Why would you be proud of something you had no control over and happened by pure chance? Doesn't make any sense, being proud of your race is caveman stupid imo.
Again taking pride in your race or sexual orientation is idiotic no matter how much it's talked about or encouraged by whomever. Its primitive collectivism.There is a lot of talk these days about Black pride, Jewish pride, Hispanic pride, and even "gay" pride.
Usually because "reclaiming White history," has racist undertones because 9 out 10 its being espoused by white nationalists aka racist cunts. I only treat black folk trying to reclaim their history differently is because their history has been (for the most part) taken from them due to slavery and centuries of oppression but past that I find black pride to be overall the same thing as I stated above and I think we as a species should move past such non-sense as pride in race, and all that bullshit. But still you can't judge the two on the same level because white people haven't been enslaved and oppressed like the negro, Native American, etc. An X quote for thought.In fact, there is only ONE major segment of the population that is not encouraged to take pride in its heritage and in the achievements of its ancestors. That group is the White Race.
Before you came to the conclusions you've posted in this thread have you studied world history,or the history of slavery,if you had you'd realize that slavery was not & has never been a crime against blacks exclusively,many different groups of people have been enslaved throug the age's,we know blacks were slaves ad nauseaum,the slavery they were subjected to is no different than the forced slavery or endentured servatude many other races were forced to endure through the ages,black slavery was just the most recent example.I think we as a species should move past such non-sense as pride in race, and all that bullshit. But still you can't judge the two on the same level because white people haven't been enslaved and oppressed like the negro, Native American, etc. An X quote for thought.
African american ???????,where do you guys get these ideas & ideals at,seems extremely self serving to me.I find it hard to believe that so called white people think there is actually a white race.
Get over it
African American, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, etc etc those are races
In my opinion this thread needs to be closed permanently
You can argue till the end of the time, to no avail
Point being? Where did I claim otherwise? I'm well aware of the fact that slavery has existed for thousands of years and that many peoples have been subjected to slavery.Before you came to the conclusions you've posted in this thread have you studied world history,or the history of slavery,if you had you'd realize that slavery was not & has never been a crime against blacks exclusively,many different groups of people have been enslaved throug the age's,we know blacks were slaves ad nauseaum,the slavery they were subjected to is no different than the forced slavery or endentured servatude many other races were forced to endure through the ages,black slavery was just the most recent example.
I beg to differ. It's from slavery and all of that is associated with it that have created the problems we see today and I think it's bullshit that white people (primarily not making generalizations, don’t want that to be construed as “laying a guilt trip”t's well past the time that black slavery become's a non issue,its about as relevant in modern day beliefs & values as the enslavement of the jew's in the time of jesus,both play no part in the way the world functions today,and both were praticed by those long since dead & buried.
Why? I'm a Jew, you don't see me going around glorifying every Jew in history that helped humanity progress. That's stupid.Im very proud to be a white man
The black panther movement was a Maoist organization that was trying to encourage self-sufficiency and so on in the black community. It was in no way racist at all as is clear by the writings and views of the leaders. Sure it was race oriented where it should have been class oriented but given the time period it's understandable but more importantly it's ridiculous to compare the black panthers to boneheads.who is no better than a full blown nazi skinhead or black panther
Where have I labeled anyone racist? I haven't, the only things I said that could possibly be construed as calling someone a racist was I quoted Rand in which she said she found certain behaviors to be racist and I said the reason why people consider "white pride," racist is because again 9 times out of 10 it's espoused by white nationalist (racist ass hats). That’s it, no where did I call anyone racist.these people who think this way allways want to belittle a person who openly takes pride in their heratige,then falsely label them as a racist based on an extremely loose definition of race pride that they have built & adapted to suite their own needs.
I own a dictionary thanks and I don't need to look that word up, sorry.The definition of a racist from encylopedia britanica.
And I haven’t, sorry.You just cant make stuff up as you go along to fit your feelings
The black panther movement was a Maoist organization that was trying to encourage self-sufficiency and so on in the black community. It was in no way racist at all as is clear by the writings and views of the leaders. Sure it was race oriented where it should have been class oriented but given the time period it's understandable but more importantly it's ridiculous to compare the black panthers to boneheads.
It pisses me off to no end when people try to turn the black panthers into the black KKK or model form of the black racist.
