't point fingers in either direction. Also, I think this site really helps all of us see that we can all come together for one purpose....... one color....GREEN! I see nothing at all wrong with white pride. I don't think any of us live to be shamed no matter the race or color. We have all done our share of clean and dirty work. As long as whatever we have done does not feed hate. I say live on and love it! Being human gives you a desire to proud, no matter the color. I would never deny a person the right to feel proud. That's like denying them the right to be human!

Be proud, whatever your race may be!
On this note I am Proud to be a POT smoker!!! I don't even care if it is legal, I will smoke it anyway. Through out the years all the self reflecting POT has caused me to go through has changed me for the better. Even if I decide to stop smoking I will not regret having smoked marijuana. I may not be the coolest kid on the corner, but I have had the priviledge of meeting and befriending some of the COOLEST people to ever walk on this planet. Which might not have happened had I not smoked POT. I have smoked with Doctors, Lawyers, Police Officers, Gang Members, Band Members, Reporters, TV personalities... no, I will not name drop. You would not believe me anyway, and I have no proof only good memories.:weed:


Well-Known Member
color is only skin deep, it is a documented fact that person A could be of swedish heritage and person B could be Ethiopian heritage but both could have similar genetics, the reason for dark skin on people is from them being so close to the equator your produces vitamin D i believe to protect from suns rays...over time the skin evolved to a dark complection... if you pay attention darker skined people live closer to the equator whiter people live farther away from it.... now with that being said you are a "racist" but, thats not what your trying to be...stick with the proud person perspective if you dont want to be considered a nazi

p.s. some of my info on the vitamin D is probably a little off but not much, google it if you feel like proving me wrong or have more to add to it


Well-Known Member
color is only skin deep, it is a documented fact that person A could be of swedish heritage and person B could be Ethiopian heritage but both could have similar genetics, the reason for dark skin on people is from them being so close to the equator your produces vitamin D i believe to protect from suns rays...over time the skin evolved to a dark complection... if you pay attention darker skined people live closer to the equator whiter people live farther away from it.... now with that being said you are a "racist" but, thats not what your trying to be...stick with the proud person perspective if you dont want to be considered a nazi

p.s. some of my info on the vitamin D is probably a little off but not much, google it if you feel like proving me wrong or have more to add to it
Yes, color is only skin deep... but RACE is bone deep... and deeper. There are a lot of differences among races. Hair, facial features and bone structure for example. Racial differences go even deeper than physical attributes though (like culture for example). Just thought I'd clear that up since this topic isn't strictly about skin color... its about RACE.


Well-Known Member
Racial differences go even deeper than physical attributes though (like culture for example).
i mean dont get me wrong.. I probably am a racist, but i dont really care....i dont hate somebody because of theyre skin color...its more about they way the person lets society see them, like being a loud mouth hood rat for instance, thats what i hate if they just happen to be black thats not my fault.

i guess they fall under the name NIGGER but nigger isnt just a racial comment for me, being a NIGGER is a way of life!

so if you consider me a racist im ok with that :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Look eee here... I am white skinned.. i am brazilian.. i am proud to be white?? or am i proud to be brazilian?? that is the real question...


Well-Known Member
i mean dont get me wrong.. I probably am a racist, but i dont really care....i dont hate somebody because of theyre skin color...its more about they way the person lets society see them, like being a loud mouth hood rat for instance, thats what i hate if they just happen to be black thats not my fault.

i guess they fall under the name NIGGER but nigger isnt just a racial comment for me, being a NIGGER is a way of life!

so if you consider me a racist im ok with that :bigjoint:
Okay let me get this right;

So anyone can be a nigger then right?
You see a loudmouth Asian or dare I say Caucasian you'll call(or see) them as a nigger? Well thats what I think you might be trying to infer but I doubt it.

BTW the way you try to justify what you posted is crap In my opinion. You just tried to associate anyone that might act a fool in your eyes is a nigger.
Did you just state that anyone who fits that criteria is basically black though? And that they live the life of a nigger?

You say don't don't judge by color I get that. You judge anyone by his/her personality/character.
But you might as well be judging by skin tone if you want to bring racism into that equation.

Why did you just underline Nigger along with every pretty much offensive sentence in your post and placed it in bold font?

Way to go bruh:clap::wall:.

Being a nigger is a way of life?
:confused: WTF???
I'm not going to go into an debate with you but you needed to be addressed. By the way; I believe you are racist to an extent but you are in your own category of racism.