Really? My knowledge of the black panthers is skewed? Judging from below you don’t know anything about the black panthers and their theoretical roots.Its funny to watch you guys include or exclude history to fit your needs,your knowlege of the black panters is skewed at best,more like a one sided version to fit the needs you wish it to.
How convient for you that you have the ability to be so selective in what you see & what you refuse to acknowlege,you speak of "theorhetical" roots,i speak of reality based topics,you also ignore issues that are happening right now TODAY in preference of focusing on speaches gave by Huey Newton,what a great guy he turned out to be,your shining example of brother hood was a drug addict crack/heroin addict who ended up murdered in front of a crack house doing what he did best,getting high.Really? My knowledge of the black panthers is skewed? Judging from below you dont know anything about the black panthers and their theoretical roots.
As for all of your examples youve got to be fucking kidding me, listen to Huey Newton as he explains nationalism and the black panthers
How convient for you that you have the ability to be so selective in what you see & what you refuse to acknowlege,you speak of "theorhetical" roots,i speak of reality based topics
you also ignore issues that are happening right now TODAY
in preference of focusing on speaches gave by Huey Newton,what a great guy he turned out to be,your shining example of brother hood was a drug addict crack/heroin addict who ended up murdered in front of a crack house doing what he did best,getting high.
Great speech & one im sure you'll ignore.
You choose to ignore these real life day to day hate filled actions these savages are guilty of & prefer to dwell on theorehetorical speeches & writings given decades ago
You base your views on whats convenient for your argument and your views.any of the Black Panther leadership,i base my views on what i see them do,i base my views on how i see them interact with society,
If you do not wish to discuss, or bother yourself with responding to any of the current actions the Black Panthers are guilty of,or prefer to talk in more circles,ranting about the "Theory" of what Black Nationalism is all about than i see no point in going further with this discussion
I was speaking of its theoretical roots because that is the template of the organization; it was how the organization was set up and how it operated IN REAL LIFE. I was stressing this because if you knew anything of political theory you would understand that a revolutionary leftist organization based in Socialist theory could in no way be compared to the KKK, Aryan Brotherhood and other such racist/fascist groups. I mean I cant think of any with half a brain that would make such comparison unless you are totally ignorant of both political theory and of history.
Im not refusing shit, which is a fiction you created and are trying so desperately to prove but sadly for you Im not. I didnt ignore shit and I addressed the modern group who is using the title black panthers, and stated that they are entirely separate group that has no connections whatsoever with the real black panthers and are only using the name black panthers because of what they think (which is a fucked up and wrong view) they represented. They are not the same ideological, they do not have the same organizational structure, they do not share the same goals, etc. etc.
First I wasnt making Newton to be the shining example of brotherhood, or other such horseshit, I quoted him to demonstrate a little bit what they panthers ACTUALLY believed and to show what were there actual goals and what they were trying to accomplish. The original black panthers were more class oriented and were focused on ending racism which they saw as a by-product of capitalism whereas the black panthers today have no coherent ideaology and are concerned with black power.
Secondly, no ones a saint, so he fell into addiction and happen to die because of it but what I want to ask is, what the fuck does that have to with anything? Did you just wiki him and think that would be good to throw in there? That has absolutely nothing to do with what we were discussing which is whether or not the original black panthers could be compared to racist groups such as the KKK.
No, I havent ignored anything youve said and you would realize this if you werent so obtuse. I have stated that yes, the people who are today calling themselves the black panthers are saying some pretty racist shit, and yes they are blatant racist. However for the millionth fucking time they are not related to the original panthers. In fact I remember reading an article where one of the daughters of the black panthers talked about the new black panthers and she herself said her that the new black panthers had nothing to do with what the original black panthers and didnt share the same ideals.
Im not ignoring shit, Im not dwelling on anything and thats obvious to anyone reading this.
You base your views on whats convenient for your argument and your views.
You dont know shit about the black panthers.
I have scroll up and read and then stop and think about what the fuck Im talking about. Ive already explained my views on both groups and why they are completely different and separate and why the original black panthers cant be compared to the KKK, Aryan Brotherhood, etc. and if you cant see that then Im done with it, Im hangin it up because your obviously not comprehending what Im saying.
I'm only on here and post on here when I'm blazed and bored.Dude you need to jerk off, or smoke some budd man. Your negativity is bringing me downnnnnnnnnn![]()
Hahaha,got that rightDude you need to jerk off, or smoke some budd man. Your negativity is bringing me downnnnnnnnnn![]()