One more question, do you say that slur in public?
Don't answer that because it's rhetorical.;) You wouldn't be able to type that post if you did lol!

Grow up:arrow:


Well-Known Member
just like the tittle says......when ever i talk of myself i explain that i am a proud white male.....so the first thought i bet you an most people have is that i am some sort of neo nazi or a skinhead.....but in realty im not...i believe in pride not power an thats the difference.....i hear people say they are proud black males or proud mexicans i bet you dont instantelly think of some black panthers or brown pride'rs just normal people.....

wow I see a lot of post on this subject.

I think the reason people assume you are racist is because you say you are proud to be white, which refers to the color of your skin not your nationality.

If you had said I am a proud Italian, or Greek, or Russian, then people would not assume racism.

Pride of heritage does not come from the color of your skin but your nationality.

There are so many nationalities out there, with histories that span many a many year.

Be proud of your nationality and stop saying proud white man.

I'll bet people will stop thinking your a racist.

Just my two cents worth


Well-Known Member
does ne one have an opinion on afermative action...personally the counter racism in this law sickins me...all laws like these only further the fact that we as a people are different....it should be about the better person not the quata of minirties you need to fill...
Affirmative action has nothing to do with filling quotas.

It is about opportunity.

Since the beginning of this country, the best opportunities have only been available to those with money.

Since blacks did not fall under this category they were only left with a bare minimum to survive.

Even after slavery was abolished the best opportunities were never made available to them.

This being due to racism.

Yes I am all for affirmative action, however i feel it happened to late.



Well-Known Member
I'm white. But my skin color isn't who I am. There's alot more to me than that. Now I have to ask the people that are proud of their white skin...Why? What is their for white people to be proud about? Haven't white people killed, I don't know, MILLIONS of Native Americans, enslaved MILLIONS of africans...Wasn't it a white man who ordered the imprisonment and death of MILLIONS of jews in europe? I could go on but I won't because white people have done some of the most horrible shit in the history of the world...IMO I think people should do some research before they say they have pride for their race.


Well-Known Member
hmm, lotta pages here, too many to read so i'll focus on the OP's thang.
i'm "white" but i see no achievement or element in that to be specifically proud of. it's just what it is. but i'm part english, part scottish, and have many historic, cultural landmarks whatever that give me great pride, and that is what i'd refer to in this case.
i guess part of the reason the "black and proud" thing came about was due to prejudice, and non whites being treated as second class or far far worse in some nations etc. Now i've never really been prejudiced in any considerable way for being white, but for the OP i guess maybe it's different, i aint never walked in his shoes so maybe he feels legitimate reason to assert pride in his race due to the negative attention it get from others where he lives. and stuff
i had no idea i would sound so reasonable when i started to write that. aint life grand :-P


Active Member
We are all brothers and sisters. The only "race" I see is the human race.
Externally we may appear different but internally we are all really the same one.
You should be proud to live and breath as a human on this beautiful earth.


Active Member
We are all brothers and sisters. The only "race" I see is the human race.
Externally we may appear different but internally we are all really the same one.
You should be proud to live and breath as a human on this beautiful earth.
What is this bull? Everybody sees race. I hate the hippies who say all this idealistic stuff like that. All that stupid politically-correct stuff.

Making people say African-American and all that gay shit. Well, if i'm gonna call them African-American, they sure as hell better call me European-American.

That's my 2 cents on the matter.


Well-Known Member
you know what man? let me tell you something. it is never wrong to be proud of yourself or who you are or where you came from, that's not racism. regerdless of color, ok. i'm a proud black man, that's proud of my limited heritage so i dont think i'm any better than anyone walking on this earth, and i hope that my mexican friends are proud of their heritage, as well as my indian friends, african, asian, and yes my white friends. it turns into racism when your pride turns and makes a person hate someone because they are not like them or are not where they came from, and the overwhelming sense of pride makes you think, act , and feel like you are better than that person. that's my loose definition of racism.
but all in all, naw it aint nothing wrong with being a proud white man.
i see that there is alot of interest in this thread so i hope that you get a chance to read this AZ-grower



Active Member
well i just feel like i have to defend my whiteness all the time....lemme ask you when your talkin with someone an they call you a whiteboy how do you feel...they just stand thier like that shit is the thing to say....an with no reflux they say it over an over.....am i the only person this bothers...to me gettin called a whiteboy is the same as me sayin niger,wetback,kyke an so on an so forth...

just think of it like this... id rather be white and be called white girl then ever be any other race because i am PROUD to be white.